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I opened my third eye and I regret it

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by ScorpioRising

no dont make the bubble trap negativiity in. you make the bubble push away any negativity or transmute it into positivity. if you send negative energy to angels or guides its not going to hurt them, they know how to handle it and have the ability to handle it with ease over there.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by pellian
I'll post the technique

download this book

Thank you for posting this. I have seen ghosts, and odd things since I was 5 years old, so nothing really scares me at all. Well unless we had an alien invasion...and they were not nice!! Then yeah that would freak me out.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Eonnn

I should have pointed that out lol I meant it as in making sure you don't let your negativity escape to hit any spirits etc I understand Angels and Guides will not be hurt by it but there are many other entities out there as well. Basically it should be a bubble of love

I'm not very good at explaining things, sorry

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by badw0lf
reply to post by Greensage

I've read that exact verbatim on the net before, but I think this may be the post you are referring to.

Thank you! I knew it had been some time since I copied that. If this is the originating Author I hope he comes through and claims it, however, if it is verbatim off the net it may be a case of "Plagiarism" at best and the originating Author is still out there!

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by randyvs

It may seem like paranoia, because one can't control what the experiance is, sometimes the expiriance is too strong for the user and she or he will loose control and freak out. I must say the 3rd eye will close down very very hard, takes lots of physical effort to get grounded back, it's like when you are on the fly and you want to get grounded, some want to learn to fly, while other birds want to learn to land. I had an open door in my mind, the crown, and it was very hard to get in touch with this world again, I'm skeptical on opening it again, I don;'t know about the others, but once you open that you see everything interconected, the links, the connections and how everything is manipulated on a grand scale, you see it in people, in animals and yes you do freak out.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by pellian

i found a very real technique that will increase your spiritual perception by a thousand fold. I won't tell anybody what it is or where I learned it because Some may attract very evil entities and possibly destroy themselves over it.

The very first night I tried this i had a very different type of dream which i had not had before. the content doesn't mean anything but i digress. The day After i notice that sometimes my awareness would shift and my vision seems different for a moment. i thought that this is really cool. i do the exercises again soon after. same thing at night. I see colors and shapes that follow my vision. These were there if I closed my eye in complete darkness or opened them in the very dim light of my room. These seemed to be objects of some sort that gave off a dim glow and had a woven pattern.

As I practiced it sounds really crazy But I think that these exercises created some sort of energy that attract astral forms. One night I woke up and saw this thick rope strung from my window sill to the door. at the moment i knew what it was. I made the mistake of touching this animal or thing and felt a jolt like electricity. I was definitely awake I immediately felt very sick and had chills all over my body.
I continued the exercises two weeks later i was really close to sleep and a blue ring of light that fluttered like a butterfly came into my room. I turned on the light and the ring persisted of about a second after and I again felt a sting i my side and the same chills. I assure that I am not dreaming and fully awake.

If this is not some crazy hallucination then whatever I have been doing is either lighting me up like a porch light to attract moths or these entities are coming through to this world via my consciousness. A hallucination cannot affect you physiologically to make a shock effect. I also have noticed that when did the exercises something seems to materialize in my room. The way this thing or object would materialize is that it would appear like it was a different refractive index like the air. I would also see entities that looked like this right after I wake up. I have even noticed small feathers falling down in my room.

The level of perception was incredible. But was not worth being bothered by these entities.

Yeah see the reason it has you freaked, you were not prepared to deal or handle what you are seeing. If all you see is lights and what not, how is that scary? You are probably seeing Auras and energies in your environment, nothing to be freaked out about. Did you use the protections that they told you to use??

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Eonnn
reply to post by crudos

I thought this was a free ebook?
you shouldn't have to pay anything for spiritual knowledge anyway.

