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Contaminated Kids: Radiation Exposure 101

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:24 PM
Q: What do war, Japan's nuclear meltdowns, and HAARP have in common?

A: Radiation. And considering the jet stream and atmospheric winds, contaminated kids all over the world.

Did you know? Contaminated kids in Iraq are being "born with two heads, one eye in the middle of the face, missing limbs, too many limbs, brain damage, cardiac defects, abnormally large heads, eyeless, missing genitalia, riddled with tumors."

War is to blame, according to scientists, doctors and aid workers - and no, it's not all from depleted uranium and radiation exposure. Just most of it, although the expended weaponry, waste, rubble, massive burn pits and oil fires also contribute. Think NYC, post 9/11. Iraq's soil, water and air are poisoned too.

…Fallujah, an Iraqi city …is experiencing a staggering rate of birth defects among its local population. The situation echoes similar reports from Basra that began to circulate after the first Gulf War in 1991.

The litany of horrors is gut-wrenching: babies born with two heads, one eye in the middle of the face, missing limbs, too many limbs, brain damage, cardiac defects, abnormally large heads, eyeless, missing genitalia, riddled with tumors. …

…it is widely accepted among scientists, doctors, and aid workers that war is to blame.
The presence of so much expended weaponry, waste and rubble, massive burn pits on U.S. bases, and oil fires has left a toxic legacy that is poisoning the air, the water, and the soil in Iraq. Add highly controversial armaments that the U.S. has only hinted at using in this war - such as depleted uranium - and you get a potentially radioactive landscape giving rise to doomed children and stillborn babies.

That's Iraq.

What about Japan? ...How 'bout the kids and pregnant women who are in the wrong place at the wrong time when the jet stream dumps and the winds blow all that radioactive dust around? What about Libya? Afghanistan? Sierra Leone? Everyone downstream from all the arsenic-dumping goldmines?

WHY are we taking such risks with our world? …We need uncontaminated air, soil and water. Just to live.

Contamination is never confined - and we're waaaayyy past the point where we can count on "dispersal." These days, every new catastrophic dump-and-spill just recombines with all the other toxins to create brand new never-seen-before amalgams and chemicals and diseases. Dispersal is a really bad joke - and has been for the past 30-odd years.

In Iraq:

“The timing of the birth defect occurrences suggests that they may be related to war-associated long-term exposure to contamination,” the report states. “Many known contaminants have the potential to interfere with normal embryonic and fetal development.” The report also suggests that metals such as depleted uranium associated with “augmented” and “targeted” weapons “are potential good candidates to cause birth defects,”

The radioactive dust from Japan's "partial" meltdown will mix with the radioactive dust from the depleted uranium (DU) used in Iraq. None of the radiation will stay at the original location. ALL of it is blowing around the world.

And DU takes 4.5 billion years to lose just half its radioactivity.

After battle, the carcasses of tanks and remains of exploded or unexploded DU munitions produce radiation, while tiny particles of heavy metal get into the dust and can travel long distances in the air. This dust can be deadly when inhaled, doctors and environmental scientists say.

…“On impact with a hard target (such as a tank) the penetrator may generate a cloud of DU dust within the struck vehicle that ignites spontaneously, creating a fire that increases the damage to the target.”

After battle, the carcasses of tanks and remains of exploded or unexploded DU munitions produce radiation, while tiny particles of heavy metal get into the dust and can travel long distances in the air. This dust can be deadly when inhaled, doctors and environmental scientists say.

The U.S. left an estimated 320 metric tons of DU on the battlefield after the first Gulf War. DU rounds conferred a distinct advantage over the Iraqis, destroying some 4,000 of their tanks, many which still pollute the desert landscape. “The invisible particles created when those bullets struck and burned are still ‘hot.’ They make Geiger counters sing, and they stick to the tanks, contaminating the soil and blowing in the desert wind, as they will for the 4.5 billion years it will take the DU to lose just half its radioactivity,” wrote Scott Peterson in the Christian Science Monitor.

Japan's nuclear reactors and the Iraq war are just two sources of radiation contamination. There are a LOT more.

But according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, "Pas de problemo! …Not a problem!"

Why blow off the real dangers?

Cash. Pure and simple. Profits.

Everyone's in denial mode: industry to protect profits; government to prevent panic; people to preserve their comfort. It's hard to get the real story.

