posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:30 AM
I think it's crazy that the government allows cars to be built because although the vast majority of them are never involved in a fatal accident,
sometimes someone is killed in one.
I think it's crazy that the government lets us have electricity in our homes because although the vast majority of homes don't burn down due to
electrical fires sometimes someone is killed in an electrical fire in their home.
I think it's crazy that the government lets drug companies sell medicines that save millions of lives because although the vast majority of them are
safe if used properly, sometimes one ends up killing people and has to removed from the market.
I think it's crazy that the government lets people fly in aircraft because although the vast majority of flights don't crash, sometimes a plane will
crash, killing people on board.
And chances are if we drilled everywhere we could, Alaska, off the coastlines, etc., we would have a lot less reason for messing around in the middle
east like we are now.