I'm sure the author who devoted time, energy and money to produce the book will disagree.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:06 AM
When I was young, no older than six or seven, I used to lay in bed at night and from the dark corners of my bedroom would fly little glowing wire-frame objects; I would entertain myself by making a gun out of my finger and thumb and shooting them out of the air, where they would explode into particles. I don't see them as an adult, and I've always just attributed it to the wonderful imagination of childhood - this was the early eighties and I used to be big on Space Invaders and Missile Command. The story shared by the OP reminds me of this, and has me interested.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:18 AM
There are other deminisions of life with it's own creatures and it is best not to play around with them. We have all we can handle handling our own deminision and its creatures - humans. People play around with these doors like a moth is attracted to a flame.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:25 AM

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by pepsi78
reply to post by randyvs

It may seem like paranoia, because one can't control what the experiance is, sometimes the expiriance is too strong for the user and she or he will loose control and freak out. I must say the 3rd eye will close down very very hard, takes lots of physical effort to get grounded back, it's like when you are on the fly and you want to get grounded, some want to learn to fly, while other birds want to learn to land. I had an open door in my mind, the crown, and it was very hard to get in touch with this world again, I'm skeptical on opening it again, I don;'t know about the others, but once you open that you see everything interconected, the links, the connections and how everything is manipulated on a grand scale, you see it in people, in animals and yes you do freak out.

For me, It was the POP (point of perspective) I was looking from. For example, now instead of seeing a person singing about the man or woman in their life, I see them speaking directly to me. The videos are "screaming" at me, so to speak. There are symbols in the videos, the vibration of the music, it all speaks to me. The amazing part is, they all say the same thing!
I wish there was a place where people who see TRUTH can come together. Is it not possible for us to seize the day so to speak?
Wow, how amazing it is to realize that we are not who we are told we are.
I could not see it before, when I was consumed with myself, and how people saw me, how I saw myself (none of it good). I saw all the judgement, that I realized I was passing on myself and the rest of the people in this world.

What has been done is done at this point, but we can change where we go from here. We are not our countries, we are not our race, we are not separate! We are ONE!

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Castogere

First and foremost no one should open anything without first being prepared for the end result. Given that, consider yourself lucky in the fact that you chose to attempt to open your 3rd eye on your own accord. I didn't have that luxury, I was born with mine open.

In any case to all of you trying to touch the spirit world I can only say careful what you wish for.
The whole psycic thing isn't what its cracked up to be. You get the good and the bad.

You have to be strong mentally, and comfortable with yer own skin before attempting any of this.

by the way, ALL humans are capable of this other worldly doesn't mean you should go out and jump into the unknown without first maybe doing a little subjective research.

Some peoples minds can't handle the truth

Honestly I want to call BS On all of this, however, your last part just really makes me think. I have ALWAYS knew the the world was "wrong", always, my entire life. I can answer quesitons I shouldnt be able to (although not as much as I get older) I know things I shouldnt know, I am also able to solve problems/ puzzles almost instantly, although usually by accident, Its not something I can do consciously.

A good example of this was when I was at school. A local kid was badly abused by his parent, I told a teacher in school, I have no idea how I know this, but I did (would have been around 10 years old). They got the cops in allsorts, However i was told I was lying, got into lots of trouble for making up stories, 6 months later that kid was dead, killed by the parents. (didnt find out about this until about 5 years ago)

On another occasion a large blue panel landed in the middle of the school yard, just missing a group of kids, everybody was trying to think what It was, I took one look and said its the panel of an aero plane, from under the wing, had never been on a plane, was around 12 YO this time, even the teachers joined in mocking me, and it turned out to be EXACTLY what I said it was.