A report to the European Parliament:

4. Considers that atmospheric and underground nuclear tests have as a result of nuclear radiation fall-out distributed large quantities of radioactive cesium 137, strontium 90 and other
cancer inducing isotopes over the whole planet and have caused considerable environmental and health damage in the test areas;
5. Considers that several parts of the world are threatened by the uncontrolled, unsafe and unprofessional storage and dumping of nuclear submarines and surface-vessels, as well as their radioactive fuel and leaking nuclear reactors, considering the high possibility that as a result large regions might soon start to be polluted by the radiation;

Besides the horrifically visible and other, more conveniently hidden genetic effects that radiation exposure has on children, there's the "C" word.


…several long-term studies … have linked exposure to ionizing radiation with leukemia, thyroid, breast, lung, skin, and stomach cancers, among others

it usually takes decades before radiation damage manifests as cancer.

This risk also increases with every cell division because mutations have a chance to accumulate, explained Peter Dedon, professor of toxicology and biological engineering and member of the Radiation Protection Committee at MIT. As a result, undifferentiated and actively dividing cells, such as stem cells, blood precursor cells, hair follicles, and the gut epithelium, are particularly sensitive to ionizing radiation. For the same reason, age at the time of exposure is often a critical determinant of cancer risk: Because the cells of younger people are proliferating more actively than adults, children are much more vulnerable to the cancer risks imposed by radiation exposure.

Fortunately, much can be done at home and on your own.


..some parts of treatments vary by type of exposure, some are general.

Uranium and plutonium pulmonary exposure can be responsive to sodium bicarbonate and lavage (carefully done). Chelating agents can help clear them in blood before they move to marrow where they do serious damage.

Cesium can be flushed by drinking potassium salt fluids like gatorade or diluted seawater. Srontium can be flushed by drinking calcium fluids for months. Most energy drinks have calcium, and of course milk, and many other foods. Everyone knows to supplement with iodine salts to keep radioactive iodine out of the thyroid as much as possible. But the window is very short because the half-life of iodine-131 is 8 days. Iodine-125 has a half-life of 59 days, so it's still useful if someone has been exposed.

General treatment:
* PABA, (para-amino benzoic acid) a B vitamin
, can be given in 2 gram doses (up to about 5 grams) 5 times a day, orally. This is one of the most useful things to do to help the body's DNA repair mechanisms. People with PABA metabolism deficiency have problems. It is good to supplement that with a reasonable B-Complex. Continue for 3-6 months.

* Calendula oil is used in cancer treatment to prevent and heal radiation burns. It works. Up to 2 ml several times a day taken internally. Continue for 2-3 months.

* Cod liver oil. The vitamin A and D are necessary for healing and membrane maintenance. The omega-3s help with inflammation and immune function. One month at high supplementation followed by 2 months at medium. High is around 50,000 IU of D per day from the oil.

* Hyperbaric oxygen can be helpful to the immune system after radiation fighting apoptosis and saving leukocytes. 20-30 treatments.

Is it a coincidence that public health programs are really pushing Vitamins A & D and Omega-fats these days? I wonder.

Whatever. Be prepared: Monitor your local RADNET

And last but not least, there's HAARP.

HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project. By virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment it is a global concern, according to the EU's Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy.

Seems HAARP punches holes in the ionosphere, letting in dangerous cosmic radiation.

Another damaging consequence of HAARP is the occurrence of holes in the ionosphere caused by the powerful radio beams. The ionosphere protects us from incoming cosmic radiation. The hope is that the holes will fill again, but our experience of change in the ozone layer points in the other direction. This means substantial holes in the ionosphere that protects us.

With its far-reaching impact on the environment HAARP is a matter of global concern…

Is it coincidence that skin cancer rates have skyrocketed since HAARP got online?

…Who knows?

HAARP, wars, weapons made from "depleted" uranium (it's not depleted), nuclear plants built on top of earthquake zones and subject to tsunamis - take your pick. Our "civilized" world is spewing radioactive dust into our atmosphere, and never mind Corexit and all the other toxins and pollutants we use to line our pockets and kill our children.

Which one does the most damage? Who cares. The all-new amalgams are predictably worse than the individual elements.

Where will it end? When? How?

… The dots are there. But TPTB don't like it when people start trying to connect them. Be prepared for a lot of flack if you do take a shot at it.

Also see:
Excerpts from Angels Don't Play This HAARP

Fallout at Fukushima -- Part 3

edit on 24/3/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:51 PM
WELL DONE!!! great put together post with lots of pertainent info. S&F

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:52 PM
The radiation-cancer link is most well-documented:

Because it packs enough energy to expulse electrons from atoms and molecules, ionizing radiation can directly damage biomolecules such as DNA, breaking chemical bonds and inducing single and double-strand breaks. When this damage is not efficiently fixed by the DNA-repair machinery, mutations arise: Mutations in somatic cells can lead to cancer, and in germ line cells, genetic defects can be transmitted to offspring. Indeed, radiation from Chernobyl and the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in the middle of last century has been linked to a wide variety of cancers.

