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UFO’s @ Stone Henge | UK | February 2011

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:13 PM
watch the video in this link at 7 seconds is the object the op photographed imo
edit on 29-3-2011 by dashdespatch because: forgot link!

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by TristanC

Thanks for the post. Very interesting. I have a general question about the current state of Stone Henge.

I have pics of me as a kid playing and running around in and on the stone (circa 1970), but I thought that at some point they put up fences to prevent this?

From your pics, it looks like you can now get right up to the stones?

Anyhow, sounds like to me, in particular the night-time sighting just from the way you described the movements of the lights, that you saw something strange. Such movements of lights are consistent with my own sightings.

Cheers -

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by dashdespatch

I think you might be onto something here. I understand there are these so called Vortex's and that they can cause anomalous black objects to appear in the sky and on the surrounding hills/burial mounds.

However, this black object was a clear solid black and stuck around for a full 30+ seconds before descending out of sight. The video UFO Hunters show suggests these black objects appear & disappear almost instantly. We also failed to notice any other black objects in the surrounding area.

Can you find any other videos on this subject? It seems Stone Henge has allot of reported UFO's but lacks any significant video or picture evidence.

reply to post by nexotop

Hi Nexo,

There is still a large fence in place around the perimeter of Stone Henge, though alongside the dirt road it is only as high as 3-4 feet and offers a very nice (free) viewing point.

When walking around the stones they have a simple rope fence that guides you in a circle. At its closest point your about 2 meters from the nearest stones, at its furthest I’d say about as much as 10-15 meters away. Check out my picture below, i took it when we were at the closest possible viewing point with no zoom. Still not close enough to touch sadly! I’m rather envious of you being able to run around them and have a touch!

Stone Henge - Closest View Point
This link directs you to my photograph hosted on the ATS Gallery.

Would you be prepared to explain some of your sightings? It would be nice to know if someone else has seen something similar..

edit on 30/3/11 by TristanC because: Spelling Corrections, Added Link & Edits.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by TristanC

Hi Tristan,

Ah, I see. Yes, too bad this is not allowed anymore. I have some cool photos of me as a little tyke at the site, I'll try to dig them up and post. And I will certainly detail some sightings, but I'm running out the door right now - so later today I'll be able to do them justice - ThQ.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by TristanC

check out this photo

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by TristanC

Hi Tristan -

So here is my most dramatic UFO encounter:

Circa 1998-99, Spring I believe. Location was Duncans Mills CA. In Sonoma County, D.Mills is approx 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean. Also on the Russian River which meets the sea at Jenner.

Pretty isolated place and my house was down a road which fronted on the River. My little house had an open air deck and this is where I was when this happened. The house sits in a canyon of sorts with high hills on each side.

It was approx 9:30 pm and I was out on my deck, no doubt smoking -not that this matters. It was a partly cloudy night with a big old moon in the sky right above the deck. It was one of those nights where the moon plays hide and seek with the clouds, so when it would come out it was quite bright and great to look. So, anyhow I'm looking up at the moon through the clouds and the clouds pull back revealing the moon and bam there is a craft in the sky right above my head close enough so I could make out 3 distinct concave circular shapes on the bottom of the craft. It looked like the classic flying saucers with 3 pro-pulsion(sp?) rocket ports.

In a second it made a big whoosing sound and shot out to the SE and slipped over the hill. Fasting moving anything I ever seen, I mean it was instant. It was like a cartoon ufo zipping away over the hill. I called my buddy and said I thin I just saw a UFO. A crazy stunning event in my life.

So it's not too similiar to your sighting, but what got my attention in your description was how the light was instantly over your head _or near too? This kind of motion is consistent with many other sightings I've had in their speed.

Sorry guess pic need to be web hosted to post? mine is in my computer((Trying to post a pic of me at Stonehenge - but it's my first time trying this on ATS so we'll see. Of course being an old pic it has various marks in the sky which could be examined. All I can say is they look like part of the original photo which was taken by mom or pop. As I mentioned circa 1970.))

I hope you keep going back over to Stonehenge. Look fwd to hearing if you encounter anything else. I'll get back there one day, I'm sure.

Cheers _ Nexo

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 09:26 PM
Hi mate.

Interesting experience, thanks for sharing.

I live pretty close to southampton so not far away from there. You sure it couldnt be a Buzzard at all? The way you describe it hovering and then going to ground fits the bill.

