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Another Reporter Slurs Speech On Air ...

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:04 AM

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:07 AM
I didn't read the entire post, but oddly this has been a problem for me with writing as well. I sometimes go back and read through my post before finally posting it and some of the sentences will be garbled. I have also found certain times I can not find a word for something I have known my entire life (I know lots of words when I was very young I used to read the dictionary, so I should never ever be at a loss of words!) I also have began stammering and have stuttered and never have before in my life.
I think it was Coast2Coast a few weeks ago where I heard that in the end of some kind of polar (not physical, but magnetic) shift we will lose our ability to communicate completely. Might this be the precurser to that? I hope not. And Also if someone has mentioned this already, I am sorry, I will read the rest of the thread when I am done posting. But I had to get t down or if I didn't by the time I finished reading, if it was not already posted, I would have forgotten entirely what I was going to say (this has become increasingly irritating to say the least!).

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Liberterius
If ignorance is bliss you all must be having the time of your lives, I'm jealous!

Why thank you.
We really do try. IM pretty blissful, but I dont want to speak for the others.

@Idy, you dont happen to have link to anything about that loss of ability to communicate during a pole shift do you? It would be a good add for the thread.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:19 AM
Well, I don't want to sound like just a typical person on here. And I can surely say that I've -never experienced this before. I don't know what it is. I'm guessing it's from the chemtrails....

But anyway. A few nights ago I've experienced the same thing almost. I experienced a case of "Vertigo". Out of NO-WHERE. And this has NEVER happened to me before.... My Head started to hurt for a second... and then I became dizzy.... it felt like the world was spinning around me. I couldn't see straight or focus for a good 10 minutes. Seriously would not know what to do if I were a news anchor. I'd have to crouch down and and put my head down.
edit on 26-3-2011 by PaR3v because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:20 AM
What if it's some joker in the production booth messing with the teleprompter? Or the teleprompter screens are glitching? That would explain much.
Aren't basically all news scripts read from them except for maybe field reporters' spiel?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:20 AM
Stress* and exhaustion can be a problem. Make sure you're getting enough sleep. There was a report of a person following to sleep at a control tower earlier this week. Some of the largest, most expensive, and damaging man-made* accidents in history were caused because exhausted people were trying to work when they should have been sleeping.

The news, the economic situation, family problems, just life in general is more stressful and can lead to a loss of sleep. But sleep is very important. If there was one underlying condition that is causing a huge problem throughout society today, I think loss of sleep would be first on the list, or at least near the top.

Also many people spend too much time on the internet when they should be sleeping. It is easy to get carried away looking at all the news footage, answering emails, twittering, blogging, working on projects, chatting, etc. when you really should be sleeping.

edit on 26-3-2011 by Calender because: to add manmade in front of accidents

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:20 AM

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:25 AM
I constantly hear things like "I just can't seem to retain this information" or the mental fog comment, in all of my college classes. Classmates are reporting insomnia, and the class average is declining. Some of my closest friends who used to be A students are now B or B+ average, and report the same conditions.
People are also getting ill veeeeerrry often, somebody always has a runing nose or a cough, to the point where 5 students are away at any given day from my classes.

We have a HUUUUGE "cell tower" and a "power relay station" located right next to the campus, and we have been getting hit with the chemtrails hard lately. Treating our airspace like a straight up whore.
edit on 26-3-2011 by aBlueRAY because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:26 AM
Wow that is pretty scary. Can you imagine being on live tv and that happens? And it gets played over and over and over again, which is kind of embarrassing. I watched the Serena clip and about half way in you can see the fear in her eyes and her mouth does a weird thing like she was about to cry. That's some scary #.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:30 AM
Meybe they are just sick of the bull and lyes?

or the auto cue is bust?

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:33 AM

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:34 AM
There is a possibility that it was staged :0.

I really don't care about these reporters.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:38 AM
I wish we could know what kinds of symptoms he was experiencing. Because it's coincidental I was experiencing Vertigo symptoms a few nights ago, and the first thing I thought of was the news reporter with the slurred speech.
and i've never experienced them before.... and you know i've wrote about topics about NWO pointing waves at my head.... so it could be related. that or chemtrails

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by Liberterius
reply to post by aBlueRAY

Well, if you go to college and think these things, well, it says alot about what your learning. Are you at some podonk community college? Are you and your friends taking classes that actually get harder for your feeble little minds as you progress through the college levels? You know I went to college too and University, I remember people being tired from working, or taking 20 credits and working a part time job, or staying up all night studying. So, we can believe that it is the cell towers, which since you obviously are young enough to go to "college" means they existed longer that you have, OR we can believe you guys are tired. If you learn anything in whatever podonk college you are at, do you think it's because of the cell towers, or one of the rational, believable reasons I have mentioned. Your answer will say a hell of alot about whatever it is you are "studying".

