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"Abduction" experience in Ottawa, Canada, but more importantly what I was told and why I'm tellin

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by jonnywhite

''So another words they give a warning and it just so happens that the most fit of mankind, the most able, will be the ones in the best position to make proper use of the warning. If no warning was given then the rich, the poor, the dumb and the smart, they would all be put at risk.''

It's just dawned on me that perhaps the 'message' could be a trick of sorts. According to the OPs account, these greys seem to have an understanding of human psychology, so perhaps what is their real intention behind the message is to subtly 'hoodwink' or flatter those who see themselves as of worth into signing themselves over.

''my, aren't you're a pretty little Earthling, care to step this way..''

WRT the drug reference, the OP seems the sort to understand and be comfortable with their drug use enough to mention its relevance to the account and although ecstasy can be a little 'trippy' they're not enough to cause meaningful hallucinations.

I've had caffeine, nicotine and alcohol today, can I be trusted either?

To the OP - You mentioned they spoke, in what, if any, sort of accent?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:18 PM
Oh come on! Lay off of him. Think LOGICALLY. If you wanted to sell a fake story would you include drug use? no that makes it seem less real. And if you had mildly used drugs but knew you had seen what you had seen. What would you do. And be honest. you would conveniently LEAVE that bit out. Of course a smart person knows this would come back to bite them.

What I would do, trusting in truth, is tell everything that happened whether or not it detracted or added to believability. If he simply wanted you to believe him without concern or truth, then he would never have mentioned drugs.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by oou420

Hey there oou420,

I think you might be quite surprised just how many people there are who have a similar story to tell ... myself being one of them.

It is unfortunate that you had taken some substances prior to the experience because the naysayers will be convinced your experience was nothing more than a residual result of that and dismiss it ... that said the naysayers would still dismiss it even if you had not indulged in any substances ... the fact that you were open about it right at the beginning of the OP tells me one of two things;

#1 It proves your honesty and your account is true.

#2 You are hoping that someone will come along and try to convince you that it was the result of the substances and wasn't real.

My experience took place in 1995 ... here are links to the two threads I made about it when I first came to ATS a few years ago (it is in 2 parts because back then there was a word limit and I couldn't fit it all into one OP ... but both threads cover the events of one night);

I Need Feedback On This 'Abduction' Experience (part 1) -

I Need Feedback On This 'Abduction' Experience (part 2) -

This experience changed my life and if you choose to read the threads then you will see a few similarities between the formats of yours and my experience ... main difference being that I had not had any drugs or alcohol and I was wide awake ... so no chance of it being a dream or hallucination.

If you would like to know about the information I was told and shown during my experience then you can read it all (and there is much) on the website that I created specifically as a place where I could serialize my ebook for anyone with an interest to read for FREE ...

The Atlantean Analysis (laboratory Earth - experiment Man) -

Besides sharing the information that I gained as a result of my experience there are lots of images and videos on the site to compare with and back up the details I provide ... I think it might help you to understand your own experience and maybe show you how to use the information you were given.

You might also realize you're not crazy ... and you're certainly not the only one !

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions I'm happy to help.


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Beyond Creation
To the OP - You mentioned they spoke, in what, if any, sort of accent?

There was no distinguishable accent, the voice sounded almost mechanic. Words that were repeated sounded exactly the same. Like a more perfect version of the computer program that speaks what you type.
Someone else also asked about what exactly was said.
It's hard to remember the exact wording, but the "leader" one started with stepping forward and raising its right hand as i first tried to talk, and went right into his "disclaimer" how i was chosen, to put it bluntly, based on being somewhat, but not entirely believable, considering the circumstances I was in and the circle of people I'm usually around. It then said "no questions will be answered, however if you do not understand, we will clarify. do you understand?" not really words you forget lol.
Then the other alien explained how population drops were a natural part of the course of a population, civilized or not, like mass extinctions are a natural part of life in general on a planet. The difference is they are on a small enough scale that they can be managed, and controlled for the overall progress of a species, which is what's being done. It took about 5 minutes to go though that and mention a few predicted causes for die-offs, basically the specie's internal response to overpopulation and the flooding of populated areas expected in our lifetimes.
Not easy to remember the whole speech, but basically it was very technical and to-the-point. almost the way I would have said it, like the thoughts went to my mind and then my mind made the words of them but I guess not perfectly since they accounted for some of it not necessarily being immediately understandable.
The "leader" finished saying "you can what you want with this information, that's the purpose of us giving it to you"

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by westcoast

I'm with Westcoast on this one. You take care of yourself!!

