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I opened my third eye and I regret it

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by badw0lf

No I was wrong and apologize, once I saw the link I redacted my post...

I have tried to find a decent reading on this topic for a long time, having found shonky links all over the net or new age hippies barely able to say 5 words without rambling on about things taking the focus off this topic.

I have read part of the intro so far, and will be interested to see what else it contains - you are correct in that part of opening the third eye is by vibrating the pineal gland which is done via tones created in the throat.

So for at least posting the link

edit on 24/3/2011 by badw0lf because: i was the link? I saw the link... oO

well well, look who has interest in these things

but then i allways thought you more of a Sacred Fool than a troll

OP: another way of grounding is to walk barefoot upon the earth/ground

someone recommended a candle, you should have a special container/goblet of water on your nightstand this will absorb negative influences/energies change regularly . don't drink it!

you should perform a magic circle/protection/shielding type ritual before your experiments, are you?

also when the 3rd eye opens you wont see much like when you 1st opened your physical eyes you have to learn to focus

the following may be of assistance in focusing/disciplining your 3rd eye.
Astral projection/Clairvoyance by means of the Tatvaas

also you can "visualize" using it this is one of the ways to do Magick

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Soulsofwe

Originally posted by pellian

i found a very real technique that will increase your spiritual perception by a thousand fold. I won't tell anybody what it is or where I learned it because Some may attract very evil entities and possibly destroy themselves over it.
Then I have to ask, why tell us you know of this amazing technique in the first place?

Originally posted by pellianThe very first night I tried this i had a very different type of dream which i had not had before. the content doesn't mean anything but i digress.
The contents of dreams usually are important or representative in one way or another. So you increase your spiritual perception a thousandfold, and the first dream you have after doing so is meaningless?

Originally posted by pellian The day After i notice that sometimes my awareness would shift and my vision seems different for a moment. i thought that this is really cool. i do the exercises again soon after. same thing at night. I see colors and shapes that follow my vision. These were there if I closed my eye in complete darkness or opened them in the very dim light of my room. These seemed to be objects of some sort that gave off a dim glow and had a woven pattern.
Do you have any physical symptoms or results of these occurences?

Originally posted by pellian I would also see entities that looked like this right after I wake up. I have even noticed small feathers falling down in my room.
May we see some of these feathers?

Usually after seeing these entities i would be very close to sleep or sleeping and wake up to see them this always happened at night before say 5am. I would feel chills. After this incident I would fall asleep again and have no problems. But in my experience I have seen that malevolent entities can hitch rides on animals such as vermin and cats. The animal appears as a black shadow and the entity itself will manifest to a person as deep chills and possibly them seeing eyes when they close their own eyes.

the feathers were very small and white. Once or twice I found some sort of white rubbery material on my shirt. it had the appearance of chewed up paper. I think that this material had some sort of connection to the psychic processes that were going on.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by WanderingThe3rd

I'm going to disagree here. This is going to be said, on the assumption, and my own belief, that Yeshua was a real person, not a metaphor. Either the message and guidance in his examples is the highest road, and the way out of this school, though others are also teachers and there is not one way, the Light and those who are True Love and Goodness, rejoice in all expressions of Light, Love and Goodness. The divisions need to stop.

The duality is not balancing behavior, as some believe, ie. HH, behavior is what we're tested on based on the challenges present by the structure of the comsic school, including our own biological shortcomings, that are a duality in form ,light and dark squares. But thats not the behavior. Its in the background info on the test question, but its not related to the answer you give. Ie. night/day, sickness/health, passing on/being born, feeling down/feeling up, etc etc.

The interplay of dark and light squares in everything and in us, are the underlying force, the metaphysics behind the phsycis of gravity.

So we're in the school until we overcome gravity, metaphorically at least. One way of putting it. Until we see with eyes of Light and Unconditional Love.

