Ive read a hell of a lot about out of body experiences for the last 20 years.
Ive tried a lot of methods and all the rest of it. Most never worked for me personally but there was one method that worked sometimes and because of
this method I personally know an out of body experience is a true phenomenon.
I would like to share this method with you all as an option for you to try. And to those people who are going to say "Yeah, I already know that method
and its been threaded here before" I don't give a crap!
The method is as follows:
Write any symbol or anything of your choosing onto your right or left hand in the morning.
Forget about it, don't try to remember it until you see it again
Throughout the day when you see this on your hand, it's purpose is to remind you to repeat something to yourself in your mind.
That is - Am I dreaming?
Think of this as a serious question you are asking yourself.
The reason for this is when you go to sleep and start dreaming, hopefully at some point you will ask this same question in your dream and for reasons
unknown to me, it automatically brings you into full consciousness.
As soon as you ask yourself this question you become fully awake in your dream, such as whats called lucid dreaming.
But in my case, I am straight away above my body near the roof looking down at my body sleeping below on the bed. This is what happens if you want it
It doesn't work all the time for me, but its worked on several occasions when nothing else has.
If you try the above method, eventually you WILL ask yourself this question in your dream, and then its game on!
Hope this helps some people who are interested in the subject and are having troubles.
edit on 28-3-2011 by FoxfilesMulder because: (no reason given)