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Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
reply to post by SuperiorEd
Originally posted by SuperiorEd
The links I provided are accurate Hebrew meanings from a historically accurate source.
Really? Because it just seems to me like a reference free web source, while I'm citing Strong's concordance...which is quite possibly the most trusted source on Biblical Hebrew. Now, my source is quite good, I'm just pointing out that there are multiple definitions for each word including the possible "buttock" for Seth.
The meanings are more than the noun or verb usage that you can hunt up.
So...the word meanings are more than the words definitions are useless...
Listen, I'm using a Christian resource here. It's not like I'm on some fringe website.
The meaning is also carried in the lives of each biblical figure listed.
How was Methuselah a "man of the dart"?
Oh, and several of the people listed are mentioned only once in the Bible, in a single genealogy. Their lives aren't documented within the text (separately, there is absolutely no evidence any of them existed).
The implication tells the overall story of man, the fall and Christ redeeming man from the fall. It is accurate, as verified by the links provided. If you bother to read, you will see it clearly.
Um...did you not read your own sources? On Methuselah:
Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names reads When He Is Dead It Shall Be Sent. NOBS Study Bible Name List reads Man of a Javelin. Perhaps less dramatic is Man With A Mission.
Three definitions, one incredibly similar to the one I cited...hey look, you're just cherry-picking definitions. The one on Seth even lists the buttock thing.
Examine the very first link of the thread.
I examined the links, they don't verify your points.
So again, you're wrong.
Originally posted by YAHUWAH SAVES
reply to post by SuperiorEd
This is very timely! I have something that was given to me by our Father only just a few days ago and it to tells a story so you can imagine my joy at seeing you also post this info. The names and the meaning of the names are VERY IMPORTANT! Read the the names meanings that are BOLD font and read a story untold in recent times.
Matt. chapter 1
1 This is the book about the coming of (YHWH) YAHUWAH (YAH-UUU-AH- יהוה) through YAHUW ( יהו or AHlenic-IHY, IY, or IU) the Long Awaited MeoshiYAch (Eternal Loving King of The YAHUWans/YAsarel), the son of DaUWid ( lover of YAHUWAH), the son of AbrAHam ( The Father of The Nation is The Most High YAH).”
2 Ab-rAH-am became the father of YA-saac (YAHUWAH gives laughter). YAsaac became the father of YA’acob (YAHUWAH is raising you up). YA’acob became the father of YAHUWdAH (The Door is YAHUWAH, sn-Judah) and his brothers.
3 YAHUWdAH became the father of PhAHres (YAHUWAH is The Way) and ZerAH (YAH is The Light) by ThAHmar (YAHUWAH makes us stand). PhAHres became the father of ChetsrUWn (dwell in the Courts of YAHUWAH). ChetsrUWn became the father of AHram (YAHUWAH is The Most High).
4 AHram became the father of AmmiYAnadab (YAH is given to The Nation). AmmiYAnadab became the father of Nach-shon-AH (YAHUWAH makes Miracles). NachshonAH became the father of SalemUWn (Perfection is YAHUW),
5 SalemUWn became the father of BoAHz (I steadfastly pursue YAHUWAH) by Rahab (Love heals). BoAHz became the father of ObediYAH (Servant of YAHUWAH) by RUWth (YAHUWAH is my home). ObediYAH became the father of YessaiYA (The Savior is YA/ Salvation is from YA).
6 YessaiYA became the father of Da-UW-id (lover of YAHUWAH) the King. DaUWid became the father of ShalomAH (Peace/Perfection is YAH, sn-Solomon) by her who had been the wife of UriYAH (The Fire of YAH).
7 ShalomAH (Peace is YAHsn-Solomon) became the father of Re-cha-bo-am. Rechaboam (He will prosper His People) became the father of AbiYAH (our Father is YAHUWAH). AbiYAH became the father of AsiAH (The King is YAH).
