posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 10:19 AM
My father died Nov. 3, 2009 after an illness of several months. He was 78 years old and we were taking care of him at home where he wanted to be when
the time came. Two days before his death he began talking to people "on the other side" - his sisters and brothers who had passed before him. The
night before he passed, he went into a coma. He died at 8:30 am the following morning from a heart attack and I was standing there at the foot of his
bed when it happened. About five minutes before he passed he woke up, looked at me and we said a few words, when suddenly he held his arms up toward
the ceiling and said, "Mama!", and he died.
Regardless of one's beliefs in the after life, it was very strange to be there watching and listening to these things as they happened.