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Supa New~

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:01 PM
I'm an artist, socialist and wanna-be New Zealand immigrant

I'm an American and hoping to fix that soon... and I have also learned the more you know the more likely you are to be depressed at the state of things

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by TyraWM

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:23 PM
hello and welcome to ats hope you enjoy your time here
and look forward to seeing you around the fourms
i am from new zealand my country is a beautiful place
no wonder why you want to come here


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by karmajayne

Wanna trade citizenship's?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by TyraWM

i see you are america i don't need to think about that no way lol
i feel blessed to be born here my country is pretty damn great place
i feel pretty safe here lol
so what made you want to come our beautiful country?.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by karmajayne

My wife is compiling a lists and i speak on the many reasons why we want to become citizens of New Zealand.. lol. Any tips would be highly useful.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by karmajayne

I'll be your bestest friend

The country is crazy beautiful and a lot of people argue with me that America is just as, or even more so as beautiful but I argue back that New Zealand takes care of its country rather have all the mountains blow up, or the rivers full of toxic waste.

The school system is a lot better Americas, I decided when I have children I'm going to wait will we are in new Zealand since all children have the same schooling process. It isn't 'this good school is for the rich kids, and this horrible school is for the poor.'

Also they understand that as parents we need more time and resources with our children then the measly three months of unpaid time off which most new mothers can't afford in this country in the first place. Its like offering us a cake in a glass box but not giving us the hammer or key to open it.

SOCIALIZED HEALTH CARE. The majority of jobs I've worked at don't offer health care, or if they do its a huge chunk of my pay check and I couldn't afford to have it. So I haven't seen any doctor for over 9 years now.

Low unemployment rate, unlike America that has a horrible employment rate.

and many many more reasons...

oh also, I speak the language

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by dwmjr1985

well first of 99% of the population is very nice and welcoming
the best thing i can say we have an amazing country side espech
the south island lots of glaicers and mountians the south is much nicer than the north
i must say( i live in the north lol)
we are home to the bungy jump and there are lots of great options but a very out dorsy country camping is huge here and tons of fun we lots of beautiful native bush and our bushes have no crocs snakes dangerous spider or any of the crazy creatures you have over there so CAMPING IS A MUST ON MY LIST!
also our beautiful coast lines espech on the east cape of new zealand

just a few reasons to add to your list why you should move here


posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by karmajayne

Well the only worker visa i think i could get besides Working Holiday is the Dairy Farm worker visa. Which island has the most Dairy Farms?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by dwmjr1985

gosh thats a hard question both islands so i would prefer the north island myself as it's much warmer in the winter than the south as you would be getting up at 4 in the moring lol
so deff the north if you don't like the cold

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by TyraWM

you can be my best friend but im keeping my citizenship

i wish i could star you i would agree that america is still a beautiful country there is lots of place i would just love to go and see but still doesn't beat living here we are very green country no
necular power and most of our citizens take proud of our green image

but yes our government is not perfect but it does take care of it's people much better than america
and understands the needs of working parents with low incomes we have lots of help from the government
with stuff like that minium wage has just increased to $13 an hour and usally around 20% tax so it's not to bad but there are some really good jobs here if you are willing to put in the hard work

you sound like you have done your research thoug

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by karmajayne

Are their many art jobs in New Zealand?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by karmajayne

Well immigration is a serious thing, my family has lived in America for hundreds of years and to uproot my family tree to another country is something I don't take very lightly. I wouldn't move if I didn't think my future children could have a better life somewhere else. And I know they would have a better life in New Zealand then they ever could in America.

I've seen a lot of photos from New Zealand and it does look beautiful and there aren't any deadly horrible creatures like in other countries with that kind of scenery which I love too.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by dwmjr1985

being that we are a small country if you are in america there would be far less opportunities.

but we do have some fantastic universities and in the larger citys you would find work we are but on export like fruit, vege and dairy are our main big income earners here we have fantastic food here and there is good money to be made before i got all my hospo qualifactions i worked in the feilds picking and q.c (quality control) if you work by contract you can make a killing

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by TyraWM
reply to post by karmajayne

Well immigration is a serious thing, my family has lived in America for hundreds of years and to uproot my family tree to another country is something I don't take very lightly. I wouldn't move if I didn't think my future children could have a better life somewhere else. And I know they would have a better life in New Zealand then they ever could in America.

I've seen a lot of photos from New Zealand and it does look beautiful and there aren't any deadly horrible creatures like in other countries with that kind of scenery which I love too.

yes it is very serious i understand you would want the best for your family and children and yes i believe
your family would have a great life here

america was once one of my favourite country's and as i have got older and wiser not so much
just the government and they way they control you there and every aspect of your lives
would be enough to drive me insane.

The education system is very good here as you may have noticed that i have lack of but it wasn't due to the educational system i was just a typical teenager that took it for granted and
now that bites me in the bum!

i think just the down to earth lifestyle lots of new zealanders live is great
we like to just relax with the barby and beer and listen to some good old reggae
great for the soul most of us live like this very close nit communitys
there is only 2 degress of seperation here

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:51 PM
You mean far less opportunites Art wise correct? Because job wise the United States, the real unemployment rate is possible around 20%

Real Unemployment Rate United States

Where as New Zealand it seems to stay around 6-7 percent

It seems to me, like you stated, there are a load of farming jobs in New Zealand. I'm very willing to even join the NZ Army or Air force.. lol

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