But there are a host of other health issues associated with radiation exposure to be explored on this thread - hopefully, others can add to the mix.

Thanks, sofi

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by agentblue
WELL DONE!!! great put together post with lots of pertainent info. S&F

Thanks agentblue.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 03:41 PM
Excellent stuff, Sofi!

I'm out on the beach in Florida for a wedding this weekend. Was debating on whether or not to go to the beach and chill outside, but now I think that I'll brave whatever possible exposure happens and just try to detox the crud out later.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Radiation damages the immune system, making victims more likely to get new diseases, or flare-ups of latent or retro- ones, report patient support groups and client-based services.

Radiation & Immune Function

* Radiation is cumulative. All forms interfere with cellular activity and suppress immune system function.

* Radiation creates dangerous free radicals that damage cells and cytokine pathways (communication pathways) in the immune system.

Radiation Creates Free Radical Damage

“Radiation creates increased numbers of free radicals in the tissue, and free radicals induce apoptosis (cellular death)…”

“… free radicals [produced by radiation] can also damage genetic material, lipids (fats), or proteins [communication molecules in the immune system are proteins].

Some Experts Believe Low Levels of Radiation Are Dangerous Too…

Radiation, Free Radical Damage, Damaged Cytokines and Immune Function

…“Free radicals [from radiation] can bind to and destroy cytokines.”

… It attacks DNA and “behind this energy particle is left a trail of free radicals that destroy receptor sites and cytokines directly.” Note: Cytokines are communication molecules of the immune system. The immune system doesn’t function well, if at all, without their activity.

Corporate-government funded alliances contradict such "unreliable" sources.

Radioactive dust from DU weapons, nuclear meltdowns and atomic bomb fallout is practically harmless, they claim, in essence.


It has long been known that high-dose irradiation can damage the immune system. However, some recent studies have shown that low levels can stimulate it, at least for short periods, says the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) in a new report. Some studies of people living in areas of high level natural radiation suggest an adaptive response to exposure, it says.

The UNSCEAR report basically denies all but the most obvious immediate effects of radiation exposure, but does admit:

The effects of ionizing radiation on the immune system may be stronger under certain conditions. There are critical periods of vulnerability during foetal development; and some human diseases such as HIV AIDS, autoimmune diseases and genetic disorders also impair the immune system, making it more sensitive to irradiation.

Like UNSCEAR, the Radiation Effects Research Foundation - A Cooperative Japan-US Research Organization is really special, and relies on corporate-government funding for its very existence.

From their home page under "Effects on the Immune System":

To date, there has been no clear evidence that any specific health effects have resulted from the persistent abnormalities observed in the T and B lymphocytes of A-bomb survivors.

However, corporate-government funded research clearly shows:

UV radiation from the sun causes cancer.

Ultraviolet radiation-immune response:

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation can exert a variety of biological effects, including induction of skin cancer, premature skin ageing and inhibition of the immune system. The immunosuppressive properties of UV radiation are of major biological and clinical relevance since suppression of the immune system by UV radiation also contributes to the induction of skin cancer. Hence, understanding of the mechanisms by which UV radiation compromises the immune system is of primary importance. UV radiation suppresses the immune system in multiple ways. It inhibits antigen presentation, stimulates the release of immunosuppressive cytokines and induces the generation of lymphocytes of the regulatory subtype.

Got that?

Nuclear power, bombs, DU weapons GOOD; sun BAD.

The take-home message?

1. The sun is a great big powerful god-like production that can hurt you, but man is really tiny and puny and can't damage the planet at all or influence natural forces in any real way;


2. The corporate-government toadies lie through their teeth.

We don't know the cause but by God we'll TREAT it.

~ An anonymous Big Pharma CEO, channeled by soficrow


posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by soficrow

The radiation is so much worse.

It is a slow, painful, and extremely cruel death.

It reminds me of human testing on soldiers at White Sands.

An invisible killer which should never have been born to begin with.

Like Chernobyl this is another disaster of epic proportions.

The world would have been much better off without the invention of Nuclear Science.
edit on 3/24/11 by SpartanKingLeonidas because: Adding Depth and Insight Into the Post.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 10:29 PM
Threads like this one make me not want to get out of bed.


I'm speechless.

