The sword reference comes after Jesus instructs his desciples to purchase swords after he commands in Luke:
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his
garment, and buy one.
This command is unlike any other one Jesus gave. What are your comments on it.
As for my thoughts on women, I just want you to know that I recognize that there are some women who are going to become perfect, and find God, and
these ones I love dearly. All truth-seeking women who have overcome the devil and rejected all mischief and deception I adore.
I am just not seeing the fruits of perfection. There is a "Heavenly-Mother" concept creeping into the LDS church, and it is a corruption.
I don't know know any perfect women, I don't even know any women who are trying to be perfect. They seem to have their own agenda, an arrogant sort
of pride that I truly hate. What happens, is that I see married couples falling into the world, and forsaking Christ altogether. I am certain that
there are those rare sisters and brothers who have married and forsaken the world and commited themselves to religious austerity and poverty, but
where are they? I would like to hold them up as a good example so people don't think I'm just a bigot.
I have seen the fire of the spirit, and I have never seen it upon women. Most of you have never seen the spirit really strong in anyone, so you
don't really know what I am talking about, so you think everyone is just the same.
Consider this: In the book of revelations it speaks of the 144,000 sons of Israel who are chosen by Christ as the pure and the redeemed from the
earth. It clearly states that these men are undefiled by women, and virgins. Why would this be important? Answer me that one, if you are brave.
Jesus himself did not lust for women, nor did he marry, or procreate. He frustrated his desciples because of his love for a few women, especially
Mary Magdelene. Scholars are quite stupid and don't understand their relationship. That's because Mary M was spiritually bonded with Jesus, not
physically, and they loved each other in the spirit. She had become male through Christ, and her spirit was liberated from the flesh. The other
desciples were jealous and suspicious because they did not understand that kind of spiritual union. Most people still do not understand this.
That's because most people don't get to be gods.
It is possible to have a woman's spirit inside of a male in perfection. Only the gentle and pure males can do this, and it is not something the LDS
church has spoken about. I think their commandment to marry is a carnal law, and something that they have made up for their own purposes. Jesus did
not instruct us to marry, and those "144,000" he choses to redeem are pure virgins and do not ever marry. So on what authority are we commanded to
marry and defile ourselves with the flesh and the world?
I reject this command because I know it is from the god of the flesh, who I do not worship. The god of the spirit is not after the flesh, and his
command does not agree with theirs. The greatest commandment is not to marry. I will fight any one of you over this and win. Jesus did not at ANY
TIME give this commandment, nor did he teach it, nor did his desciples practise it because of him. It is the commandment of another power, and men.
Because of this corruption, our nation has lost its male character, and has descended into femaleness. And this is why she is so confused, violent,
and evil. And also why she goes out into the world and corrupts herself so miserably, and then makes war on the last nations who have maintained
their male authority.
This will sound strange to most mormons, but it is found in the gnostic gospels, and I have experienced the things they talk about firsthand.
I love good women and girls who have kept their virginity. I want to make that clear.
I am complaining because men's fraternity has weakened, and is not being replaced, and now my entire generation of brothers is very weak and unmanly,
and they are afraid to establish their own authority like our ancestors did. I believe that to be the work of corruption, and the secret agenda of
wicked women and their father the devil.
Meanwhile, I am off to Topaz Mountain to dig for gems. Later!