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by oou420
. . . like the thoughts went to my mind and then my mind made the words of them but I guess not perfectly since they accounted for some of it not necessarily being immediately understandable.

That part sounds 100% plausible.

People without this experience - - could not describe it in such a way.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:31 PM
I guess I won't even get into the argument going on the drugs and whether or not you were dreaming or hallucinating. I am going to make an assumption that what you said really did happen. My question now is why do these aliens even care about a drop off in human population? Why are they here giving us warnings? Seems odd that they would be concerned with only wanting people with the correct genetic makeup to survive.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by taccj9903
My question now is why do these aliens even care about a drop off in human population? Why are they here giving us warnings? Seems odd that they would be concerned with only wanting people with the correct genetic makeup to survive.

Click the link ... it will explain in some depth the potential answers to your questions;

Please don't be put off by the title ... this is not an ebook written from a new-age perspective (far from it) ... every hypothosis I put forward has originated from the information gained during my own experience ... and is backed up with corresponding historical / scientific / archaeological data ... trust me ... it will all make perfect sense !


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:45 PM
Thanks for responding. Given your experience I hope you don't object to further probing but unlike the pesky greys, I do respect your free will so answer as you see fit.

''..raising its right hand as i first tried to talk..''

What were you going to say?

''Then the other alien explained how population drops were a natural part of the course of a population, civilized or not, like mass extinctions are a natural part of life in general on a planet.''

Is this something you agree with?

''''The "leader" finished saying "you can what you want with this information, that's the purpose of us giving it to you"'''

''no questions will be answered, however if you do not understand, we will clarify. do you understand?"''

It seems a little odd to me of their insistence of your understanding yet their apathy towards how you use it.

I've only one rule when it comes to ETs, if they do not respect your free will then they can not be trusted.

Anything meaningful happened since?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 11:46 PM
Nice post OP, an interesting account and worthwhile message. Thanks for posting. What tickles me most is that it was 2010. Most stories of alien interaction I read on here are pretty dated. People post them up but they say "this took place in 1993" etc. I think it's important people come forward with tales of alien interaction from more recent times, whether they were on drugs or not.

I'm confident what you experienced wasn't E or weed induced. Drugs I'd speculate perhaps induce experiences on people would be things like ketamine, acid, shrooms, maybe MDMA - but no, E is not like that. So I guess you stating that, and the ending up on the floor element, actually make it a stronger case in my eyes. Take care

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:09 AM
In response to why they'd care, they never said but I'm guessing they either sold off their "method" to our governments for resources, an opportunity to test and perfect it, or both.

woodwytch, I read your thread, it confirms what they told me about "different levels of exposure" for different individuals, and how ETs seem to mostly contact us remotely. it's technology that has been worked on by humans back in the 80s, entirely plausible that aliens would have it.

BeyondCreation, sorry I'm too tired to actually quote everything separately. I was trying to say something along the lines of "what in the # is this actually happening?" , at the time I thought it might be a hallucination and it took me a little while to exclude that possibility.
According to the ecology courses I have taken in university, a drop in population always follows the kind of exponential growth we're seeing now. Seems reasonable that it would require some sort of management to ensure a population, unlike life in general (which is a lot more resilient, being more diverse overall), recovers.
I don't think they were entirely apathetic to how I used the information, from what they said I'm led to believe it's expected I'll eventually share it, and not be entirely believed.
Nothing that trippy has happened since, however I did have a few legal problems being pulled over at very odd times and in very unlikely places. considering the aliens specifically said they were in cooperation with some agencies on Earth and it may have not been a coincidence that the original event occurred outside of the CSIS building I suspected a connection. Maybe an indirect way of keeping tabs on me and what I'm up to.