Sofi, as usual. profound terrifying stuff.

We've made such a terrible mess of things...

edit on 24-3-2011 by loam because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 10:41 PM
We get very view reports with little detail on just how the people are doing.
Of course we have all heard about the radiation getting into the milk
and vegetables and ever since I heard this I have had a question.
Perhaps someone here knows or could give an idea - If the milk
is contaminated how would this happen as the milk comes from
the cow - wouldn't that mean the cows are also contaminated?
And if so what other animals and how many people are actually
being exposed right now, how many are sick and not from earth-
quake or tsunami injuries but due to radiation.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 11:38 PM
Wow, amazing work sofi, S&F!

You basically summed up about everything that's wrong with everything.

So to the dreamers out there I propose that military everywhere surround all nuclear plants immediately using only non-DU ammo, and stop this insanity one planet at a time.
Next you can work on dismantling the weaponization of space!

Cause really. That's what it will take. Even money walks when guns talk.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

It's useful to know about all those treatment alternatives, isn't it? …The trick is to nail it early, and prevent the long term stealthy stuff that sneaks up on you slowly.

'Course Big Pharma would rather have everyone get sick so they can sell magic pills.

reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Radiation sickness IS horrific - but the long term effects of cumulative low-dose exposures are really BAD too. …And that's what everyone in the world is facing now, what with radioactive dust from wars in Iraq, nuclear meltdowns in Japan, HAARP and more.
People who aren't killed outright, kids who are born and live without visible genetic defects - everyone who survives - faces a life defined by the exposure and sooner or later, some kind of disability, be it cancer or another chronic disease. Their, our, lives have been ruined - just like the victims you describe in your Sex Trafficking thread.

All to support "the economy" and a financial system built on the victimization imperative, as a foundation.

reply to post by loam

We've made such a terrible mess of things...

Yes, we have. By building and supporting an economy that not only presumes the need for victimization, but actually mandates it under international corporate law.

reply to post by crazydaisy

We get very view reports with little detail on just how the people are doing. …how many are sick and not from earth-
quake or tsunami injuries but due to radiation.

Radiation sickness isn't the real problem here - although the Atomic Samurai are definitely getting it. …Some infants and children may get cancer in a few years; some fetuses whose mother's were exposed may have birth defects. Most of these relatively immediate effects probably will be covered up.

For the rest of Japan's population, and for us, the health effects from low-dose exposures will take years, even decades, to show up. Like all the cancers resulting from nuclear testing in Nevada - the fallout "dispersed" round the continent, and got blown round the world. … The cause will be difficult if not impossible to prove; people will have forgotten, and won't make the connection.

An admission that the core may have been damaged (Fukushima, reactor 3) finally came this morning from Japan's nuclear and industrial safety agency official, Hidehiko Nishiyama. Reported by the Daily Mail: Three 'Fukushima Fifty' workers taken to hospital were exposed to radiation 10,000 times the safety maximum

There's hope if we keep learning and talking.

reply to post by TrueAmerican

I propose that military everywhere surround all nuclear plants immediately using only non-DU ammo, and stop this insanity one planet at a time. Next you can work on dismantling the weaponization of space!

Cause really. That's what it will take. ...

You may be right.

But it's not just a nuclear power problem, it's the whole economic system, which relies on victimizing ordinary people - by contaminating their environments, through predatory credit marketing, justifying wars for colonization and cash flow.

As loam said, "Terrifying." …Neatly describes the problem and the solution.

Thank you all for contributing. …More info to come.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by soficrow


Absolutely invaluable OP!

It seems the more technology man has, the more he wars.
And the more he wars, the weaker he becomes.

Its obvious at this point that in all of his brilliance, man futhers his own demise.


posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:29 PM
OMG, Wonderful job Soficrow, simply mind enhancing info all in one place. Please Please keep learning and sharing all you you can I will book mark this thread to my favorites and return for any additional new news, updates as well as helpful and real actions to take, or not take in many cases as you have stated.

I am very concerned however the for some reason on this issue I want to stick my head in the sand and go into denial and you know that is not Antar.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by burntheships

Thanks burntheships - time to take back our power, dontcha think?

reply to post by antar

Originally posted by antar

I am very concerned however the for some reason on this issue I want to stick my head in the sand and go into denial and you know that is not Antar.

Thanks antar - and no, denial is not your path!

True, this info is frightening - but also, "Knowledge is POWER."

I'm hoping our culture is ready for a paradigm change, a sea-change. ...Most of us were raised to think everything is stable - the earth, the economy, our homes, jobs, incomes and health. Well, surprise-surprise - things change. Sometimes dramatically. And it's NOT the end of the world. Other cultures know this; many, especially Eastern cultures, accommodate the idea of radical change.

