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Communication with a tree possible? Got a weird feeling when I touched a dying one in my yard.

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:14 PM
I am friends with quite a number of trees. I have also been responsible for removing trees because I am a gardener and often I have had to deal with trees that were misplaced or diseased. A tree has a soul but it takes a very long time to reach the age when a tree actually communicates. Most of the "old growth" trees are gone and the few remaining are apprehensive about sharing themselves with others. I think the OP got the message clear enough; change is coming and it should be feared as much as it should be revered. It is time to tell the tree the truth and assure it that everything will work out well. Do something that comforts it by talking to it, hugging it, or adding a layer of mulch to its feet.

I have a general rule of thumb that no tree should stand alone, that we should all plant in "threes" so that the roots from each tree can touch and communicate between themselves. You are lucky in that it sounds like all your trees are touching and talking to one another; they just need to hear the truth!

I have always enjoyed the song by RUSH, called "The Trees", a parable about humans!

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

You should really try to get a copy of the "Secret lives of plants"..In it he proves without doubt that plants have nervous systems. His pet plant rigged up to the computer, would switch it on for him.When he thought about the plant from miles away.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain
Sorry about my stupid comment about talking to my leg!
Although my career involved working in the field of Wildlife, Forest and Wetlands Conservation, I was by no means a "tree-hugger". I was in fact an avid hunter for many years, and almost everything I shot went into the freezer. Even as a youngster I always felt the outdoors was where I belonged (if I even belonged on this planet) and animals that would run or hide, cringing in fear at the scent of a human, would most of the time just ignore me, and sometimes would even approach whenever I stopped to check something interesting on the ground. I never had a dog or a cat as a youngster, but often folks in the neighbourhood would bring me some sick or injured wild critter to look after. It wasn't unusual for me to have a couple of hedgehogs or rabbits and hares, for companions. I bought my first .22 rifle at the age of fifteen, and got into shooting groundhogs for area farmers. That was when I stopped seeing as many animals as I used to, when just out hiking the hills and woods, or even spending a few days camping solo. It was as though wild animals could sense what a rifle or shotgun is, and it wasn't until I quit hunting some twelve years ago that I started seeing more of them, even though I couldn't walk very far due to an injury. Around this same time I developed an aversion to cutting down trees and clearing out a patch of bush so that someone could build a house, or clearing out a forest so that a subdivision could be built. Even the idea of growing evergreens to be cut down and used as Christmas Trees no longer appealed to me, and I was one who always insisted on a "real tree". Something had happened to me, and I'm not sure I even liked it at the time. I put my guns away and haven't used them since. I won't sell them because I don't know what the future is going to bring, and I might find myself in a position in which I have to hunt for the sake of survival of my family. I certainly do not regret all that I learned about hunting and wilderness survival, knowlege I've shared with my son who has been camping alone since he was ten. I feel a strong connection to nature, and believe we are all connected spiritually with Mother Earth who will give us food and shelter should we need it. I believe in leaving everything the way it was when I got there, and taking only what I need. I don't frown on anyone who chooses to hunt as a sport, just as long as meat doesn't go to waste. I've always said the decision to hunt is a personal choice for everyone, and as with anything else my neighbours do, whatever their decisions are is none of my business. I do believe you are just beginning to realize your true connection with Nature, and you "felt" the touch of that tree. If it is dying, there is nothing wrong with harvesting it for your own use. I have a wonderful friend/brother who is Innuit, and he could explain everything much bettter than I, being that he lives almost as his ancestors lived for thousands of years. I never was good at explaining myself.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

