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ATS's Boondock-Saint for US President - Would you vote for me ???

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
I am all for smaller government.


Originally posted by boondock-saint
He wants to end the Dept.
of Education and Dept. of Energy. This will
cause more harm than good. We need some sort
of federal entity to help keep America running.

Should the individual states have no say in education? Or domestic energy?

Do you really feel that we need specific federal oversight and regulators for things states could govern?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Damn, you made me log-in.

Answer: Yes.
That would be real change

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded

A women's body belongs to her and her alone. No Fed law would make that decision for her.

So the man in the relationship has no bearing what so ever, if there is a child in question? Just lost my vote~

Thats the problem with our Family Courts system, they are way to biased towards women, with the mans " say" being deemed irrelevant. Without the mans " seed " the child in question would not exist. Remember, it takes two to tango.

when the man starts carrying around the fetus for 9 months,
goes through agonizing birth pains and delivery
and breast feeds 3-5 times a day, then I would consider
it being on an even keel. Until then, the woman has a
say so over her body.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:57 PM
The fact of the matter is you couldn't do anything, because even if you won you wouldn't be running the country, the military industrial complex would. Our political offices are just to distract people from the real problems, and who's really running the country. That and the MSM. Kennedy tried to defy the CIA.... and we all know what happened to him.

All the best,


posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:10 PM
Pres. Barack Obama had, in my opinion, not nearly enough experience to be President of this country. He served 7 years in Illinois State Senate and 3 years in the United States Senate yet was still unqualified, you claim that you have no prior political experience so I must ask. Do you have any prior experience as a business professional? Have you served in the military and if so what rank and for how long?

Other questions:

1. What is your educational attainment?
2. Who would you describe as your 'heroes' or those whom you look-up to?
3. Do you have a criminal record?

And 2 political questions:

1. Would you support a 10% import tariff on all goods to raise revenue other than directly taxing the individuals and businesses?
2. Would you support temporary halt to all immigration for a period of roughly 25 years so as to assimilate all current immigrants?

Thank you.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by simone50m
I would vote for you if you could prioritize the maximum funding of a free-energy race. Once there is this "free energy" for all, while the big utility companies collapse like 'building 7', then a dominoe-effect of numerous other good things would follow. Abolish Free Trade.

I am all for free energy for everyone including other countries.
Just that implementation alone would crash the stock market.
Which would be good in my opinion, as Wall Street is just
a place where criminals hang out anyway.
their system was built upon illegal activities
and so it deserves to be re-built based
on free energy. So it would have to fall
before it could be fixed and re-built.

Free Trade is not really free.
Free trade is biased trade.

Originally posted by simone50m
Do you know yourself well enough to know if you would not succumb to intimidation? Immediately after Obama entered the WhiteHouse, I heard scuttlebutt, that he was quickly swarmed by Spooky BlackWorld types who intimidated, if not frightened, him into a NeoHawk mindset for the blackbudget-recieving defense industry. During their intelligence briefings to him. Which took place fairly soon. Would you fall for that? Would you cower in the presence of The Illuminatti? Just remember that scene where Luke skywalker told Yoda "I'm not afraid!" (And the master's reply.....)

I do not doubt for a moment that Obama was subjected to
such intimidation and would agree with you that this is
the reason why he changed his stances after getting
into office.

As far as being afraid of the Illuminati.
No, I am not afraid of them. Would I cower
in their presence? lol .... They do not know how
bullheaded and stubborn I can be some times.
And if my holding the position causes them
to murder me. Then I would remember
one of our great patriots.

I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.
Nathan Hale

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Foreign Policy?
National debt?
Patriot Act?
Budget approch?
Oil/Coal/Nuke Policy?

What are your views? That'll determine my support.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Well, boondock-saint, you impressed me a long time ago with your sometimes brilliant posts in here. Act according to the Constitution, ban the FED and IRS, seal our borders and you have my vote. Godspeed.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I'm not talking about the bedroom. I'm talking about the LEGAL institution of marriage. Many FEDERAL rights and benefits are provided to married people. These same FEDERAL rights and benefits aren't offered to gay people. This is a federal issue on some levels.

My personal preferences and my religious stance
should not supersede our freedoms and rights
under the constitution. Nowhere in our constitution
does it say that a marriage should only be between
a man and a woman. My religious stance tells me
this but it should not interfere with your rights.
So IMO a gay marriage should be respected
with spousal benefits as long as your state of
residence adheres to this ruling. When it applies
to Fed employees, then there will be no
discrimination based upon your marriage choices
unless your state dictates otherwise.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
But states could outlaw abortion? Even though the Constitution guarantees her privacy rights? Is that your stance?

IMO, there is a difference between
privacy and abortion. I think state law
should not make any laws that are
unconstitutional. Other than what is stated
in constitutional law, I think states have the
right to enact it's own laws as long as there is
no conflict.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Here's a question for you...
How would you deal with this situation?

lol, I find humor that you would ask
about such a scenario.