With regards to walking on water, on another thread, two of us mentioned things that were unusual, to say the least. I was mentioning how some of the eastern monks, seemed to levitate. And shared my mother and her neighborhood friends experimentation with shifting weight before you step down onto the other foot, after sunday school and hearing Jesus walked on water, as children. They practiced on each other first. Another on the thread, brought up that when she was a child, she levitated in her room, and then understood that she might not be able to fit in if she continued to do so, and unlearnt it.

Light as a feather, conscious unburdened, overcoming the duality, seeking to have our insight increased/awareness, to love more, help more, overcome our flaws and weaknesses, to make up for those bad moments in our lives and set it right to the best of our abilities with others, and keep the door open for communication. Light as a feather, no burdens to tie us down.

If there is an ascension it will be like a separation of elements, light to light, gravity to gravity.

Reminds me of that movie, the boy who could fly:

The Boy Who Could Fly

It was odd, in a meditation I was doing where I pictured a garden in the sun, Yeshua showed me a waterfall, which I translate as for purifying negatives into postives, even for bubbling up issues to come to us that are still unresolved. And he used keys and opened a gate and I saw a beautiful valley and city. His robes where whiter than white, another symbol of pure, service to others, no guilt to weigh him down. This was just before I witnessed something very strange in the red moon eclipse in December, which also had the whiter than white, stacking slivers of the top of the moon, like a slinky, forming a dove and a man, the lamb. Symbolism of what is to come?

When I was back in my pool, garden with the new waterfall trying to zen out and just mindlessly meditate, there were these guru's floating in the air beside me, eastern style monks. I was very surprised at that whole experience since all I had done was picture meditating mindlessly in a pool in the garden.

edit on 24-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by darrman

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:24 PM
Guess what makes me thing someone might be fibbing.

He says right off the bat "he was not on drugs"

That makes me think hes wrong, there is zero possible way to experience the mind expansive drugs like '___', '___', Mushrooms, and many other very natural drugs. Meditation does not reach nearly the same effect.

Oh yeah, '___' is the stuff that makes you dream at night, so technically OP, you are on drugs, natural ones, But if you smoke the same drug, you're a criminal. Good ol U S of A for ya.

Youtube it, its a very interesting drug. Some call it the spirit molecule. Oh ya, more living things have it inside them naturally than not, and connects us in some weird way nobody understands, also the Mayans did '___' also through a combination of plants mixed together then drank.
edit on 24-3-2011 by Quasar_La-Zar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:25 PM
I experienced the same thing in complete darkness (seeing odd shapes and colors, even when eyes closed). That's why I don't sleep in complete darkness. Maybe that means I have a "third eye" but I never interpreted it to be supernatural.

edit: didn't see you posted the link to the technique.
edit on 24-3-2011 by Mercurio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:26 PM
i wish i didnt open mine either

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:26 PM
Why the assumption that you are attracting anything? Why not assume what you are seeing has always been there and the 'changes' in you are now permitting you to become aware of the fact.
So it seems that each time I jump into the ocean I see fish. I can not understand what it is about me that is attracting them. No matter where i go in the ocean, as soon as I jump in I see I am surrounded by fish. What can I do to stop attracting them to me? Please help.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:28 PM
As you awaken you will find many things which hide themselves from those who are less sensitive come out to introduce themselves. Some of the most wondrous creations in existence reside right under our noses hidden in plain sight, and only once you are able to perceive them as they perceive you can you appreciate how blinkered mankind is.

Since i became enlightened and awakened i have been introduced to life on a whole new level. But living in the City it's hard to keep your perceptions sharp. The Mermen in the Caribbean are still to this day one of the most incredible experiences I've had. I just wish i had been able to feel proud of humanity, but instead i felt an overwhelming guilt about what we had done to the Oceans, their home.

They amongst many other beings, spirits and entity's are waiting in the wings, backstage of our interpreted reality. They know we are slowly awakening, and they wait in anticipation.