Get your panties out of a bunch. "You know I went to college too and University" WHAT? Personally I have no idea what that means maybe because you are so "educated" you can rewrite that sentence. What is your deal? If you don't like what is being said, go find something else to reply about. Yes I know you are looking for attention. You got it. Hugs and kisses meanie.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by dragonsmusic
Everybody always laughs at me for talking about John Kelly or David Oates and the alt-alt field of "speech reversals" go ahead, trolls, laugh again, but that's what this sounds like with the two blond chicks...seriously crazy's like their conscious minds just dropped out and the bizarre sounding language of the unconscious mind came through...yeah, I know how insane that sounds.

Your idea doesn't sound insane at all. I was watching that last one with the blond reporter from Jan., and the first thing I though of was that it sounded like speech reversal.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:13 AM
thats what happens when you have corporate media shoving information down into your mouth everyday. people have breakdowns.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Liberterius

Well, if you go to college and think these things, well, it says alot about what your learning. Are you at some podonk community college? Are you and your friends taking classes that actually get harder for your feeble little minds as you progress through the college levels? You know I went to college too and University, I remember people being tired from working, or taking 20 credits and working a part time job, or staying up all night studying. So, we can believe that it is the cell towers, which since you obviously are young enough to go to "college" means they existed longer that you have, OR we can believe you guys are tired. If you learn anything in whatever podonk college you are at, do you think it's because of the cell towers, or one of the rational, believable reasons I have mentioned. Your answer will say a hell of alot about whatever it is you are "studying".

There is no absolute age group that attends "college" even though the majority may be young, I am not. Thank you for assuming I am though; if this is what my internet persona projects, then I am thrilled.
My mind is far from feeble.
I have already graduated from University with a degree in Philosophy.
Yes, some students are overworked and tired, however some, like me, are mature students who have been around the block, and are continuing their education. These reports are not only coming from the young; rested and unrested, but also the mature; rested and unrested.

I simply stated my observation, instead of attacking my observation you decided to attack my intelligence, which is the only thing feeble here.
This thread is about strange medical conditions appearing in individuals.
These are conditions I have been noticing appear as well, and my theory is that it has something to do with our land water or air. You are entitled to your own opinion, and this is mine.

edit on 26-3-2011 by aBlueRAY because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:28 AM
Well ok, looks like a problem but, for some of you to bring up HAARP or some underlying secret organization causing these people to speak in tongue is ridicules. Maybe it's called too much partying the night before or too many bluntz before broadcast. I can see you all continuing this thread for 50 pages claiming aliens took over their brains while telling false info about what's going on in the world.

My personal opinion is that a secret society of un-alien aliens took over their vocal cords because they were tuning their alien non-alien pianos to play the theme from lost in space.

But hey, thats just me

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by gravitybender

I have horrible insomnia since about 5-6 months ago. My wife and her friends were just talking about how they feel different. I don't feel the same, everyday I feel weird.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by gravitybender

I could be way off on this but figured I would throw it out there. Be advised before I say all this that I do already suffer from very severe migranes. I mean the kind that make you want to chop your finger off just to get your mind off your imploding brain. (Sorry lol only way I felt I could truly describe it.. I am having one now). On the 8th of this month (yes) I got sick. I have never been this sick in my life. I will spare you all my symptoms but I will tell you I have had nothing but a migrane for the last week of this. I do have a deviated septum mind you, but I am 23 and this have never caused a headache this bad before. I have been to the ER twice and they said two different things. First that I had a flu but it wasnt the A strain or B (they tested me) but said that I had textbook symptoms of the flu everyone had been coming in with. Then the 2nd time they gave me a few painkillers which did barely anything and a shot and antibiotics to take home telling me I had the flu and then a sinus infection and sinitus and maybe ate something bad as well (wtf). I am done with all the meds but right now I am sitting here it's bad. I have been wrapped up in the Japan nuclear thread but I am hurting and about to get off. Maybe I just really got sick. In another comment I just posted in that thread I mentioned I saw some pretty heavy CHEMtrails today for the first time.. pictures to back it up too. Who knows, maybe it's all connected.. then again.. maybe I am being an idiot.

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