posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 04:19 AM
Okay, so posting this in relationships was a bit of a joke. Mods, feel free to move it. I've had my fun...
But, anyway. I got a fishtank for Christmas and the fish police in Pets at Home sold me 2 southern platyfish because apparently it isn't 'big enough'
for goldfish (I remember the days where I used to keep 4 goldfish in a tan like 1/4 of the size, but never mind...) . Anyway. I started to think one
of them was getting a little fat... Until I stopped being blond and realised that fish don't get fat. So yeah. I have a boy and a girl. And Casanova
has managed to get Beryl pregnant. I've checked the signs, they're all there. You can see their little eyes forming and everything!
Now, I'm actually quite a nice person, and I don't want any harm to come to the babas when they pop out, so... What do you do to keep them safe? I've
heard about net breeders (so Beryl doesn't get too stressed), but then do I move them to another tank? And when they grow up and I can separate
genders is it okay to put Casanova with the boys and Beryl with the girls or will they get too stressed?
I genuinely am like a worried grandparent now! And she's massive so she'll probably be ready to drop any time now so I don't want to leave the house
(even though I have to)... Stupid fish police fail to inform you that it's almost impossible not to get livebearers to breed! Gah.
Anyway, any advice from those who have or do keep fish would be greatly appreciated. I have gerbils, ferrets, dogs, horses, have had rats and hamsters
in the past, and none of them have caused this much stress LOL! I thought fish were supposed to be easy?
Also, out of interest... What's the best way of keeping down thread algae. I've got some stuff to treat the water with but it's not doing a
particularly great job and I'm concerned about moving her out to give it a proper clean now.
Thank you in advance!! Ay.
edit on 25/3/2011 by Ayana because: grammar fail.