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Impressive Nessie pics!!

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posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 03:40 PM
somehow that wouldnt surprise me...

they need to set up several thermal buoys in all parts of Loch Ness so every single centimetre is mapped.then keep it all on for 2 days.granted the cost would be extortionate but it may work.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 10:27 AM
Hmm I have found a moving speck in the water on that nessie cam. It is there on minute, gone for a min, then reappears up the loch. What do you guys think? In the first one the object is tall and thin, like a neck. Go imagination haha.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by radagast
whatever it is, it must breed right ? the smallest known population that is able to maintain its numbers is 30 mountain goats in california. Lets say nessie gets by on 10. wouldn't 10 nessies leave evidence ?

i agree with u on that rad...i dont think it exist`s
if it does it has lived for 100`s of thousands of years or there is multiple families of "nessie`s" in loch ness...there would have to be for it to breed(dna working the way it does)or it would end up deformed or something..IMO
i think its just an urban myth that not only exists in scotland, but i believe in norway,canada and the congo to mention a few
probably a way of the scots keeping the bairns in check
like the irish banshee..and the beast of bodmin
allthough the beast of bodmin could be real
i think that the only chance of anything like this surviving in the world today are species that have a huge locale to hide in...i.e the coelacanths(the most famous living fossil)a survivor was found of the south african coast and a few more have been found and filmed i believe
i dont think that loch ness is large enough...IMO

[edit on 16-8-2004 by Heratix]

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 07:16 PM

This is FUNNY!! lol.
! Can you say fake?

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 07:20 PM
m8 its look at the muscle at the emotion in its face..cant u see what its saying.."leave me alone,i never asked for this,all i wanted was peace,hi mum"

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 06:00 PM
Why does the Searle photo show it with SIX fins?

"Four,six,eight.As many as required." 2IC

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 11:11 PM
hahah awww the last pic how cute!! its smiling

posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 09:18 AM
ROFL That last Nessie pic is hilarious..strange how half its body is above seemingly very deep water eh
? the HELL did an elephant end up in a private home in Scotland?!


posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 10:27 PM
Hey...look at this one...scary, isnt�t it?

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 08:17 AM

Looks like somebody's golfball went through a strange metamorphosis


posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Dawnaj
Be honest now guys n gals,
even if you don�t belive in the story about the "monster" that supposedly lives in Loch Ness, would you take a 30 minute swim in the lake to prove that you really mean what you say?

I now I wouldn�t go near that lake, even less go swim in it!

give me the gear and a camera and i would be in the lake in a heartbeat!!!!

posted on Aug, 25 2004 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
Interesting pictures: real I don�t know, I wonder why this creature has not been proven to be real or a hoax after all these years.
couldn't they put a little sub out there to look for it?

A Sub? Have you ever seen a TOPO map of that body of water?It's not level like most lakes, there'e extreme crevises and dropoffs the entire length of that Loch.


posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by Murcielago
I'de prefer they do what i saw done on I think it was The Simpsons. Drain the entire lake and find out whats been hidding there for all these years.

I remember they did such a thing in the 1986 movie THE QUEST
Instead of finding the legendary creature known as the "Donkegin",they found an old mining crane that would release air and allow it to raise the 'head'.It had junk all over it covering it making it look like a creatures head.
Pretty cool flick really.
The Quest

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by SMR

Originally posted by Murcielago
I'de prefer they do what i saw done on I think it was The Simpsons. Drain the entire lake and find out whats been hidding there for all these years.

I remember they did such a thing in the 1986 movie THE QUEST
Instead of finding the legendary creature known as the "Donkegin",they found an old mining crane that would release air and allow it to raise the 'head'.It had junk all over it covering it making it look like a creatures head.
Pretty cool flick really.
The Quest

excellent post and probably more on the right lines than a prehistoric monster

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 01:13 PM
I remember one of the pics looking like stegosaurus scales....

I've seen similar pics of giant sturgeon whose top fins can look like that as they break the water... We're talking about a fish that is almost 20' long! They are commonly mistaken for sea monsters, and if it isn't giant eels, then sturgeon may be the answer....

[edit on 27-8-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 01:21 PM
The second pic in the original post is thought to be a photo of an elephants trunk. (Yes, they can swim.) As far as taking a dip in Loch Ness- sure! It's just that it's likely to be dang cold there. Shrinkage, people, shrinkage.

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
The second pic in the original post is thought to be a photo of an elephants trunk. (Yes, they can swim.) As far as taking a dip in Loch Ness- sure! It's just that it's likely to be dang cold there. Shrinkage, people, shrinkage.

I agree it looks like an elephant�s trunk. I�ve read once, I don�t remember where, that a guy who lived near the lake owned and elephant and used to take it to the lake to swim... anyone hear this? anyone know if this is true?

And yes, elephants can swim...and they do it pretty good!

posted on Aug, 27 2004 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I remember one of the pics looking like stegosaurus scales....

I've seen similar pics of giant sturgeon whose top fins can look like that as they break the water... We're talking about a fish that is almost 20' long! They are commonly mistaken for sea monsters, and if it isn't giant eels, then sturgeon may be the answer....

[edit on 27-8-2004 by Gazrok]

It could be quite possible... There's another thread on here talking about Giant Sturgeon (ranging in size 20-30ft) in a secluded area of southern Alaska.. it's close to the same Latitude...

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:02 PM
nessie pics of it on land is now locked.Strange.They are still afraid of this.Well,they ought to be if it a manifestation of Poseidon looking around (which i had a glimpse).
I am goint to search for those land pics if they still exist.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:16 PM
having trouble finding the sketch of the Nessie on land,or even the wonderful revealing Searle picture (I think I have it somewhere). But I located (and copied) the smoky version of Nessie,a black mass with seemingly no head,which is what it really looks like.Not like a cuddly dinosaur! "English Channel sightings".

"Tell them to look at the Lake Morar one."2IC
"Oh yes.The one of its posteriour?With again,no head."

[edit on 30-8-2004 by stgeorge]

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