Many people think that we're about to take huge technological steps and find ourselves on the intergalactic stage, able to stand as equals amongst the rest of the universe. But i must tell you, our greatest step is a spiritual one, and we are about to discover ourselves, but not as equals, but children. Spoiled, ignorant, greedy and spiteful children. Open your hearts and minds, the rest of the universe is waiting.

blessed be.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:33 PM
I read and done the first part of the exercise, and I tell u guys, dont try it... Its weird

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Quasar_La-Zar
Guess what makes me thing someone might be fibbing.

He says right off the bat "he was not on drugs"

That makes me think hes wrong, there is zero possible way to experience the mind expansive drugs like '___', '___', Mushrooms, and many other very natural drugs. Meditation does not reach nearly the same effect.

Oh yeah, '___' is the stuff that makes you dream at night, so technically OP, you are on drugs, natural ones, But if you smoke the same drug, you're a criminal. Good ol U S of A for ya.

Youtube it, its a very interesting drug. Some call it the spirit molecule. Oh ya, more living things have it inside them naturally than not, and connects us in some weird way nobody understands, also the Mayans did '___' also through a combination of plants mixed together then drank.
edit on 24-3-2011 by Quasar_La-Zar because: (no reason given)

'___' is the spirit molecule...

And meditation is FAR more powerful than any drug induced experience..

We already have the tools, we just need to know how to use them. You open your eyes without even thinking, concentrate inside your head, feel inside your skull. Open your third eye, just do it. I can assure you it wont stay open for long, but you will FEEL it open, just like you feel when you open your eyes. How to see with it, that takes much more practice. Like babies, they have both eyes open, but they don't see the world like you or i do. Its all about perception.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by pellian

sounds like a troller trying to discourage people to expand awareness...they seem to usually do things like long posts with great long details saying things like "this sounds crazy but" a true ATSer knows nothing is crazy until investigated

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:40 PM
Psychic protection is one thing, but really only good during an attack, you cant keep that up for long, or at least i would find it massively challenging maintaining a white light shield for more than a few moments.

Psychic cleansing is far more important. Just imagine a ball of energy above your head, and a flow of energy falling from the ball. Allow the energy to emanate from this ball and flow through your body, you may find it gets stuck sometimes, usually around the heart, but let it flow and it will eventually flow through you. Once you have this warm feeling all the way through your body you can start to try and bring the source through the same path. Lower the ball of energy through you and down into the earth, Gia will take it from you, and with it many bad energies. You should feel cleansed and focussed.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:44 PM
I would like to thank the writer of this thread for reminding me that i have been neglecting myself spiritually, and should return to work in my perceptive fields. Getting deported and thrown in Jail can do allot to shake up your karma. But i feel grounded and connected once again. It's time to move forwards.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by pellian

I am empathetic to your situation and I wish you well. All of us who blaze personal trails for ourselves in the occult understand the risks involved. Many people have been driven mad by attempting to use esoteric information.

In my life long study of metaphysics I would like to offer you some insight.

The nature of the universe is controlled by many laws, physical and metaphysical. To say you attract astral beings may be your perception of events. I think you may have opened your sight to something you have never seen before, but anything you saw has always been there. It is you that is new to the neighborhood.

I would also ask that you make a comparison of two situations. Do you feel you were being bothered by entities or do you think you may have been anxious about the experience you we having and perceived it in a bad light?

Now, my insight. Anything astral would have always been there (not a specific energy, but "some-things") and have always been around us. I have never studied anything credible of someone being attacked by an astral being, or whatever else they encounter. The astral plane is a higher vibrational rate than this one and any 'things" with access to us would not do us any harm. "Things" that may be bad and hurt us are of the lowest vibrational rates of the astral plane and based on their current situation they do not have as easy access to the physical world. Normally they are literally locked in their own hell awaiting to come to terms with their situation and move on to a higher vibrational rate (think of "go to the light")

The experience of increasing your vibrational rate can be very emotional and painful, spiritually and physically.

