posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 12:07 AM
look at you all bickering like children over this topic.
When it's plain to see the governments around the world have calabraited togeather to line their own pockets. There is no real reason for the
goverment to ban such a usefull plant.
A health hazard i hear you all scream, well now if you all hate pepole who smoke a bit of weed let them slowly kill themselves why should you all
I've been smoking pot for 15yrs and let me tell you yes it is very bad for your general health.
there are not many day's i feel as if i couln't be bothered but i still get on with what i have to do.
and as for pepole who are on the big medicinal hype have you noticed that cannabis seems to be a magical cure for everything from m.s. to back
at the end of the day if ya don't smoke it let pot heads fry thier lungs & if ya do smoke it keep it to yourself. Trust me use this stuff long enough
and it ends up like nicotine. you won't get stonned but you will crave the stuff just like you would crave for nicotine.
my main advice is to you all is get a bag of seed and throw the stuff every where just think you could call yoursef johnny mully seed and overgrow the
JUST DON'T BUY IT. cause it will ruin your life and make the rich richer.
as if there isn't already a global market for cannabis that the governments do very well out of. It would be stupid for them to leagalise cannabis
the amount of money governments would lose just in fines alone would be huge and not to mention the man power that would be lost in the prison systems
(most prisoners do work).
so you see guys there is a whole lot of reasons why they won't leagalise it so stop whining at each other.