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Should Celebrites Be able to turn Concerts into political events?

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posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 09:21 AM
Entertainers get paid the big bucks because we the people are dumb enuff to subsidize them. Let's not hate them for our own stoooopidity.

Every last one of us has a right to speak our minds. That's the beautiful thing about the United States. If you don't like what they're saying, tune them out. It's not like they have a gun to your head.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 09:32 AM
I do mind paying vast amounts for seeing musicians live, as I would rather have those extra dollars go to hungry children or battered wives or live a slightly better life myself, but thats still my choice, but when someone who hasn't had a hit since the sixties expects people to pay a sizeable amount of money to listen to her/his political opinion it becomes my problem. I came to hear her sing not hear her speak about politics?

My point is simply where do we draw the line? How many of us would like the chewck out clerk at quickie mart to give us an unsolicited political opinion with the groceries?

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris

My point is simply where do we draw the line? How many of us would like the chewck out clerk at quickie mart to give us an unsolicited political opinion with the groceries?

It funny you ask that, I all ways tell people how I feel about the world, government evrything, Im a everyday person,but if you feel strongly about something, put it out there, who cares what people think. If I was in the public spot light, I would be getting my opioion out there every chance I could get. I dont think it is about how much money you make, its who is paying you.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:00 AM
There is an entire industry dedicated to searching through these people's garbage, taking pictures of them picking their noses, and writing articles about their dating habits.

We have turned these idiots into the monsters they are now by paying them so much attention. I suppose they figure if people are interested in who they're sleeping with they must be interested in their political speeches too.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
My point is simply where do we draw the line? How many of us would like the chewck out clerk at quickie mart to give us an unsolicited political opinion with the groceries?

THEY ALREADY DO! You will never convince me that Wal-Mart greeters aren't Masonic plants from the NWO pushing their shiny, happy "consume good citizen" opine like so many smiley stickers on everything that walks through the door.

That cult has my Grandmother and they're not getting away with it.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
My point is simply where do we draw the line? How many of us would like the chewck out clerk at quickie mart to give us an unsolicited political opinion with the groceries?

I'd say go to the Circle K instead of the quickie mart.

I simply refuse to pay overblown ticket prices. I love the Eagles, for an example. They're one of my all-time favorites, but hell will freeze over before I pay the price they're asking. No one is worth that much.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
It funny you ask that, I all ways tell people how I feel about the world, government evrything, Im a everyday person,but if you feel strongly about something, put it out there, who cares what people think.

Very funny that you should say that, because that's exactly the way that I act most of the time. It's to the point that my daughter says she won't go shopping with me anymore, she just rolls her eyes. I thnk it's just her age, though. She always ends up tagging along.

But at work, I walk a very tight line...I deliver computer training to our Fortune 500 customers, and believe me, if I bring up politics at all, I get the hairy eyeball from the students real quick like. Computers have no politics, I guess.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 04:10 PM
Hell yeah they should, it's part of their freedoms........

People might not like it, but i'm sure they've said things other people didn't to hear, difference is people will do the active listening thing where their not really listening, or they will smile and nod and just go along with it...

They won't boooo in your face but because she is on stage and is performing people are more inclined to do that and walk out because she isn't face to face with them.. She's a stranger to all of us, but known to us by her career...

People are slowly being branwashed to pick and choose whats right and wrong.
Maybe even sooner or later it will turn into a double standard kind of freedom of speech thing...

Whatever, it's going to happen, the wheels have already begun to turn and people are swallowing it because they've been underhandedly brainwashed.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 04:22 PM
If celebrities were smart (and generally they aren't), they would shut up and just act or sing. When they open their mouths and start spewing political garbage it just distracts the paying customers from the music or film or tv show. I can no longer watch Martin Sheen because every time I see him all I can think of is an anti-bush demonstrater and I no longer am
able to be entertained by him.

Celebrities don't have access to the same information that those holding political office have. They dont' get security reports. They don't talk to other world leaders about finances or security matters. Most barely graduated high school and ACT for a living. Counter that with DR. Condi Rice who graduated college early, wrote numerous books on the middle east, speaks Russian, and has hourly briefings on the security situation around the world. So who will know more about what is happening - the actor who barely graduated high school and is high on himself, or the doctorate with hourly security briefings from world leaders?

