posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 06:35 AM
While I am personally skeptical (which does not mean "I refuse to believe it’s at least possible," incidentally) of this prediction, I am
genuinely curious about something.
I ask this not because I intend to assert that nothing will happen, but simply because there have been hundreds upon hundreds - perhaps
thousands - of predictions, both short and long term, on ATS which have failed to come to fruition... and that's just in the years I've been
here, which isn't all that long at all comparatively speaking. The difference with 2012 is that it's a prediction that's been around a long, long
time, which gives people a much longer term, longer cycle period during which to invest emotion, preparedness, hope, and anxiety into the coming of
this date. So it would seem natural to me that the reaction if nothing happens - be that reaction pleasant or unpleasant - would be heightened to a
similar degree. Maybe I'm wrong. Hence the question.
Regardless of whether your interests/suspicions lie in Nibiru/planet X, some form of spiritual ascension, ET disclosure, some sort of extinction level
event, a magnetic pole shift, or just a major transition in human affairs, how will you personally feel if nothing happens by the end of 2012? (Or
2011 if you're in the camp that believes the 2012 date is incorrect.)
Would it alter your feelings regarding predictions in general? Would you feel relieved? Disappointed? Would you hold out belief that the date was just
off by a year or so and wait for 2013? 2014? Etc.? And if so, why? On what basis? How would you, personally, feel if nothing happened?
What would you do? And how would you treat similar predictions in the future compared to how you treat them now? The same? Differently? If the same,
why? If differently, why?
Again, this is not an assertion that nothing will happen. As a skeptic, I cannot assert anything because I have no proof as to events that have not
yet taken place (obviously.) I am just genuinely curious about what it is that people are hoping/fearing will happen, and what they will feel if
nothing happens and the year just rolls by like any other. For example, I can say with relative certainty that if something did hapen, I would
have to seriously reevaluate how I look at this prediction. I would have to seriously consider what evidence existed for the events that transpired
being linked to the prediction. Currently I view such predictions skeptically, but open-mindedly. I might be prone to take those with similar
characteristics a bit more seriously (I would remain skeptical of course, but I might take more notice and not be quite so emotionally neutral)
if major events of an unusual or profound nature unfold by the end of 2012. Likewise, I want to know how you will feel and react or modify your
approach to such predictions (if at all) if nothing happens.
Thanks. Peace.