You state you increased your access to the third eye in a very fast manner and I am sure you were overwhelmed while adjusting to the new vibrational energy you were experiencing. I have to say and I am intrigued by your suggestion that their is a fast track and at the same time disposed to dismiss it for my own health and safety. This is why the road is a long and slow one for most of us. The overwhelming aspects can be taken in small doses and learned from while mastering skills to support the new ones you are learning.

Interesting experience, thanks for sharing.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:46 PM
Meditations like dreams, and I believe even some lucid dream states and astral experiences, can be heavy on metaphor. And can take a while to figure out. And they're also gifts. Like the idea of walking on water, or levitating monks. I have not personally done it, and so the metaphorical remains there. But I couldn't analyze why there were meditating monks in the garden, and on several different meditations and the waterfall had been added. I wrote to a friend who was fairly psi yet young and his answer didn't satisfy me, I wasn't convinced they were real or perception. It was after the moon experience the eclipse, when the whiter than white came up, and the dove and the man/lamb. That I realized white was purification, water purifies and cleanses, negatives can be removed, the result, just like those posts in the other thread, and what had been shared. It coincided. So some visions during meditation or lucid dreaming need to be unraveled, to find out what they mean.

And when you do, you discover that they, the controllers and mystery already had some of these answers. They know why wings are drawn on angels and the hieroglyphs have wings, birdmen symbols. They know that eastern monks can levitate, so why not Jesus.

Assasins Creed Literal

So much symbolism. The birds get the hell out of the way, this symbolizes the 144 000 who are taken ahead of time. I like the part where the Light walks in, and the one who would shoot em is overtaken by the shadow, symbology to wars and then he parts the red sea, stops the war, and then the villian says, Shoot me, but the hero has a feather in his hand, and he remembers, he likes feathers, he looks up and sees the bird.

I think they coded some of their upcoming NWO plans in this one with a division between two earth based groups, on probably Altair or Sparta.

But I see something else in it. I see the true light showing up, and the war stopping, the scent on the sword is the instinct, primitive, materialistic versus spiritual man. I see, the ascension or transformation. I also know Light doesnt figth so some symbolism, ie. he doesnt' fight, they faint or the shadow takes them, but then he does test their armor, ie. the Light shows up and the defenses, ie., underground dumbs, and protections of the elites, the primal materialistic, love of power, men, doesnt hold.

Edit to add: By the way, this is a trailer for my kids game, my 19 year old had mentioned alot of coding in it. And they loved this trailer and song, and showed it to me, after my meditation, while I was still trying to sift through what things were being shown me, and it all sorted out from the meditations, to the December moon eclipse to this video, all at once. It also tells me, they know a great deal and are deliberately piling on karmas with wars. Also for everything, if there is a dark code, theres a light code. Picture the ying yang, black and white, with a drop of black in the white, and a drop of white in the black. One can push the boundaries using their extra perception, skills, knowing, and logic to second guess their plans.

No coincidences how they happen. The odd meditations, the eclipse and the video all roughly coinciding. When you begin to seek, and grow within, you may notice in life, no coincidences ever happen.

edit on 24-3-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by survival

I was thinking how scary it would be try to do this if it opens you up to who knows what...But if you do as you said it would all be good....Easier said than done i think.
edit on 24-3-2011 by StarLightStarBright2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:46 PM
here is a link that peeps may like concerning this...

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
Post the technique, what you may call "bothered" others will call enlightened. Please, do share the knowledge that you have come across.

For god sake don't speak if you don't know anything about enlightenment. Enlightenment is true perception not this mumbo jumbo #, if you are enlightened you WILL know and you wouldn't need to ask it it also isn't anything to be afraid of it is ultimate release how possibly could you equal that to this confused description of wishful thinking.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by colloredbrothers

In my world enlightenment is accepting yourself as the christ.

Something to do with nothing discussed yet here in this thread.


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