reply to post by randyvs
Thank you love!
And yep, slaves to money selling their souls for material things.
Did no one ever tell these people-
IMO- Happiness is a choice and resides in the spiritual self. India Arie (one of the few artists who has stayed true to herself and God) put it
beautifully in her song "There's Hope"...
Back when I had a little
I thought that I needed a lot.
A little was over rated,
but a lot was a little too complicated.
You see-
Zero didn't satisfy me,
A million didn't make me happy,
That's when I learned a lesson,
That it's all about your perception.
Are you a pauper or a superstar?
So you act, so you feel, so you are.
It ain't about the size of your car,
It's about the size of the faith in your heart
Off in the back country of Brazil,
I met a young brother that made me feel,
that I could accomplish anything-
You see just like me he wanted to sing.
He had no windows and no doors,
He lived a simple life and was extremely poor.
On top of all of that he had no eye sight,
but that didn't keep him from seeing the light
He said, what's it like in the USA?
And all I did was complain...
He said-
Living 'here' is paradise...
He taught me paradise is in your mind
Stand up for your rights.
Keep shining your light.
And show the world your smile.