posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 09:05 PM
This is taking place right now,we have had massive rain fall and it is causing havoc.
Flights resume to evacuate stranded campers
Fish creek and foster townships have had flash flooding in the last 48hrs with residents getting their wake up call by water lapping at their
beds.Fish creek residents hit hardest with the local creek bursting its banks and flooding many homes for the first time ever long time residents
Today the water is receding but not gone and fears of more rain are plaguing residents and SES crews performing rescues at the prom with more
landslides the greatest fear.
Fish creek is starting to look like a second hand junk yard with people disposing of household items ready for collection by council,TVs,washing
machines,fridges etc.
Campers being evacuated are coming into fish creek and foster to wait out their time until they can return to the prom and get their belongings.
I work in fish creek and live in a town nearby,iam not effected personally,however the river out of town is just about to burst its banks on the high
tide,stocked up today just in case.