Not saying thats what you saw,just throwing my two pence in.


posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by nexotop

Yes Stonehenge is now roped off, but you can still 'arrange' to get inside (what English Heritage call 'special access') some details here.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by dashdespatch

Amazing picture! Do you know if that particular one has been confirmed as not being doctored?

While flicking through that photo album I stumbled across this picture:

Cornwall - 2005

This made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Pretty much an exact match of what we saw at Stone Henge that Sunday afternoon, just at a greater distance. Solid black with no real sign of a texture to the craft.

Another Interesting Picture:

Devon - 1972

Note how the UFO appears to be flying at a tilt or angle. Rather a common thing judging by this photo album.

reply to post by nexotop

Very interesting sighting! Would you be able to estimate a rough distance you were from the aircraft? Just so we can get a vague idea of the size of it. Also, was the entire UFO a bright light or did it have a texture to it with specific sized lights underneath?

Doctors may bash us smokers about health, but if it wasn’t for our nicotine addiction we would never have witnessed our sightings!

Note: To share your picture you can upload it to the ATS User Gallery. Go to: Tools>Pictures>Upload Photo.
You can then follow the given instructions on how to post the image within a thread.

reply to post by NumberEight

In the picture I took it is no doubt a possibility it’s a bird.

However, what we witnessed with our own eyes was simply too large to be a bird. At roughly 4-5 Miles away it would have to of been the size of a car. If you go back to my previous animation its descent was also too bizarre to be a bird. This thing floated in the air for 30+ seconds, not moving an inch, only to then descend in a perfectly straight line in a way that boggled my mind.

Before this sighting I would laugh at people who reported UFO's. Now, I’m the one being laughed at.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by TristanC

sorry got no info on the photo looks like it was taken on a non digital camera and i think that film is harder to doctor

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by TristanC

It's a good question - I'd say 100 feet above me. No lights but I could clearly see the 3 concave whatever they were. Never really wondered why no lights, hmmmm. Very smooth surface - no rivets or anything.

I go on and off the tabac - off now, but man I'd love a smoke now and then. Extended European roadtrip next month so I'm guessing to have a few. Indeed, so many sightings start out with 'was outside for a smoke!'

Thanks for the tip on photos

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Tall_weasel

ThQ - Tall_weasel

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 09:59 AM
If this is a digital camera, try taking a photo of empty sky and see if the dot(s) are still there. Also check the other photo's from that day closely to see if the speck(s) are in other photo's in the same general location, because to me this looks like dust on the sensor of the camera (if it is indeed digital) and some cameras have a dust removing vibration when you turn the camera off, which would move/remove the dust from subsequent shots. The best way to see where the dust is would be to shoot a plain white sheet of paper, and any dust on the sensor will look like grey specks. If it's a film camera, then I'm not certain what it is.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by dashdespatch

Film camera's are indeed harder to doctor, but not if you know what you’re doing. All you need to do is take a picture of a scenario. Take a separate picture of an object resembling a UFO. Then, take the raw film and develop them on top of one another, it’s actually very effective for making a hoax photo and can often be much harder to spot than a digitally "photo shopped" one.

reply to post by nexotop

Wow, sounds like you had an excellent view of it! When you get the chance you should make a thread regarding your sighting and go into a bit more depth. At the end of the day, if it’s documented and someone else experiences the same thing they have a reference to use.

reply to post by D4nny

Below is the original picture and another picture that was taken no more than 5-10 seconds directly after the photo with the “UFO” in. Notice how there are now no birds or UFO’s. However, the bird on the ground to the left is still visible.


The Original Photograph

Photo Taken Directly After

UFO Again?

This appears to be the UFO from the original photo travelling NW at a now much lower altitude with the same tilt. Notice its size in comparison to the women in the photo. Rather large isn’t it? This again falls into my analysis of colour tones, size & flying angle from my OP.

I'll be doing an in-depth analysis once i finish work.

I’d like to hear your comments on these photos.

Notes: All photos are genuine and were taken using a First Generation Samsung Galaxy Tab using the exposure setting 0.0 which is the fastest possible. At the time this phone/tablet was only three days old, this is why i find dust being in the lens a rather loose conclusion. Photos were taken by me on the 27th February 2011, early afternoon.

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by TristanC

I plan to do just that - as a matter of a fact I think this will be my 20th post, so I can dive right in.

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