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What is your issue with everyone having the same rights? (gay issues)

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:06 PM
I wanted to post in the thread about how gays "flaunt" and "throw their sexuality into the public" but that thread has closed.

So i'm making my own thread about it. The homosexuals don't throw their sexuality or issues into the world media to get attention...they are IN LOVE just like any other couple....hetero or homo it doesnt matter...they are in love and want the same respect everyone else has...the same visits.

Imagine if you were gay and you and your lover were in a car accident....your lover is put in ICU and you wanted to see them yet they say ...only if you are related..and you say well we have been together for ten years...and they say are you say no...they say sorry you cant see them...yet they are on their death bed at that would you feel!!!

Imagine if you were a man or woman that since childhood dreamed of a white wedding..a marriage with flowers, the dress...the reception....yet because you cant seem to fall in love with the oppisite sex only the same sex you werent allowed to marry?...

For those that say Marriage is a christian thing ...a christian religious issue...your wrong...I went a few years ago to a Ren Faire where i watched as a pagan couple got married through their religion...called hand fasting....and it was legal they got their paperwork, the priest signed was legal even though it wasn't christian so dont throw the christian crap in with the gay issue its BULL@@@@ and you know it.

I'm not gay...I'm also not strait...i'm bisexual....but i don't plan on marrying a woman...i find it funny that during that entire thread the guys always bitched about guy on guy homo's.....but if they saw a girl on girl they would have no problem except concealing the fact that they were jacking off to it...and thats BS...

Homosexuals are everywhere..they are men and women and yes they are going to throw it out to everyone else until they are given the same damn rights as everyone else is given...they are humans and marriage or union doesnt matter...they should be allowed to get married or have a union or whatever and be as miserable as the rest of us!!!!

YOU want them to stop flaunting..stop throwing their "gayness" in your face?!?! then stop being a hypocritical religious freak and give them the same rights as everyone else...

It is NOT sexual is LOVING preference...i've been married for 15 years but i still LOVE my ex girlfriend and would do anything for her.....they dont want their sex acknowledged but their LOVE acknowledged....thats what they are fighting for...that white wedding...being able to see their spouse in the hospital..get benifets like other couples do...nothing more...

Give Homosexuals what THEY DESERVE AS HUMANS and they will stop walking around as guys in pink outfits!!! So no you shouldn't be mad at them for having parades and such for equal rights you should be mad at the politics for not GIVING THEM THE SAME RIGHTS AS YOU!

Rant over...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:12 PM
Totally agree with everything you say, I'm a straight man but I have a few friends that are gay and it doesn't bother me in the slightest, I've even went to gay pubs and clubs before I seriously don't get all the gay bashing, if you don't like or have an interest in it then don't get involved in it and be quiet no-one cares.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:12 PM
Uhg, seriously?

Garbage from one side meets garbage from the other. No offense but it gets really really old after a while.

After all the millions of words posted about this topic just on this one website, very rarely is it ever discussed how government has somehow gone from record keeping to legislating and why we keep letting them dictate our familial relationships.

Consenting adults should be able to create what familial bonds they so desire and the government can record them or not. There should be no benefit or drawback to these relationships.

We are supposed to be free, come good or bad from that choice.


posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by tasim
i've been married for 15 years but i still LOVE my ex girlfriend and would do anything for her.....

So, you dont love your husband/wife? you lost me..

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by KrazyJethro

I agree COMPLETELY but at this point in time we have no choice but to follow what the government says and right now they say that marriage is between a man and a woman so yes gays/homosexuals have to speak up for themselves cause no one else will!

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Mathoryn

yes i love him but i'm also divorcing him by his own choice..i'm just saying that love goes both ways..i love my ex and i love my husband...they are both amazing people when they want to just does not matter whether its male of female if you love them its not going to stop period...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:16 PM
very nice, thank you for the thred

everybody gets caught up and it starts getting ugly

dont be suprised if this thred gets closed too

the mods are working overtime tonight

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:17 PM
There has to be a limit on personal freedom..if there were not, what do you say when a woman want to have sex with a dog or horse or a man with a dog or sheep, or either one with a child.There has to be a limit....In a decent world anyway. if people want a homosexual world they should go somewhere and start them one. This Nation wasn't founded to be Homosexual, and never will be...End of Discussion...

This is suppose to be a conspiracy web site I thought, not a gay right publication site...
I threw with wasting my energy on such crap....
edit on 23-3-2011 by Caji316 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by viperdave

I'm sure it will but i know it won't be because of my opinion but because of insecure humans that cant handle seeing others happy that arent following the same "rules" as they are...

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by tasim

Nope, we don't. If homosexuals, in their efforts, brought this to light there would be a fair amount of people who agreed. Considering this is a state's rights issue, people could actually get something done like they have for the stupid "gay marriage" situation.