You are probably going to get lots of this if you have not already...If your Grandmother was a Yuta from Ryukyu that probably explains why you had the experience. I do not know why things work like this but there are enough anecdotes involving this sort of thing to break the scale if you are trying to weigh the truth of it. Chances are that if you had grown up on Ryukyu you would have been made a Yuta, too. Again, I am sure you have heard all of this before. The part of your story that I like is that you went to touch the tree for information unrelated to the tree and you had the spontaneous experience. I understand that it usually goes like that. Best of luck to you. Don't take any wooden nickels, as they say.
From what little I know of what she did as a yuta, she was a conduit for dead ancestors but in her case she lost control of it and got plagued with nasty entities instead. The bloodline of my family had on her side some European mix and some non mixed relatives blamed that for the problems or something. I'm not really sure, there was a lot of feuding in the family and the stories are confusing. She converted to Christianity to get away from her native religion since it was disturbing her, that's all I know for sure and the rest is kind of vague. My mother since infancy reacted negatively to certain locations so the family often used her as a barometer of sorts to tell when an area was blighted by negative forces of sorts. As far as I know she did not practice the Ryukyu religion except maybe as a kid. She left the island when really young. The Japanese culture dominates nowadays there so the old religion may be close to extinction by now, anyway.

I don't want to talk more than I already have on ATS about myself and past paranormal experiences since I currently live in a hostile environment for discussion of such things. I do sometimes get "vibes" from a location or I used to think I did, but my husband has ridiculed me into doubt about that. God I hope he never comes across this thread! He might roll his eyes straight out of his head. I'm just very appreciative of the help and input I've gotten so far.

I totally understand any skepticism I might get for this thread.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:37 PM
I have a theory involving this...Personally I believe everything has a lifeforce/soul but most humans have grown away from the susceptability to feel the Harmonic Messages they portray....My theory has to do with Quantum Entanglement..actually Ima start a thread in theorys ina second hope you read it and give me some insight as to if you think it'll work.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Bkrmn

Oh don't worry I have an irrepressible sense of humor myself and I got a laugh at your joke. I joke a lot on ATS myself and definitely don't take myself seriously. In fact I'm burning with snarky wicked curiosity to know what dreadful thing Sabbathcrazy posted to get slapped with a point deduction. I just hope if it was something profoundly insulting that some creativity went into it!

I have also experienced a fairly recent awareness of a need to reach out more to animals and nature. So has my husband but he is a very concrete minded person. I don't understand how he manages to maintain religious faith. I guess because it is mainstream enough? Yet I can see in his actions he is definitely different. He used to smoosh bugs and now he doesn't, for example.

The animals do seem to sense intentions. That is a whole other subject I guess. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes with me and the trees. I am not expecting much because the element of spontaneity is now lost and I don't know how I will be able to keep personal bias of some sort out of the equation. I've got a lot of researching to do I suppose.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Bkrmn

This is one of the best posts I have read on ATS. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:12 PM
This just popped up if you all have not seen it yet...

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:44 PM
A few friends claim to talk to plants - two talked with my dad after he passed on like I did, so i really don't doubt them. All things (i'm told even rocks) have a level of consciousness and can communicate in some form. Emotions are a universal form of communication and being able to connect to a plant and experience these emotions is possible, just as it's possible for those that say they are telepathic to connect and feel the emotions of another person.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Yes it is possible, I read in the old Arabic book , if you have a tree and it delays production of fruit or flowers, you can bring the ax - I used a knife-, and be with someone else, and do dialogue in front of the tree as follows:
You: This tree does not produce any flowers I will cut it down, and put the knife on the tree, like you're trying to cut .. The other person trying to prevention you and he says: this tree very soon will produce flowers.
You say: Well, I'll wait a little while and if it do not produce flowers, I'm going to cut it off.
I do it just that, and we had this tree for five years ago and it does not produce anything, and when we do that after only one month the tree produced several very beautiful flowers ...may You can not Believes that , but I swear by God this happened...

this is the plant we call it ( kadi ) pandanus tectorius

this is the flowers

the funny thing that I read after year that this plant must have a male to production Or at least it need vaccinated by wind and insects but I live in a city and i don't think we have here the same plants ..

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Frater210

Well that is interesting. I need to keep up on that. If pleasant sound waves can help plants grow and thrive, could some sound waves distress and kill them off ? When I moved here my sick tree was already sick but the overall woods looked ok to me. Within a few months I started hearing a very discordant low frequency hum I have already talked about in depth with others in this forum. The hum went away after tormenting me for months. My husband seemed unable to hear it except faintly on occasion and even then he seemed unsure about it.

