Last week a thread popped up about a French Vogue fashion photoshoot. Pics were made featuring young girls, around 7 years old, dressed up like adult
models, wearing make up, and designer dresses.
The pics were published for the mainstream, in the Vogue magazine. They depicted no nudity, sex, sexual acts, or implied sexual acts.
It is up for debate wether or not this is something we should want as a society, but obviously no legal lines were crossed, since these pics appeared
in a mainstream publication, and no one was charged with criminal conduct.
So why in hell was this material deemed too sensitive for ATS, and why did it have to be moved to RATS, hidden from public view?
Too sensitive for ATS, gimme a break. We talk about murder, genocide and all sorts of sensitive subjects here, videos of natural disaster and
´terrorist´ attacks were thousands of people died, but a mainstream photoshoot, and the following discussion has to be hidden from public view?
Seems like the ownership doesn´t want to be associated with that thread, why?
Bad for business?
I thought the motto was Deny Ignorance.
Part 2 of rant.
The HOAX forum,
[HOAX!]: Dedicated forum for ATS threads that have been proven to be hoaxes, frauds, or part of deceptive schemes on a variety of topics. Topics
in this forum will range from those that have proven to be an actual hoax to those where a significant majority of ATS members believe the subject
matter to be based on fraudulent material.
The thread in particular is a recent chemtrail thread. It is unprovable that the info in the OP is false and deceptive, and especially unproven that
it is a deliberate attempt at disinformation.
I also believe that there is not a significant majority that believes the subject matter to be based on fraudulent material.
The fact that mob rule can determine a subject to be a HOAX without having to prove it, is ridiculous.
Deny Ignorance, jeah right.
It seems that this site is censoring itself more and more.
Let´s see how long this thread remains.
End of rant.
edit on 27-3-2011 by UrgentInsurgent because: to add, spelling