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John P O'neill, head of FBI Bin Laden Unit disappears!

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posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by Six Sigma
A Box Boy Gage Graduate! How impressive! What's stopping you? Start a drive...hold a Truth Telethon! Not one penny of my hard earned money is going to be spent to show conspiracy loons that they are just that... LOONS!

Maybe when you sober up some you could actually try to explain to me what's so loony about wanting proof of what happened. Instead of directing me to a report, which you must already know are all whitewashes and full of crap, you start posting immature insults instead. I guess you just have to work with what you've got.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

And more misinformation....

There were two groups in Afghanistan. One, mostly native Afghans, was funded by the CIA. The other, Muslim males from many different countries, were funded by people like Osama Bin Laden. Even back then Osama had quite the hatred of the United States and Westerners that were traveling amongst the camps were always cautioned to stay away from Osama.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
There were two groups in Afghanistan. One, mostly native Afghans, was funded by the CIA. The other, Muslim males from many different countries, were funded by people like Osama Bin Laden. Even back then Osama had quite the hatred of the United States and Westerners that were traveling amongst the camps were always cautioned to stay away from Osama.

That's a nice story but you aren't reading the information I posted. I know you didn't read any of it because you haven't had time since I posted it to look through it all.

Last post on the previous page. The ISI was funding these groups while simultaneously receiving CIA support, even to the point of one the ISI's Sheikh wiring $100,000 to Atta while he was in the US, and the CIA knowing that Sheikh was involved with these militant Muslims but still doing nothing. Some of these hijackers lived with an FBI informant or even listed their own addresses as being US military bases.

Or just take another step back and look at the close family ties between the Bushes and Bin Ladens. Again, George W. Bush's first business partners: the Bin Laden family.

These people are so powerful and wealthy they may as well exist in a different world than you. They're intimately connected and have been for years, even before all the Soviet stuff, and you still think everything is just as they say it is and no more. You have a lot of faith in your leaders that I'm not seeing grounds for.

The worst part isn't even that you have to have faith. It's that no one ever investigated these connections more closely in the first place. The same agencies that would investigate them, are the same ones who are involved. Like I said, some faith you must have.
edit on 26-3-2011 by bsbray11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 05:14 PM
I've had an open challenge on ATS posted on This Thread for several years now regarding the film entitled "Who Killed John O'Neil". It's kinda creepy after watching that to realize that O'Neils' remains were personally identified by Jerome Hauer.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by twitchy

Should look up Rick Rescorla, security director of Morgan Stanley (now Morgan Stanley-Smith Barney)

Truly remarkable individual - predicted several months before Feb 1993 incident that the parking garage lacked
security and was vulnerable to truck bombs.

After 1993 bombing predicted Bin Laden was return to finish the job - this time throught the air

Tried to convince Morgan Stanley to relocate from WTC site to Jersey City. Since company had long term
lease (through 2006) would not do it

Did what he could by drilling employees regularly in evacuating building.

On 9/11 was able clear thousands of employess from South Tower and from WTC 7

Then with members of hi security staff went back into building to check if everyone was out and assist in
evacuating others only to be caught in collapse of South Tower

Because of his devotation only dozen Morgan Stanley people lost there lives including Rescorla and his security

In each Morgan Stanley office in this area (do lot of work for them) is memorial poster in lobby with names of
those who died. Always stop and look at poster remembering those who died

Another thing is in high raise Morgan Stanley offices (above 5 floors) in hallways next to evacuation plans are
bing filled with chemical light sticks and smoke masks in case have to evacuate during fire (or terrorist attack(

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 08:19 AM
Allan Weisbecker has presented seven good reasons why JON could of been 'in on it':
1. O’Neill’s active participation in the TWA 800 cover up

2. The utter nonsensicalness of the notion that the a non-colluder would be given the opportunity to discover the pre-existing demolition equipment with which the WTC was packed in the three weeks prior to the attacks;

3. The notion that the perpetrators would try to silence O’Neill by assuming he would die in the attacks is equally absurd.

4. The lack of real intel/information coming from John O’Neill.

5. The lack of evidence that O’Neill carried out the duties he should have on that day, i.e., the evacuation of the complex, helicopter rescue attempts, and so forth.

Have you seen this man?
Murray Weiss, in his kowtow to the Legend, The Man Who Warned America, lists these as the known O’Neill phone calls between the first plane hit and the first tower collapse:

O’Neill called his son J.P. to say that he was okay. According to Weiss,this was the first call O’Neill made from his South Tower office when Flight 11 hit the North Tower.

O’Neill then (at 8:50, likely the next call) took a call from his estranged wife, Christine, assuring her that he was okay. That he took the call and was speaking to her five minutes after the attack had begun tells us that he was not making other calls, or contacting security people, or, for that matter, trying to make a P.A. announcement that everyone should evacuate the WTC complex.

O’Neill called an FBI buddy named Pat Paterson (O’Neill left a message), who figures O’Neill called to say 'I told you so’ – meaning that O’Neill was right in predicting an attack on the WTC. In any event, Paterson could not have helped in O’Neill’s duties that day, so the call was personal.

O’Neill called his girlfriend Valerie James. James says that O’Neill called at 9:17 and expressed concern that he might lose his job. He took the time to describe the carnage he was witnessing

Anna DiBattista, one of O’Neill’s other girlfriends, called O’Neill at 9:29. He took the call and 'could not have sounded calmer’ as he again took the time to describe the carnage he was witnessing. (One can assume that he still wasn’t all that busy.)

O’Neill called an FBI girlfriend named Fran Townsend to tell her he was okay. (That Ms Townsend was still another of O’Neill’s paramours is in subtext in Weiss’s book.

Six calls. All personal. All indicating that O’Neill was not busy doing the things that I would have done, had I been in his circumstances that day.

6. Then there’s good old ex-FBI Agent Mark Rossini (ejected from the Bureau essentially for being a sleazebag), whose words ring in my ear to this day: 'John is a great guy.’

(This is a hint that John may of faked his own death and is infact still alive, If You were JON's friend would you say that?)

7. When O’Neill took the WTC security job, he told a good half dozen people words to the effect that bin Laden/al Qaeda would likely strike the towers, and soon.

I would also add that, the evacuations and power downs were taking place when JON started working as head of security. Also, if you were JON, knowing they would 'strike again'; you should of realised the first plane hitting was terrorism and would promptly get onto the security broadcast and tell everyone to evacuate, yet after the first plane hit a mysterious announcement came over the loudspeakers asking for people to return to their offices!

Interestingly, according to Hauer, JON worked directly for Silverstein's personal security team not Kroll. Silverstein had his own security team working on the WTC.
edit on 27-3-2011 by Insolubrious because: (no reason given)

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