The only one allowing the government to do anything is those that say we have no choice. Rubbish. Push for it, speak about it because many have never had these very thoughts.

Ask people if they would support eliminating the Dept of Education (almost all will say no) but then ask why. You'll find a very good example of exactly how misinformed practically everyone is.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by KrazyJethro

Yes but the homosexuals have spoke out about this in cali and the judge there said that they should be allowed to have the same rights, marriage, benefits as everyone else...yet Obama said no because he thought he should be the one to decide not some judge...but that judge decided by the constitution and not her own thoughts and beliefs and thats how it should be!!!

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Caji316

There is no equivilence here and you know it. This kind of nonsensical argument has been used countless times by those too lazy to think of something logical or clever.

The limit, which is more than evident by even casual observers, is the ability to supply consent. Animals can not do so, nor can children, people who are intoxicated, coma patients, etc.

This nation was founded as a secular nation that allowed for the maximum amount of personal freedom with the additional limitation of not violating another's rights. Everyone who has even been foolish enough to attempt throwing homosexuality as an act that violates another's rights has been justly trounced almost instantly.

Also, this nation was formed when we used certain humans as literal cattle, so let's not get too into the "this nation was/wasn't founded on" crap.

I grow so tired of foolishness. Please think of something reasonable, or at least entertaining.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Well I guess we should assume this thread will be closed as well............ why?

Well because its the same thread just in the opposite direction.....

Oh, nope, ATS has an agenda and doesn't tolerate....well....... certain views.

I really wonder for the sake of equality if this thread will be shut down also?

My guess, absolutely not. Either way, I don't care about the issue either way, it's not important in the big picture.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by tasim

Again, Americans are very very good at 2 things.

1) Being terribly uninformed


2) Talking all around an issue, getting worked up and angry, taking sides, then fighting for ages without ever even TOUCHING the actual root of the issue.

Homosexuals have the same right of contract as everyone else. Legal partnerships of any kind only require consent and therefore should not be limited by religious or social bigotry.

Get the government out of it and the Christians will have no traction to act against it or even polygamy. Problem solved

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:26 PM
My thread has been moved to the "relationship" section which i think is crap...

This isn't about relationships but how this one type of relationship is looked down by so many and kept from being complete by laws and churches and fought against everyday cause of religious reasons that make no real sense if they allow pagans to be married and in their own religious ceremony then they should have no issues with gays getting married in their own ceremony....

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:27 PM
it seems the previous thread, which was mentioned in the OP, did an astounding job of completing it's initial goal, and causing a "hush" towards this issue.

500+ replies in less than a day.
and now the sequels begin.
All about a topic that so many "don't wanna hear about".

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by tasim
YOU want them to stop flaunting..stop throwing their "gayness" in your face?!?! then stop being a hypocritical religious freak and give them the same rights as everyone else...

Give Homosexuals what THEY DESERVE AS HUMANS and they will stop walking around as guys in pink outfits!!! So no you shouldn't be mad at them for having parades and such for equal rights you should be mad at the politics for not GIVING THEM THE SAME RIGHTS AS YOU!

Rant over...

I agree with you except for the fact that "We" don't give rights to people. That is something you are born with. Are you referring to "We" as a people, or are you talking about the Gov.?

If they have to gain freedom by wearing pink outfits then so be it. "We" did not take those rights away from them. They gave them up on their own. Yes, life is hard sometimes, but it's that way for ALL of us.

So the need to wear pink outfits really hinges upon the shoulders of the people who are wearing the pink tu-tu's, and nobody else.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Caji316
There has to be a limit on personal freedom..if there were not, what do you say when a woman want to have sex with a dog or horse or a man with a dog or sheep, or either one with a child.There has to be a limit....In a decent world anyway. if people want a homosexual world they should go somewhere and start them one. This Nation wasn't founded to be Homosexual, and never will be...End of Discussion...

The law has already put sensible limits in place for people. Consenting adults, means children are off limits. It also refers to humans.

People aren't talking about a homosexual world either, just a tolerant world where someone's sexual preference shouldn't stop them from having the same acceptance and rights as other people.

What one couple does in their "moments" has no bearing on anyone else's life, except for this weird obsession for some heterosexuals need to control someone else's feelings and activities.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:39 PM

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by tasim

reply to post by BrokenCircles

The issue is not what people do or do not want to hear about, and it is not any type of bias by ATS staff. In fact the staff has a good mix of all sexualities. The problem is with Civil Discussion. Unfortunately many people are incapable of having intelligent discussion of this issue for whatever reason.

Please keep this thread open by contributing intelligent opinions and civil discourse.

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