Things like this used to be common, I still have a knack for fixing mechanical & electrical appliances even if I have never seen them before, again something I have done since I was old enough to hold a screw driver. (for example recently fixed an electrical fault on my car, I have never worked on a car before, I just seem to be able to see the fault, even if I dont completely understand what Im looking at)

The worst part however is my ability to empathise, it can really suck some times, its why I try and stay away from video's of death, as the fear of the person can over power me, even typing this just now I think of a video I saw. I was 100's of dolphins in a tank awaiting slaughter, possibly the most painful thing I have even seen in my entire life, honestly can feel it now just talking about it. (My mate once put on a beheading video, thinking he was being funny, I about destroyed his entire house, I just freaked out, all I could think was gotta escape, gotta fight back!, he got a bloody nose & learned not to put sh*t like that on when Im about! I didnt even see the video, I only heard it! (pls note I am by no means a coward, in fact im pretty sure i'll be a little more familiar with physical violence than most)

I would like to right this off as garbage, and this post may still be however I know from experience there is alot about our minds we (well I) just dont understand.

Wow wall of text, didnt realy intend for that, but the main reason for this is that I have always felt my perception of reality is completely different from EVERYONE around me, they all seem shallow & empty, life seems to consist of TV & video games with no care for anything outside their own field of view, where as I can see the "big picture", its all I see, Its like I dont see the dots, but the lines between, if that makes sense. I suppose thats why Im so depressed most of the time, I can see what we COULD be as opposed to what we have become.

My main issue recently has been trying to get rid off the anger & bitterness that comes with being on the "outside" your whole life, in fact its more the fact NOBODY around me cares about anything that matters, its pretty saddening & its preventing me from being the person I could be. (please note Im not like the lonely kid with no friends, I had & have plenty, However this may be the first time I have ever even written this down, never mind told someone!)



posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by crudos

Just an FYI

I did a little investigating, and there is an ebook for sale by the same author on the OP's linked website. However, the link is for a free download .pdf see here.

Same title, same author -- Samuel Sagan, M.D. I'm guessing that the linked free download is an earlier version of the ebook they are selling.

Took a bit of digging to discover that...... I thought the same thing as you at first.
edit on 24/3/11 by argentus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:04 AM
I fail to see the point of this thread if your not going to tell about any revelations you had, or how you acomplished opening your third eye.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by pellian

Hi pellian, very interesting thread and props for sharing the link to the 'pdf', what other experiences have you had since the awakening of your third eye other than what you typed in your OP?

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by pellian
i am not trying to force anything. I have had some really cool experiences. what was so bad about the entities. the spiders like to sit on your face while you sleep. you can see them descend while you are getting tired in bed.

Woah, you saw spiders sitting on your face? What do you mean by spiders? Did you actually see spiders, or entities that could be perceived as spiders? Please explain that. Thank you.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:11 AM
you have no idea what you are dabbling into .... my advice to you is to BUCKLE UP!

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Viking9019
reply to post by pellian

Why would you want to open your third eye? its basically asking for evil to smack you in the face.

Any why would you say that" "Every Eye Shall See" ring a bell? Soon everyone's third eye will open, probably at the same instant. Better to be prepared for it.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by pellian

i found a very real technique that will increase your spiritual perception by a thousand fold. I won't tell anybody what it is or where I learned it because Some may attract very evil entities and possibly destroy...-

Destroyed all credibility (for me atleast).

Might wanna see a doctor about the hallucinations if real, never know what it could be.
edit on 24-3-2011 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:19 AM
OP is a great example of someone who finds a pony trick and then proceeds right on ahead - without proper preparation. Unless one has done the years-long work of opening and grounding each of the other chakras, one really doesn't have any business opening something like this. This is not a person who should be channeling or revealing anything, as he's opened a door and let negativity channel through. This is due to lack of maturity and responsibility with this work.

I am reminded of Ursula LeGuin's "The Earthsea Trilogy," in which the protagonist, young and stupidly arrogant, opens a door like this without knowing what he's doing and releases an evil into the world. These doorways are very real and too many children(wearing grown-up costumes) are playing with them and potentially endangering others. Like the 7 year old with a match, the fascination is with the fire, though the consequences can be equivalent to burning the house down. So, OP, shut it down already.

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