Celebrities suffer from Hyper-Reality. They just don't get it. They can speak of course. It's their right. But man ... do they look stuuuuuuuupid!

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm
She dedicated ONE SONG to Moore. I don't know how many concerts you've been to, or how many performances you've seen, but the performer usually has many commentaries and/or dedications throughout their performance. So what she did is nothing new at all, nor is it any big deal.

Plus she is the talent. She is there and being paid to Perform and Express herself, etc. Be it through Song, Dance, Magic, Lecture or whatever. It's HER SHOW and she can do what she wants to do. Ya know, Freedom of Speech and all.

I love this:

The current owners of the casino banned her from the venue but it appears they won't be the current owners for much longer. The venue is about to be taken over by Planet Hollywood and it looks like Bill Timmins, is current President of the venue will be gone. New Chairman and CEO Robert Earl has welcomed Linda back.

"We hope to be approved by the Nevada Gaming Commission to become the new owners of the Aladdin Resort in Las Vegas as early as September 1, 2004" he said in a statement. "Upon the assumption of ownership, and with a new management team in place, we would like to offer the use of the Theater of Performing Arts to Linda Ronstadt for a second concert and further to take Michael Moore up on his offer to join her on stage to introduce her and sing a song".

Another thing that makes this B.S. is this:

About a quarter of the 4,500 people in the audience got up and left before the performance had finished, Gorgon said.

So 1/4 of the people left and didn't like the comment. Well what about the 3/4 of the people who either agreed with the comment or simply didn't care and just was there to see the show???

Honestly though, that was way out of line and another disgusting event in America, that recently seems to be taking on the mindset of Dictators, Tyrants, Neo-Con Nazi's and similar scum.

1/4 of 1,000,000 is 250,000. Thats a big chunk of change. But i guess a dying musician will try anything to get attention. Thats all it was, she pulled Dixie Chick, trying to get attantion. Atleast Linda did had the courage to say it in the US.

I personally have never heard of this person and don't plan to. Eitherway...i do not agree with Celebs or musicians speaking their minds when people are charged to get in. Her show should have been called, vote Kerry. Oh well, it is almost 5 o'clock on friday and its time to roll.

Shut up Celebs, we don't care anyway.

As for Neo-Con Nazi's and similar scum, who are your eferring to, oh wait another Bush basher. sure you don't mind her speaking her mind when you agree. All celeb need to keep their mouths shut, we don't care. I care more about the fact that she backs Michael Moore with his muckumentary or a kerrycampaignumentary. No fact, just thoughts

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 04:50 PM
FlyersFan says

Counter that with DR. Condi Rice who graduated college early, wrote numerous books on the middle east, speaks Russian, and has hourly briefings on the security situation around the world.

Perhaps you would like to give us a list of the "numerous books on the middle east" Kindasleazy Rice has written. Go ahead, I'll wait while you do your research. You'll be researching a long time, because Rice has never written any books on the middle east.

I would never trust anything this woman says. She is an extremely accomplished liar. She is so accomplished, she can lie without actually saying anything that is false. For a partial list of Kindasleazy's lies, read the following.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 04:51 PM

This is the url I forgot in my previous post. You will have to select Condoleezza Rice as the Speaker and click on Search The Database. I tried providing a direct link, but couldn't get it to work.

[edit on 7/23/2004 by donguillermo]

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by donguillermo
FlyersFan says

Perhaps you would like to give us a list of the "numerous books on the middle east" You'll be researching a long time, because Rice has never written any books on the middle east.

Here ya' go -

It was Russia, not the middle east. Three books.
Also - she entered college at age 15 and is an accomplished pianist.

Still a hell of a lot smarter than the Hyper-Reality celebrities.

[edit on 7/23/2004 by FlyersFan]

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 05:10 PM
FlyersFan says

It was Russia, not the middle east. Three books.

I am well aware she has written books. Like I said, she has not written any books on the middle east.

[edit on 7/23/2004 by donguillermo]

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 05:44 PM
We are still a free country, right ? We're "at war" against those who "hate" our freedom, eh?
Anybody should be able to say anything they want, unless it's filthy 4-letter words in front of small kids. And I think that goes especially for entertainers. The audience has the freedom to boo, or leave, or whatever. I can see the performer's point in wanting to use their "pulpit" , as it were, to try and make a difference, or at least speak their mind. Plus, she didn't do anything but praise a film director.