Being that you asked the question I assume you think there is
an underlying conspiracy to be had here. But what if there is
not a conspiracy? What if somebody just accidentally made
an error? Then there would be no situation rectify. People
make mistakes.

If you are implying, it was intentional to send a message
to Obama, then it would def be something worth looking
into to find out the purpose of the sentiment. And solve
the problem on a one to one basis. As I'm sure not every
person working in the WH is gonna approve of every
decision the CIC makes.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by antar
Count me in, but you knew that...

and I thank you for your support

Here's ya a campaign button


ummm, on 2nd thought u might wanna
hold on to that button, it might bring ya
lots of money on E-Bay if I'm also assassinated by

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
Politically you'd get torn up in a heartbeat.

and just how would that be different than any
other day in our lives???

But as my daddy always said:
if you get knocked down,
you get back and try a different way

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
No. I would not vote for you. You seem like a nice enough guy, but you have reactionary tendencies and are not a deep analytical thinker. This is not to say you are stupid, only that I never, ever see you make a really considered response to someone that indicates you have actually seriously considered their point of view.

well I thank you for being honest

And not to mention that I think you are basing your
opinions of me on a pre-disposed set of circumstances.

After being on this forum for quite a while I pretty much
can tell the posters who come into the threads just to
attack or derail. And yes, I am very short with these
type people. If it's any indication, that is a good sign
that I would do the same thing in the presence of

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:54 PM
I would vote yes, should not be surprising as we agree on many subjects here on ats so I would guess outside of here that common ground would apply as well. For all the people knocking your question and automatically discrediting your qualifications guess they would just like to continue on with the same old same old. This is exactly what this country needs now more than ever, a regular person with absolutely no political connections or affiliations whatsoever. Reality check folks how has the past elections actually been in our favor what great positive things have come from any of it? Sure little accomplishments here and there, but for the most part the same crap term in term out. I want to see a regular person leading the country for a change, one that is honest about their failures and one who is not afraid of stepping up to the plate, a person that can connect with the regular person in this country. I say bring it on weather it's someone like Boon or not, give me someone like me, someone that I can relate to and vice versa. Because the best somebody out there is a nobody.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
Even treason requires a trial, you know that third branch of our government, however your gestapo squad doesn't fit that requirement.

Creating a 4th branch of government with execution powers certainly isn't constitutional. I would worry about a president who would want to execute elected members of congress for proposing legislation. The Supreme Court handles questions of constitutionality, not a gestapo squad that is nowhere in the US Constitution. So, by your own mandate, you would be calling for your own execution by establishing this gestapo squad.

while I do remember speaking about treason holding
execution as it's punishment, I do not ever remember
saying that a trial would be omitted. If that is your
assumption, then let me clarify that right now.
I do not approve of executing anybody for treason
without due process of law.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Are you 35?
A natural born us citizen?
Do you know a lot of millionares (well I should now say billionares after how rich Bush got them)?

If not, don't bother wasting your time running for President

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Juston

Originally posted by boondock-saint
I am all for smaller government.


Originally posted by boondock-saint
He wants to end the Dept.
of Education and Dept. of Energy. This will
cause more harm than good. We need some sort
of federal entity to help keep America running.

Should the individual states have no say in education? Or domestic energy?

Do you really feel that we need specific federal oversight and regulators for things states could govern?

I am for smaller government.
But that is on a entire platform basis.
if you have 100 Agencies and you eliminate
10 of them, you are still downsizing.

It seems the majority of these questions
from you and others seem to dwell on a
fed vs State agenda. So let me re-iterate.
While Fed agencies should provide oversight
and accountability, it is still left up to the
states to decide their education and energy

The Fed should only step in when laws are broken
or disputes occur between states.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by 5 oClock
Damn, you made me log-in.

Answer: Yes.
That would be real change

and I thank you for your support

here's ya a campaign button.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
The fact of the matter is you couldn't do anything, because even if you won you wouldn't be running the country, the military industrial complex would. Our political offices are just to distract people from the real problems, and who's really running the country. That and the MSM. Kennedy tried to defy the CIA.... and we all know what happened to him.

All the best,


and thank you for the warning

Course, I heard it first from Eisenhower.

+11 more 
posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I am not even sure I will run yet.

What a load of CRAP . You know goddamned well that you aint friggin running for prez . That absurd statement right there fits well with alot of other total BS I have seen you post in the past .

As others have pointed out , you seem stuck on yourself , and this seems like just another of your POINTLESS threads that you design to see how 'popular' you are with the members of ATS . It is stupid threads like this that will cause me to eventually leave this site for good .

Hell no , I would never vote for you . I don't like the way you present yourself , I don't approve of the majority of what you say , I've seen you contradict yourself on more than one occassion , and frankly , most of the time you remind me of the hundreds of KIDS who infest this site with RIDICULOUS bullshat threads .

So no , you have not impressed me in the least bit and I would never vote for you .

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