posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 02:39 AM
Many worry about fear mongering over the Japan Nuclear disaster. Oxymoronic at best, when we should look into the fear more about the reality of the
failure over the containment operation than fear mongering.
Regardless if it is fact or not, we must never FEAR the worst.
Even if it was fear mongering, at least it would have had woken us up consider the alternative should the containment operation failed. What next? is
a very good issue to ponder upon, rather to take the blue pill and think all will rosy and fine as TPTB and MSM wants us to be deluded.
Should the operation failed, the final solution would have to be implemented.
1. Borax and cement poured into those sucker immediately. No more water and hosing.
2. Orderly evacuation be started in Northern Japan to save as many lives as possible. There is no need to live with radiation as the their forefathers
had when Hiroshima and Nagasaki occured. Millions suffered then. Today, they need not and MUST NOT suffer the same fate. They are humans just like us
all, each meant something special to another.
3. Foodstuff, livestock and fishstock originating from that region will have to be monitored for radiation levels before consumption for a long time.
The economy of Northern Japan and Japan as a whole has suffered a knockdown, a reality to be confronted, and not swept under the rug anymore. Lives
will have to courageously change for none can live in delusion or further lies.
Let us hope for the best, but to expect the worst and be prepared at least so that more precious lives be saved.