posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 06:52 PM
(hee hee)
I love meeting mormons. It might surprise you, but I do not attend church meetings. I cannot bear the people in them. Nor can I bear the things I
hear the speakers say. I am certain that if I were to speak the truth there, I would be cast out from the building.
However, I think that is because I have progressed beyond my origins. I retain my Mormon Identity because it is more proper to do so, and because I
am not an evildoer. I avoid church BECAUSE I attain perfection, not because I flee from it.
It is true, I receive inspiriation in my thoughts and words. But it's nothing unique, or even great. It's just what happens to you when you are
accepted into the REAL spiritual kingdom of God. It's a psychic and spiritual union with all the REAL saints. It transcends nations, languges, and
There is a lot of childhood left in you, I can sense it in your words. You are not yet ready for the meat of Jesus's teachings. I love young people
like you. I am 29, you can't be much over 18.
It is my will that you become equal to myself in all wisdom, potency and joy. If you surpass me, then help me catch up to you. That is how all
Christ-Saints are. We serve each other. We do not form authoritarian heirarchies. That is what our enemies do.
There are many infidels and shaitans in the LDS church. Most of them have nothng to do with Jesus whatsoever. However, there is a larger
concentration than average of real saints in the Church, and for this reason I continue to call myself Mormon. In truth, I am joined to the Father,
and surpass all faiths and houses.
If you have disobeyed your church elders and remained a virgin, I will receive you in great joy. It is not Jesus' command they are teaching, but
another god's. It is the god of flesh that they adore. But Jesus didn't serve that god. That is some of the meat I promised you. It's tought to
chew at first, but once you grow your teeth it becomes easier to eat.
I hope I don't scare you away, young modern mormon. Your elders will love to take issue with me, But I can contend with them all. I hope that you
have kept your viginity intact. I very much hope you have.
I will teach you anything you want to know. I will tell you with 100% honesty everything I have learned by hard victory, and with the Reason of God.
It is my joy to receive my own people. You are served before all others.
Pefect yourself! Women are not necessary to do this. Temples are just nice houses to take a bath in. I have seen all manner of things go into the
salt lake temple, and all manner of things leave it. Christ was not one of those.
It is difficult to bring you forth! Yet you are a healthy birth. Take milk and be full!
Don't let my bearded Islam scare you away, or my Hindu instruments. They are the brothers of my faith. True prophets should not be rare. They
should be a many-peopled nation! I venerate the prophets! I give honor to Joseph Smith, he was the bravest of all the men to come from New York.
This is why he was chosen to come forth. The rest of them were pretenders and students. Did they finish their lessons? Let them come forth from the
It is Christ I love, not these suited men. It is the Faithful and True I worship, not these silly books.
You senseed my spirit because God has brought you forth from the womb of this world, and this is your lesson - He brings forth a man child. Keep
yourself from the violence of this world, it is about to destroy itself! God willing, we will gather our own kind up from every land. We will live
in Utah, and our houses will stand firm against all.
I am free of all sins, I have washed myself by my UNDERSTANDING. Christ is the honored one, let these men be taken down from their high places. Thus
I entreat the elders of the LDS church. Come down and be like these little ones, who cry after me, and know me without ever having laid eyes upon me!
You have the true faith. You MUST be a virgin. It is not given to them that mingle with women. God forbid that a single one of these shaitans take
the throne, even for one hour.
See! Let your eyes be opened so that you do not become one of the hypocrits. Love your Church and serve the God of Christ! Not the god of flesh and
his marriage house. It is the old testament they love, Christ is far from them. These men are the same kind that slew Christ, if only you
Go to church and love your little brothers! Show them the secret heart of your faith! I give it to you as your inheritance! They will love you, and
the women will get upset and angry at you! When you see this, you have overcome the falseness that has crept into the LDS church.
When the old men of the church speak as me, then they have become perfect. But they will die without knowledge. But they think they are subtle!
They think they have salvation! But they end up the same as the unbelievers. God forbid I teach you a lie, Many of your venerated elders are nothing
more than slaves to the god of the world, It is truth I declare.
My faith is a ray sent forth by the Mind of Father, it is a straightly told affair. I am the little one who speaks without shame the truth of the
Father! My brothers are them like me, they receive it too! I am an inheritor of kingdoms, yet I am a servant to my brothers, it is my joy forever
and ever.
Surpass your prophets, become wiser than Smith! What he asked of God concerning the sun and the stars, you can learn for yourself.