Anyone commenting on the OD and accident line, I appreciate your concern lol, but that's not really a significant danger and definitely not something i intend to do intentionally. It's just a bit of a bigger concern at the moment, I also wanted to get this story out because I'm seriously considering taking a job well outside of Ottawa for the summer and I might not get internet access again in time for # to hit the fan in some other part of the world

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by remembering

And you know that because?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:35 AM
So if I'm reading and understanding correctly, those of us who are logical enough to weigh up all options before taking action no matter whether it takes seconds or months stand a better chance of survival than those who either choose to do nothing and those who run head first into death?

Just putting it into my own words, don't mind me. I should be safe then if that is the case.

The thing is though, I have a feeling about this. It could describe the planet's death.

Some on ATS have already said if the planet dies due to natural disasters then they'd rather stay behind and ascend to a higher dimensional plane, go with this planet. "Beware getting aboard ships" kind of thing.

Now I've said before on here that I'd like to go with the ships and see what lies on the other side, I've thought about staying behind and "doing nothing" with others who would rather be like the captain of the Titanic and go down with the ship.

When it all happens though, if it's an event that takes place during our lifetimes, the only way we'll know for sure where we end up is when it's all taking place around us.

OP, do you think they'd consider those who try to think logically while everything falls apart and offer them survival on a new world or would those people like myself have to be told through some medium where to go like the children in the movie Knowing?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:58 AM
Well what can l say, "Take me to your dealer" l'm sorry but someone had to say lt. lol. seriously though, l do believe you. Maybe the drugs raised your frequency which made you more susceptible to theirs. good post and thank you for your honesty. Peace starchild.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 01:25 AM
The story sounds very similar to Rosetta Stoned lyrics.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:17 AM
One thing I do not understand is that when the ETs give these warnings and premonitions they either say they will not intervene or only help AFTERWARDS. if any/some of the come true or we go through them.....a lot of people are going to die and the various species do not really seem to care, feeling that the coming changes will be a good "lesson" for human kind.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by johnthejedi24

When I read your story, three things struck me. First that you were lying in a field, and that you had taken drugs. The third is the paranoia that you may be killed.

Having worked in the ER, and having heard this kind of scenario several times before, I would suspect that your street drugs were laced with something toxic. Combine it with alcohol and your brain is in chemical crisis mode, no joke at all. As for the information you relay, I don't wish to demean you at all, but if you've been on ATS and YT for a while the message has been told before.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by johnthejedi24
One thing I do not understand is that when the ETs give these warnings and premonitions they either say they will not intervene or only help AFTERWARDS. if any/some of the come true or we go through them.....a lot of people are going to die and the various species do not really seem to care, feeling that the coming changes will be a good "lesson" for human kind.

Again, it's like a test of humanity. Why intervene when we should be able to handle situations ourselves and find the answers without help? Whoever was smart enough to survive based on wise gut instincts and calculated hypotheses will be helped after in time before everything and everyone else who chose to remain behind and take their chances with death go kaput.

It's actually pretty smart of them.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 07:35 AM
First of all you used drug.
Second of all there is a possibility that you are joking/lying or whatever.
Third of all if it was true then they are lying, because we have heard all these stories of doom before.

By the way if you use drugs it doesn't mean that every trip is the same and you can distinct the reality from the drug. There is always a possibility that this trip is unusual then normal. So don't act crazy or hurt someone because of the drug.It is in your head. Or stop using drug and see what happens then also with your personal security and if it continues go to a doctor. Those aliens did a very bad job if they wanted to bring the message to humans by kidnapping a person who uses drugs and is not believable.

edit on 27-3-2011 by UFOexisist because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 10:00 AM
The warnings are to account for how we've desensitized ourselves to our natural warning signs, kinda levels the playing field since only members very primitive tribes can still feel natural disasters coming. It's a feeling the constant communication we're exposed to atrophies, but all animals are supposed to have. Think about it, monkeys don't talk much but they act weird and try to dip the # out when there's an earthquake coming.
The ETs are working towards a natural selection process during the die-off, this is supposed to ensure a "good start" for the rest of humanity better than any artificial selection process could. Like I said before, no idea why they're doing this, possibly to test the methods for use on their own population or they simply made a deal.

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