posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:22 AM
Interesting, and yes, I noticed that something slightly similar started happening to me about three or so years ago. However, in this case, it's not
necessarily related to falling asleep or fatigue because it happens when my eyes are closed for whatever reason, anytime, day or night. What started
happening was that once in a while, a dull "light spot" opened up in my mind's eye, slightly to my left, looking outward, and a vision would
gradually come into focus. It was involuntary at first and I was unable to stop "seeing" this spot until I opened my eyes and let some light in. If
I leave my eyes closed and focus on the spot, the vision gradually intensifies and comes slowly into view. Once I can tell what it is, it rarely
changes other than some movement within the vision itself. So it's not like the flashing slide show you and others might be describing. The frequency
started gradually increasing over time but the intensity of what I saw did and still does vary. Sometimes it starts out pretty clear and other times I
have to focus to clarify it. I also learned to (and this sounds weird but...) control it more? Now I can both summon a vision and/or prevent it or get
rid of it if it comes on its own. Hard to explain. Also, these aren't what I'd describe as dreams. With these visions, I can't "change the
channel" as someone mentioned and as I too can and have always been able to with my "normal" presleep or sleep dream state.
Also, these things I see I don't "know." The vast majority of the time, I see a face I don't recognize and/or places that are unknown to me.
Random scenes. And on the occasion that I do "see" something I recognize, it's usually the face of a person who has died. The last time I allowed a
sight to crystallized, I saw a chain link fence in a sandy place in daylight with a canvas bag-lined bunker just beyond it and no people or other life
around it other than a few loud, large birds flying by.
At first it sort of worried me, but then I decided to just "go with it" and see where it took me, and it's been interesting, to say the
least...both the visions and thinking about where they might be coming from. I've been absolutely prescription and OTC med-free for over 14 years and
am not unusually stressed out or obsessed about anything. The only thing I can think of that I might "abuse" and that might be in any way altering
my natural "system" is caffeine or perhaps some additives in food or environmental factors that I'm unaware of. I've discussed this before, maybe
2-3 months ago, with another ATS member via U2U.