8 AsiAH became the father of YAH-o-sha-phat. YAHoshaphat (YAHUWAH is The Judge/Decision for eternity) became the father of YAHoram (YAHUWAH is The Eternal Most High). YAHoram became the father of UzziYAHUW (my strength is YAHUWAH).
9 UzziYAHUW became the father of YAotham (YAHUWAH is always there for His People). YAHotham became the father of AHchaz (YAHUWAH reveals). AHchaz became the father of YekhizkiYAHUW (Our strength is YAHUWAH).
10 YekhizkiYAHUW became the father of ManassAH. ManassAH (our food is/is from YAH) became the father of AHmina (I trust in YAHUWAH). AHmina became the father of YosiYAH (YAHUWAH gave us The Foundation).
11 YosiYAH became the father of Ye-cho-ni-YAH (YAHUWAH will finish what He began) and his brothers at the time of the exile to Babylon.
12 After the exile to Babylon, YechoniYAH became the father of ShealiYAel (we will again seek YAHUWAH Almighty). ShealiYAel became the father of Zer-u-Bab-el (I leave the gods of Babel, confusion, Babylon, Baal- “The Lord”).
13 Zerubabel became the father of AbiYAHud (We worship only YAHUWAH our Father). AbiYAHud became the father of EliYAkim (Almighty YA creates strong men). EliYAkim became the father of AHzor (YAHUWAH protects us).
14 AHzor became the father of Tsa-doc (righteousness is life). Tsadoc became the father of AHchim (YAHUWAH awes us). AHchim became the father of EliYA-ud (We worship Almighty YA alone).
15 EliYAud became the father of Eli-YA-a-zar (Almighty YA strengthens us). EliYAazar became the father of MatithYAan (Seekers/Disciples of YAHUWAH). MatithYAan became the father of YA’acob (YAHUWAH will raise us up).
16 YA’acob became the father of YA-o-seph (YAHUWAH eternally provides), the father of MariYAam (proclaim YA to The People), from whom was born He who will be called YAHUW-husha (meaning YAHUW will save/YAHUW our salvation) “the Eternal King of The Family of YAH” (MeoshiYAch) and who is YAHUW (why).
17 So all the generations from AbrAHam (The Father of The Nation is YAH-The Most High) to the Reign of DaUWid are fourteen generations (1400 years, 2424-1023 BY), and from the reign of DaUWid to the carrying away from faith in YAHUW into “Renewed Babylon,” fourteen generations (*1023 BY-376 AY), and from the carrying away into the “New Babylon” to the beginning of the return of The Word of YAHUWAH the Eternal Loving King of YAsarel, fourteen generations (377-1776 AY, the beginning “lessening” of The Great Persecution-as promised in MatithYAHUW 24).
18 Now the birth of YAHUW-shua (YAHUW our salvation) the Eternal King of the Family of YAsarel was like this: for after His mother, MariYAam (proclaim YA to The People) was engaged to YAoseph (YAHUWAH always provides) and before they came together, she was found pregnant by the RUWach QadUWsha The Set Apart Spirit of YAHUWAH for salvation).
19 YAoseph, her fiancé, being a ‘Word-Abiding’ AbraYA, was not willing to make her a public topic, sought to secretly hide her away.
20 As he was thinking about these things, behold, an angel of YAHUWAH our Master appeared to him in a dream, saying, "YAoseph, son of DaUWid, do not be afraid to take to yourself MariYAam, your betrothed wife for that which is conceived in her is of YAHUWAH RUWach QadUWsha.