What if she had praised Bush instead, and the other half of the crowd left?
Would she have been fired then, and berated for being "political" ?

It's interesting how passionate we get about our left vs. right , and in times like this forget that we are all free to express what we want, instead we go, oh ok, she's one of THEM, boo!

It only seems to get made into a big deal if it's "Bush-bashing".
Nobody gave a crap how much was said about Clinton.

Besides, it was previously reported that she dedicated a song to Moore during her show -
it would have been EASY for some party faithfuls to go to the show, deliberately make a scene, and report such a Bush-friendly story. I would not be at all surprised to find that some of those people knew she was going to mention Moore, and planned all along to make such a stink.

Surely not- I guess the American people just won't stand for anybody who might say anything outside the party line.

Kinda like the way I would imagine life under Saddam might have been - you wouldn't praise HIS detractors onstage !

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 05:55 PM
WORDS people, all they are is WORDS. Don't like them, ignore them and enjoy the songs, the magic tricks, the comedy, well, that one was a stretch. I think the problem is that people that you look up to don't share your views, you get upset. They're people too, been said before in this thread. Why would anyone think that because their music speaks to you that they share your political beliefs? Hell, look at the music of the 60's, the most highly politically charged music EVER.

So someone you like doesn't share your political views, you have 3 choices.
1- Ignore it, enjoy the show.
2- Leave, disenchanted.
3- Be a jerk, make a fuss, defecate on the floor if you haven't already relieved yourself.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 07:06 PM
I asked these questions earlier and nobody answered, so I'm asking again...
Would it have been OK for Linda to have written a song about Michael Moore and what she thinks of him? Or does the fact that she hasn't previously written or sung political songs mean that she is barred from ever doing so for the duration of her career?

Those of you who are opposed to musical performers voicing their personal beliefs during their shows, do realize that ALL songs are derived from the author's personal experiences and beliefs, don't you?

Unless the performer is a corporate sell-out, everything they sing about is a reflection of their thoughts, on some level. Every time they put on a concert, they are using their show as a platform to share those thoughts with their audience.

If a "fan" wants a sterile performance, where they can control what songs they hear, they can buy a cd. If they want to go and see a real person play and sing from the heart, they must expect them ,also, to speak from the heart.

Originally posted by FlyersFan
If celebrities were smart (and generally they aren't), they would shut up and just act or sing...
Most barely graduated high school and ACT for a living...

This is brilliant!! Exactly how many celebrities do you know? Since you felt qualified in making the judgement that MOST celebrities are stupid and are without any post-highschool education, you must know the majority of them, right? Have you asked all these celebrity acquaintances of yours about their academic histories, or read their transcripts? If not, then what qualifies you to judge whether or not they are intelligent? Can you provide any verifiable evidence to support your claim that MOST famous actors "barely graduated high school"? If not, then you are guilty of the doing exactly the same thing as those "imbecilic" celebrities you so love to hate, and maybe you should follow your own advice!

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by AntiPolitrix
All celeb need to keep their mouths shut, we don't care. I care more about the fact that she backs Michael Moore with his muckumentary or a kerrycampaignumentary. No fact, just thoughts

If you don't care, then why do you care whether or not she wants to dedicate a song to Michael Moore? If you really didn't care, you wouldn't get so pissy about a stupid song dedication, now would you?

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by jezebel
Unless the performer is a corporate sell-out, everything they sing about is a reflection of their thoughts, on some level. Every time they put on a concert, they are using their show as a platform to share those thoughts with their audience.

If a "fan" wants a sterile performance, where they can control what songs they hear, they can buy a cd. If they want to go and see a real person play and sing from the heart, they must expect them ,also, to speak from the heart.

Excellent point!

Although, I for one could also envision a concert where the songs are the only thing comming out of performers mouths just to appease the "Patriotic" among you.

Let's see...

A few tunes from John Lennon maybe, a few tunes from Rage Against the Machine ... and the list goes on.

P.S. OF course the answers are yes and no respectively to Jezebel's questions.

[edit on 7/23/2004 by Gools]

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