Secondly, i also believe you are on the right path. I simply know this, just like you can see auras. Do not let yourself frown by most of those people
we see here. Remember they are stuck to the Matrix and pay no respect to intuition, only science. They do only believe in what they imediatelly can
see, even their very own science accepts that all there is in this multiverse is more than 95 percent Dark Energy, which nothing science knows about.
They are attached to their physical reality, yet they know they can only listen to what's inside of a small frequency range and to see only what
reflects light. You are enlightened by God Himself, and I'm pretty certain the Creator is already happy with your contribution.
NOTICE THIS: I hear nothing about you since last post in 2012 or 2013 here. Yet I don't think you will make it all the way to Red on this first
try of yours [not disencouraging you, though. I would really love to hear you made it at first attempt]. Anyone who would expect one to succeed on his
first attempt on creating the Stone is either ingenuous or ignorant about this being one of the biggest mysteries of Nature and the very modus
operandi by it amongst all creations, as Papus wisely and long discoursed on his books. It would be like graduating in Physics, becoming a Doctor in
Cosmology and, a week later, believing you are already capable of calculating the route of a meteor as it crosses our solar system. Of course anyone
would love to make it in the first shot 'cause it'll be a hell of a re-work, but there are so many variables. There is a difference between being
enlightened enough to decrypt the Ancient Sages and to be Paracelsus himself after several atempts working on his own development procedures.
By the way, consider for a moment that half of the ancient sages from the generation of Bacon, Waite and Hohenheim themselves had been born in the
current chaos of 30 years ago, with their very own brilliancy. Would you be so sure they would still have achieved all they, in reality, have? Do not
think for a second we live in the ideal moment to get in touch with true knowledge of the Natural Arts only because information flows at the speed of
light. Remember the very transmitter is automatically corrupting its source. [Also remember that mankind also love to ridicule stuff now, not to
mention homo homini lupus]
I would also like to kindly ask you to, whenever you show up, provide us any means to walk with you and humbly share our achievements, our errors and
our experiences all the way to, with God's Blessing, Shambalah, after amazing years of stages, colors and circulations. And that the trip towards
there be long and crosses the whole globe, so we can help every single starving soul that today has no clue why are they dieing of hunger for not
having a piece of paper we call 'money'.
This thread has long lost its only objective due to humans' habits of talking concirning people instead of their ideas, but i would also like to
appeal to whoever is still tracking this legendary topic and is interested in sharing experiences, has intell on the BoA author's activities or
anything that includes a healthy and productive conversation between people that are actually trying stuff for themselves instead of disencouraging
other's to get in touch and give this thread a N-esm chance.
I'll keep an eye on this topic as the other will dive deep inside 'alchemyprocesses' website as I work on the Stone myself.
For anyone interested to come along, i have directed my studies exclusivelly on the Philosopher's Stone since 5 years ago, I have detailed studied the
BoA three times, am finishing reading all the quoted books (which, by the way, I thank the limbo for the 'curious' way they all came at me in a single
compiled archive of 1840 pages) and since a few months ago i started to have this feeling, this voice inside of my heart, saying that its time to
begin to elevate my thoughts, gather the apparatus and start making it... I will begin it in less than a month from now...
...though its perfectly clear to me that both my physicial and spiritual experiences have already been through whole different levels of perceptions
since 'sign00's masterpiece came into my path.
Rely on Nature.
Infinite love to you all.
P.S. Please, save both mine, yours and the whole community time if you intend, from this moment on, to start a wave of criticism which seems to be
seasonal in this thread. You would do better to just start writing the Book of Pisces... Make sure you manuscript it... And parriot to 51 Rue de
P.P.S. A message to all those people who diverged from the original poster's subject or made several unfounded criticism: If you have nothing relevant
to add, a wise man once said nothing.
edit on 15-2-2019 by rherocc because: (no reason given)