21 She shall bring forth a son. You shall call His Name YAHUW- will save/The Savior for He will save His People from their sins. For He is YAHUW the Savior, our Salvation, (YAHUW-shua ) The Promised One."
edit on 3/28/2011 by YAHUWAH SAVES because: (no reason given)edit on 3/28/2011 by YAHUWAH SAVES because: (no reason given)edit on 3/28/2011 by YAHUWAH SAVES because: (no reason given)edit on 3/28/2011 by YAHUWAH SAVES because: (no reason given)edit on 3/28/2011 by YAHUWAH SAVES because: (no reason given)edit on 3/28/2011 by YAHUWAH SAVES because: (no reason given)edit on 3/28/2011 by YAHUWAH SAVES because: (no reason given)edit on 3/28/2011 by YAHUWAH SAVES because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by infojunkie2
reply to post by SuperiorEd
Well there you go again SuperiorEd with one of your wonderful post. keep it up and dont be dishearted, you are making a difference, in fact, I am sure that there are many who debunk your post who also lay in bed at night and think of the truth you present.
Seeds are being planted, and yes there are those that have been given over to a reprobate mind.
But still ,that does not stop me from praying for some of these people that I don't even know,
I am sure, that if it hurts my heart the way it does that so many have never experienced the complete love of God, It must really be hurting our God to be pushed away like he is.
please see the link provided It goes along with your thread. God Bless on 28-3-2011 by infojunkie2 because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by KJV1611
reply to post by SuperiorEd
Never heard of this, but if these names truly mean what the video said (and your links provided) then this is truly amazing. The Holy Bible is the most amazing book, and my God and savior Jesus Christ is beyond words. What a mighty, Holy and powerful God we serve. Star&flag
Originally posted by swordwords
I find this interesting because some years ago I discovered that the names of the 12 sons of Jacob and the circumstances of their births appear to provide an outline of the history hidden beneath the Old Testament allegory. For example "Simon" means "something heard" and Levi means "attachment" and this seems to describe the nature of the history provided in the Books of Moses (the Levite) which contain a number of stories which appear to have been borrowed from ancient Sumer. The sons of the Egyptian handmaidens then seem to correspond to time in Egypt. (This works better if a connection is understood between the Hebrews and the Hyksos.) The apparent contradiction in regards to the number and names of the son's of Benjamin indicate that some shuffeling of history occurred at this point and this also seems to explain Benjamin having first one name (Benoni, son of my pain) and then another (Benjamin, son of the right hand).
Originally posted by R3MYxISxBRUTAL
reply to post by SuperiorEd
MAN appointed
Non-recoverable to purchase or aquire to the praise of God
He shall come down dedicating or initiating,
His death shall bring humiliation,comfort and rest
this is strange if you put all the meaning together,can someone find the meaning of this
edit on 03/12/2012 by R3MYxISxBRUTAL because: for got to include
Originally posted by infojunkie2
this post was removed, supposedly because it was too large .... so I will be reposting it in two parts.
Well there you go again SuperiorEd with one of your wonderful post. keep it up and dont be dishearted, you are making a difference, in fact, I am sure that there are many who debunk your post who also lay in bed at night and think of the truth you present.
Originally posted by FarBeyondDriven69
Thats awesome, I really wish I knew Gods true word and not out of a book twisted by man but whats he really wants of us. Sadly I guess we will never really know for sure until we are face to face with him.
Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Originally posted by FarBeyondDriven69
Thats awesome, I really wish I knew Gods true word and not out of a book twisted by man but whats he really wants of us. Sadly I guess we will never really know for sure until we are face to face with him.
How true. The Bible is not approached correctly. It is not the Word of God, yet, paradoxically, it is the word of God in an imperfect reality. Are you shocked I say that?
In reality, Christ is the true Word of God as stated in John 1. The Bible is only a reflection of both man and God together, as in a dimly lit mirror.
1 Corinthians 13:12-13
12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
This point is missed on nearly the entire world and represents the truth an atheist needs to hear. A non-believer sees only his reflection in the mirror and misses God altogether. Why? He is blinded by his selfish spirit and ignores God in the reflection. He's too busy looking at his love for himself to see the one who made him standing right there alongside. The irony here is that God is LOVE. Faith, hope and love are what God offers from the other side of the reflection.