In other weirdness relating perhaps to energy of the property, we've gotten a lot of lightning strikes, including one on a sunny day with not a cloud to be seen. I can only guess lightning traveled from a storm off in the distance. My parents counted only three in thirty years. I've had that many in five years.

And now this past winter I've experienced the strange rumbles talked about on Fragile Earth. We did have an unprecedented earthquake last summer. The epicenter was about ten miles from here. I'm not sure...around here we measure distances by how long you're stuck in traffic getting from point A to B.

We are not really close to power lines in this part of town but we do have some big ones bordering a lot of neighborhoods in this town. My husband and I took great pains to avoid those listings when we were house shopping. That pretty much covers anything I can think of that might relate to sound or energy and the trees here. Oh and there might be underground water movement. I know the developers built pipes in the yards to drain water to a creek that cuts through the extreme end of the woods.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

I have a dear old walking stick I got and stripped down by hand myself 20 years ago with my grand dad's antique spoke shave. Would that do or do I need a fresher one with bark still on it? No offense, and I respect and thank you for this tip, but I have to say, I hope my husband or the neighbors don't catch me at it. Sometimes I feel like I'm Samantha from "Bewitched" and I'm married to Darrin and have to also watch out for Mrs. Kravitz. Though I don't think the neighbors are anywhere near as observant as that old dear.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by ArieZ

I'll gladly read your writings when you have it ready. Please post or U2U me when you have it posted.

To everyone else to whom I haven't replied to directly, please know I read all your posts and you have all helped open my mind up some more. I offer a heartfelt thanks to all who have taken the time and effort to respond.

I hope it clears up soon and dries out a bit so I can visit that tree again instead of just rushing in and out for the sake of my dog.

One thing I failed to say about the tree. I got the impression it wanted to be out of the ground. That makes no sense on so many levels. It is a tree. It's always been in the ground. How can it imagine being out of the ground or have a concept of anything else than its current experience? That part must have been my imagination. It was the last thing I felt so it was probably my subconscious take on the initial rush of stuff that surprised me.

Man it's going to be tough, if not impossible for me to know what originates from me vs. what I somehow am actually taking in.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 10:06 PM
So are you going to do anything to help your sick trees now that you know they are sad? Fertilize them or get an arborist to help you?

I heard an interview on Coast to Coast years ago about a study where the researcher had a plant and some living shrimp live side by side for a while and monitored the vibrations on the plant. One day they put the shrimp into a pot of boiling water in the same vicinity of the plant and the plant vibrations went the plant responded to the shrimp being harmed.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by SheeplFlavoredAgain

The poor tree is one of the sicker ones. It's got a forked trunk and one fork rotted off already. It droops a little. I've been after my husband to get it cut down because if it falls now, it might break our kitchen window or damage the entire wall. But after feeling what I felt, I can tell you the idea of sinking axes and saws into the poor thing gives me chills. I've cut down saplings before by myself and never felt anything. I used to climb trees all the time as a kid. I don't recall getting impressions off of them.

I'm not sure but Maybe because you were afraid, and the level of your awareness you was a very sensitive at that time, so you can felt those feelings from the tree.

my religious confirms that the tree has feelings, and there is one famous stories,“There was a trunk of a date-palm tree that the Prophet (sa) would hold when he delivered a sermon. Then a pulpit was placed in the mosque When the Prophet (sa) sat on the pulpit to deliver the Friday sermon, the trunk of the date-palm tree which he used hold on to cried out like the crying of a child and so the Prophet (sa) went down, took hold of it and drew it to him then it began to sob like a child that is being comforted until it stopped, ,,

maybe you do not believe in the Prophet Muhammad, but the story told by many man who saw it and wonder for that , it famous historical story ..

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by Missing Blue Sky

Honey you are preaching to the choir about getting an arborist. I have been bugging my husband to hire one since I first laid eyes on this tree. I can't fault him for procrastinating. We've had a lot of serious expenses. I'm a stay at home mom and though I had my own money from when I was working, that's always gone to taking care of my parents who are not very financially secure and got a lot of medical expenses not all of which has been covered. There is barely anything left in that account. So hubby is the go to guy for the budget and every time I bring it up he postpones it. I'll go read my gardening books and see if there's anything I can do. The soil under the trees is hard packed stuff. We couldn't even lay our pet goldfish to rest under any of the trees. So I'll have to see what I can add maybe via a watering can. I don't know, I'm pathetic about gardening. But I'll learn.