I really believe that awareness is a developmental process - in Western culture, most akin to the Kübler-Ross model for the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance).

We all have to go through all the stages to get to acceptance - and hopefully, Maslow's level of "self-acutalization," if not "self-transcendence."

Unfortunately, Western culture and "the economy" are based on the Stability Myth - the idea that everything is stable, unchanging and constant. …It's a synthetic, constructed myth; it's wrong. But everything from our educational system to government-corporate damage control works to keep us ignorant and hoodwink us into thinking it's true.

Why? Population control.

An informed population is a growing, changing entity - far too much trouble for TPTB to control, and in the end, it's uncontrollable. So if people don't know the truth, if they're ignorant, then corporate-government controllers don't have to deal with a population spread all over the developmental map, all at various stages of "grief " and dawning awareness - ranging from denial, anger and bargaining to depression.

…By such standards, ignorance and an uninformed population is best.

But the truth is - the earth is NOT stable; the economy is NOT stable. Nothing is. And the fact is, the planet is rumbling and the Ring of Fire is active - and all those nuclear reactors are seriously vulnerable. Which makes us vulnerable.

Everything is connected; everything changes. Even continents and oceans, our sun and galaxy, and the universe. And surprise surprise, they're all interconnected.

…Other cultures accommodate the idea of change and inconstancy. We can too.

Bottom line: We can't solve any problems we can't or won't see.

edit on 25/3/11 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by soficrow

I cannot believe that "the people in charge" were SO stupid that when they had a choice of going with the virtually radiation and risk free Thorium nuclear reactors they chose Uranium based reactors so they would get plutonium to play with. That should have been made a criminal act and they should be made to pay the price.

That fateful decision is what has led to ALL of this, the depleted uranium, the reactor problems in various countries and people being irradiated throughout the world.

Then I further cannot believe that these people can be so damn stupid as to build nuclear reactors in earthquake prone areas - and indeed almost right in the firing line, and that does not just apply to Japan. How much less risk there would be if those had been Thorium reactors?

My dearly beloved, my better half, often says of these situations that the world would be better off without men. For obvious reasons I cannot agree with that
but she has a point. The world would certainly be a much better place without these men who only consider their own greed and warmongering and have no consideration for the planet or the people on it.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Leuren Moret is an independent scientist and anti-nuclear activist. Her 2004 article, Japan's deadly game of nuclear roulette, is a must read.

More recently, in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre she asserts "that the "Japan earthquake and "accidents" at the Fukushima's 6 nuclear power plant units starting March 11, 2011 are in fact deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare, carried out against the populations ecology of Japan and the nations of the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico."

I need to watch the whole video, not just scan it. …I suspect she's on the money about HAARP, but has the motive wrong.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Excellent thread... S+F

I have long suspected the increased cancer rates of the last 70 years to be down three things in particular...

Increase use of plastics
Increase of junk food
The splitting of the atom

Us humans know the consequences... but unfortunately most of the people, in power, put profits first and many people, who are not in power, put convenience and luxuries first.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Muckster

unfortunately most of the people, in power, put profits first and many people, who are not in power, put convenience and luxuries first.

Ah. There you have it.

But we CAN learn. Just like the crows. [Links thanks to regenmacher.]

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:41 AM
Well worth reading:

The nuclear industry is a snake-oil culture of habitual misrepresentation, pervasive wishful thinking, deep denial, and occasional outright deception.

When nuclear reactors blow, the first thing that melts down is the truth.

From Dr. Moret's 2004 article in the Japan Times:

Of all the places in all the world where no one in their right mind would build scores of nuclear power plants, Japan would be pretty near the top of the list.

The Japanese archipelago is located on the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire, a large active volcanic and tectonic zone ringing North and South America, Asia and island arcs in Southeast Asia. The major earthquakes and active volcanoes occurring there are caused by the westward movement of the Pacific tectonic plate and other plates leading to subduction under Asia.

Japan sits on top of four tectonic plates, at the edge of the subduction zone, and is in one of the most tectonically active regions of the world. It was extreme pressures and temperatures, resulting from the violent plate movements beneath the seafloor, that created the beautiful islands and volcanoes of Japan.

Nonetheless, like many countries around the world - where General Electric and Westinghouse designs are used in 85 percent of all commercial reactors - Japan has turned to nuclear power as a major energy source.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Thanks OP, great thread. Congratulation. S&F

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