"Researchers at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam have discovered a universal property of
musical scales. "
Interesting, although the basis for constructing the dimensions of the Euler lattice onto which musical scales were projected (in order to somehow
depict their 'topology'), is not described whatsoever, hence ... arbitrary ?
There may well be a correspondence between audio perception, the topology of neural processing, and some mathematical abstraction aimed at
categorizing the dimensionality of sound.
But the original research would have to be investigated (and, it appears, in Dutch, which brings in an altogether *different* element) in order to see
if this approach holds any water, or is just, mainly, mental self-gratification fashioned into a justification for continued academic funding. Any
volunteers for exposed-cortex electrical field monitoring ?
Sorely missing, at least from the journalist who wrote the story, are the simple facts that *all* detection of increments of pitch in a so-called
'scale' are logarithmic -- i.e., the 12-tone scale are each twelfth-root divisions of frequency between octaves such that, when you add up the 12
(equal) logarithmic equivalents, you get a doubling in pitch. This is all due to the spiral nature of the inner ear cochlea, acting as a resonant
frequency detector of overtones, of course.
Also missing from the overly-simplified, yet obfuscating, story, is the fact that the harmonic overtones of the fundamental frequency produced by a
vibrating string do not align with the 12-tone logarithmic divisions of octaves ('notes') which are extended and concatenated together to form such
things as a piano keyboard. The fact that overtones of each of the 12 fundamentals of the 12-tone scale do not align perfectly with the
higher-pitched notes in higher octaves is what requires the 'well-tempered' tuning of the piano, such that a given note in the upper half of the piano
range can be effectively shared in the overtone structure of any of the 12 fundamentals.
As equally significant a shortcoming as the lack of explanation of tonal mapping of scales to the grid is what appears to be the apparent restriction
of the analysis of perception of musicality to 12-tone scales to begin with.
It is not clear, when "thousands" of scales are mentioned, whether the authors are considering all combinations of 12 logarithmic pitches taken, say,
5,6,7,8,9.... at a time, or if they are allowing modes which include other divisions of the octave, such as the quarter-tones found in Indian music.
Or the perception of musicality which comes from forms of musique concrète, or simply, perception of ambient, natural sounds, which can include such
things as pink noise (sound of ocean surf), chirping of birds, and dissonance as well as 'harmony'.
Even more fundamentally, what about the even more universal property of 'music' which is formed by perception of the nature and energy in the
progression of time itself, and not simply frequency, i.e., rhythmic patterns, drums, dance, and emotive flow.
And then, there's the blues, or jazz, where notes, and scales, are stretched, and bent ...
By restricting the research simply to melodic harmony, and leaving temporal and rhythmic perception out of the picture, this attempt to divine some
'universal' property of music, as the headline suggests, could be just leftover scraps on the cutting room floor of the sound editor, and that this
'theory' has all the properties of over-analytical categorization of natural phenomena so much in favor by academics !
But I don't want to be a spoil-sport: I would just put this particular theory of the 'universal property of music' up the traditional Einstein test,
that is, if you cannot explain it to a child, you may not understand it, or it may not be correct !
Fortunately, when it comes to music, the proof is in the pudding, not the Euler lattice.
edit on 28-3-2011 by ZenCushion because: corrections
edit on 28-3-2011 by ZenCushion because: Euclidean should be: