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Police officer sees three aliens? in crop circle

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Dephyle

Control, my good sir. No other reason why. If they were ever to go about building such things, assuming they haven't already, they would need to keep the utmost security in doing such a thing. For you see, if ever such technology were in the hands of the common folk, then there would be no longer any control of the common folk.

Space presents the enemy of all governments. For if it is one thing governments have always have, it's the ability to have a finite location known and under their control to do what they want. Through history dissidents had no choice but to leave the nation and found a new one elsewhere. but now we see a change. The earth is no longer open for dissidents. The governments of the world have control. people can no longer leave any more. You are here, on Earth, doing what they want. But what if space was open? Well then, government would be obsolete. For if the stars were open for man, no government would ever be able to control the people nor exercise power. For the second they did, their people would simple leave. Government would become nothing more than a slave.

So thus, the people who can make these things do not want to. For the risk is far far far greater than any benefit. With space, comes an end to tyranny. Total freedom to be whoever you want wherever you want. You just pick a star, and go away from your troubles.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

As with your other posts, very logical. Their greed for money, which I brought up, would indeed be surpassed by their greed for power. Without us under their thumbs, the governments of the world would just be another Earthling. You definitely have a way of getting the ol' gears turning, Gorman
Any chance you'd want to author a thread on this?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by woghd

Originally posted by StopFearMongering
reply to post by littlezeta

I'm not a hardcore believer in aliens or anything but I decided to wikipedia them. Anyways I found this: I don't know if anyone made that connection but oh well, interesting post

"Wikipedia does not have an article with this name."

Waste of time.

Ok, spaz, settle down. Look up Nordic Aliens.
From the article: Nordic aliens, also referred to as Aryan aliens, one group of which are said to be Pleiadeans, are said by contactees and UFOlogists to be a group of humanoid extraterrestrials who resemble European racial images, or more specifically Nordic-Scandinavians, characteristically 1.8 to 2.4 meters with white (pink) skin, blue eyes, light blond or white hair, and commonly reported as being male.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:30 AM
If you use Google Maps you can spot 2 crop circles a bit North of Silburry Hill, between the Hill and A4361 and between Siburry Hill and Beckhampton Rd.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 11:49 AM
This is kind of an old story at this point - although I think it's study is still ongoing.

We did a show with Colin where we discussed this (Episode 44), and then another roundtable on the crop circle issue (episode 47). The roundtable focuses partially upon the major crop formation makers being associated with MI5 - and yes, there's some pretty compelling stuff to suggest that.

Many years ago, Terence McKenna suggested that crop formations were likely made MI5 for reasons of destroying those involved in the research of them - and also of potentially polluting the genuine article.

Both are located in our archives via

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Dephyle

err. Kind of had a thread about FTL devices a long time ago with some success. As to why the governments of the world ran away from space once they realized it would destroy them, perhaps some time when there is time.

But you should see that fact. Notice the subtle downplay of humans in space as time went on from landing on the moon. We definably did land on the moon. And when the governments of the world saw man able to completely remove themselves from their power, nothing short of fear struck them. This is why you will live to see space probes leave the solar system and go faster than light to other places, but you likely will never see in your life a human colonist off this planet without the government first figuring out how to establish control over them first.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Sanjur0
What I find remarkable is the huge amount of skepticism.

Try and imagine. This police officer, what will he gain with this story? Money? I dont think so.
The only thing he will gain is ridicule, but still he still does it, why? Because he probably is really convinced of what he saw. Now does that mean anything to you?
For the past century hundreds of thousands of people have been reporting similar events. Are they all crazy? Is that what you're implying? Are they all delusional and psychotic?
Note that these reports are so often done by the most average layman. You're everyday type of person.
Is it so strange to assume they might be telling the truth, at least in regard to their perceptions?

That's the policeman who is not named where there is no evidence said person actually exists and with no actual documentary record of the whole event except on the website linked to earlier in the thread which belongs to an 'investigator' who doesn't seem to have the most honoured credentials?

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by greyer

I went through the same phase. That was a phase where I bought into the disinfo. Crop circles are real. SOME of them are not real. So be sure and re-associate crop circles with some type of extra dimensional being because it's accurate.

Carry on....


posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by littlezeta

"A police officer sees three aliens"
This is just another one of those mysterious "persons that observe aliens" type of urban legends.
The addition is he is a policeman which adds some believability to the story because he is a figure of authority.
Yet nobody can provide a name of the police officer. All too convenient.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by AOA2012
Those look like nephilim. Six fingers, at least 15ft tall.
I would not approach these beings in fear of being eaten or some crap.
Great thread tho!

You come to that conclusion from an artist's impression (drawing) of what the aliens may have looked like?!!
Amazing...totally amazing...

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by spikey
Did you notice that in the image with the military chopper, there is what appear to *BE* three white figures, near the top of the mound?!

Nope, and I don't know how you did either considering the quality of the picture.

Coincidence? Was this image snapped on the same day as the policeman had his encounter?

Perhaps they hang around the area a fair bit.

Who? The choppers, the coppers or the non existant white figures?

I'd hazard a guess though, that whoever the three figures are, they are almost certainly deaf or have limited frequency/pitch detection..probably from birth.

First of all it hasn't been established if there really were three white figures, ever, on the day the "policeman" was alleged to have seen them or when the photo of the helicopters was taken, yet you give a description of their physical impairments and their medical history?!! Huh?!! How do you do that?

The copper shouted to them, but they ignored him, not even bothering to glance upward. Not bothering or didn't actually hear the shouting, because they're deaf?

If they're a species that are indeed naturally deaf, they would more than likely compensate somehow. Perhaps telepathy, natural or artificially augmented would be a method they'd use.

I'd also guess the 'static like' crackling 'field' at the edge of the field, that the copper said he only noticed upon entering the field, must have been a security device that would raise a silent alarm among the beings, maybe an implant sent electrical signals to their brains when the force field is tripped - in this case by the copper, walking into it's perimeter.

Maybe he stepped on the tail of their invisible but totally mute, alien cat who scooted off between their legs thus alerting them to constable plods existance.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:47 AM
I'm not sure how many of you contributing to this thread are from the UK, or remember the early years of cerealogy in England. For those of you not in both categories, it may seem odd to say that Colin Andrews doesn't always command the same respect in the UK as he does elsewhere.

Given his track record, I for one look carefully at each claim he makes, and this one, like others, has nothing for anybody outside the story to check. The witness is nameless, and his alleged behaviour is not consistent with that of a police officer. Why would he tell his story - which could ruin his career if not handled carefully - not even to Andrews himself, who is at least publicly known, in the first place, but to an obscure researcher?

Circle-making is, of course, riddled with beautifully crafted hoaxes. This is not beautifully crafted - in fact, it is clumsy, incoherent and impossible to investigate. Colin has, over the years, developed many personal beliefs, and his abilities as a writer and a speaker mean he is listened to. But he, and those around him, are vulnerable to hearing what they want to hear. They are vulnerable to hoaxing, and until there is some solid evidence for any of the basics of this story, let alone the pictures and the dramatic cosmic speculations that have grown from it, whatever the sincerity of those who chose to believe it, I'm going to assume that the story first told here really wasn't true.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 05:18 PM
Very interesting! Surprised I havent heard of this before! Always that bit more convincing for the general public when something like this is reported from the authorities! Great thread! Thanks

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