We (mankind) produce a horrible image in the mirror, but God suffers us within his image anyway. We are made within His image as imperfect reflections of Him, so it stands to reason our rendering in the biblical reflection will be a historical depiction of our own imperfect image next to God's perfect image. If we were perfect, we would be Him and the Bible would be the perfect word reflected by our own perfection. We cannot be His perfection apart from entering the reflection back to God alongside Christ.
Suppose God made us in a perfect image of Himself. He cannot make Himself in perfection or it would be a perfect copy of Himself. He can only be one, not two. We can only be an imperfect reflection of Him as an image which is less than Him. How imperfect did he choose us to be? All the way from chaos. This is the process of drawing us closer in a temporal reality where consciousness defies entropy. The universe decays as we climb closer to God in defiance of the material world's love of darkness. The unbeliever makes the choice to follow entropy back to the darkness. The believer seeks the light against the flow of a raging stream. Its a struggle to keep faith, hope and love alive. Revelation proclaims to the believer, "OVERCOME!"
This is a sad aspect of religion. God can be seen in pieces anywhere man is present in the world, but religion holds truth as something of a pride issue with its supposed perfect theology and dogma. God is the only truth, period. We are filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Look at Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad, Krishna, American Indians and so on. If you look, God is there and each of them are filthy rags like all of us. Works are not enough. Christ paid the price to bring us fully back to God by Grace, God's unmerited favor.
I love Hermetic philosophy from Egypt. The Corpus Hermeticum reveals some hidden aspects of God. The Dhammapad is ripe with insight. The Discourses of Rumi are astounding. God is everywhere you look, yet so is imperfection and untruth. This is the Divine paradox. The Bible and all the other reflections of truth that have touched the hand of man will be imperfect and dimly lit. This is why Christ said the true path is in the middle (narrow). God is not the exoteric church and he is not the esoteric new age magic. God is in the middle--the narrow path between all you think you are seeing in the illusion. In my humble opinion, God will not be found in perfection here on Earth except within the life of His true Word--Jesus Christ.
Here is a quote from the Corpus Hermeticum:
8. Then said Poemander unto me, Dost thou understand this vision, and what it meaneth? I shall know, said I. Then said he, I am that Light, the Mind, thy God, who am before that moist nature that appeared out of darkness; and that bright and lightful Word from the mind is the Son of God.
Did Hermes know of the Son of God and that He was the WORD? A dogmatic Christian will say no. I say, stop looking at yourself in the mirror. A mirror cannot reflect itself, only what it sees. We are only the witness, not the judge.
Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
I think this thread is interesting but we have to remember where this came from. --> MOSES.
Moses unlike the Hebrew people was highly educated in Egyptian religions, science, astronomy, written language, math, history, as well as the secrets of the Egyptian high priests and secret dealings in the Egyptian government. He was raised and lived As a Egyptian. He was for all tense and purposes an Egyptian.
As noted by several people many of the names, phases concepts used in his writings about the Hebrews were borrowed from other ancient religions known to scholars at the time.
The Hebrew people were sheepherders. They were wandering nomadic peoples. They had very little if any understanding of other religions, science, astronomy, written language, math, or world history as an educated person would know them. The written language they did use which was little derived from Northwest Semitic languages. Both the written and spoken language went through many vast changes over time. They were a collection of bits and pieces of the common written and spoken languages they encountered.
Their stories of their history were passed around by word of mouth for centuries. It was not until after Moses lead them away from Egypt during their 40 years of wandering around in the desert, did Moses ( the guy with the education) start the undertaking of writing all this stuff down.
If you research the influence of Egyptian on the Hebrew language and culture you will find that many of the Hebrew names were derived from Egyptian names. Moses studied the Egyptian gods and religions. Moses was in a position to incorporate this information into the stories he wrote for the Hebrews. Thus the traditional stories we have of the Hebrews were written and embellished by an educated Egyptian - Moses.edit on 29-3-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: editing