It's not just the one tree that's sick. The WHOLE woods is dying now! Even trees that looked fine to me are now lying flat out on the ground after this rough past two winters and our really freakish wind storms we had this
winter that I havent seen the likes of since 2004-2005 when oddly enough I last heard odd noises (hum) around here. I did indeed call attention to the woods to my HOA president. I got basically the response that our very modest dues barely cover the cost of mowing the field we use as a common area. It is cheap fees. We are a very basic older development. No tot lots, no pool, no special services. And apparently no money for the woods, Mother Nature is in her own, except I am the only person that keeps the woods free of litter to the best of my ability to reach it all without gouging myself to death in Thorn bushes. Those were hardly around before and now as we lose beautiful old trees we get in their place these evil looking persistent nasty thorn bushes. They don't bear fruit or berries or anything nice I've been able to note. They just have thick nasty thorns.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Abrahim

Abrahim you keep on posting anything you can come up with that you think might help educate me on this subject. All knowledge and speculation is welcome in any thread of mine. I am a Christian but I believe there are truths written and scattered throughout the teachings and sacred writings of all faiths and many myths and legends, as well. The concept of the Jinn for example, is one not really well discussed in the Bible I'm familiar with, but describes so well phenomena so many of us have experienced through the ages, no matter what our background. I've enjoyed your posts. Well I had better be quiet now lest I become annoying like I'm bumping my own topic. I want to be polite and answer as many posts as I can but I don't want to make a pest of myself. This is my first thread I ever started and I'm trying to get the hang of it.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 11:44 PM
I am so loving this thread! When I first learned Reiki, I read that one of the best ways to practice was to go out and give it to the plants, flowers and trees. I didnt really do that, but I definitely will try it now. Thanks for a wonderful thread.


posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

We have the same system for measuring distance where I live. Well, someone mentioned that the MythBusters did a program that showed that heavy metal helped the plants grow better than classical music or whatever the producers thought was counter-intuitive to 'Metal'. I would like to suggest that although the vibration probably has something to do with the physiological processes taking place in the plant that is not all that is going on. I personally believe that what the plants are taking in on an 'emotional' level is the way that the people surrounding them feel. Baxter in his experiments also showed that plants that are set near entrances and are glanced at or even fawned over in some cases do better than those in more remote less trafficked places. The sentient life of plants is more emotional than physical; more EQ less IQ. Some of the work at the Findhorn garden shows that plants are communicated with as fields. You may not have picked up the pulse from just the one tree it may have been the group of them.
Sounds like you live on a really interesting piece of property in terms of odd stuff happening. I just think the whole deal together with your ancestral heritage is terribly interesting. Thanks for taking the risk to share.

Also wanted to add that it is not uncommon for 'dead spots' (areas where plants don't do well or die outright) in the garden or yard to have been an area where paint and other chemicals used in the construction of the home or homes were dumped. Almost anything may have existed in that spot throughout the history of the development of the property. Doesn't mean that it wouldn't really upset the plants though. Just sayin'. I am working on a project now where plants don't do well in one bed. It is noticeable with new plants within weeks. Well, that is where the previous owner used to dump all sorts of crap just outside of the garage. I may end up suggesting it be barked or river-rocked over.
edit on 25-3-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

Now that I think of it... I would definitely do a pH test so you can try and wrest control if possible. Sometimes it does not take an extreme intervention to make a change in pH that could make all the difference in the world to your trees...Here you go...
If this doesn't take you to the pH tools page look to the list on the left for the soil pH link.

edit on 25-3-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-3-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

I believe we are all, along with plants and water and all life forms, connected in some way, to feel the pain of a plant or tree would not seem unsual to me. Have you ever heard of Kirlion photography? they have photographed leaves before and after ripping them apart, and a leaf that is missing one half, under kirlion photography, will still have the missing part in the picture. The only real explaination for that is the leaf doesn't know it is missing half of itself, and projects it's 'light' in the shape of the entire leaf. Check this out::

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