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Ats members: new magazine idea

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posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
This is an excellent Idea, you know I am in it all the way. I am truly tired of the way they con us in so many different areas, devide and conquer is their rule, keep us fighting amongst ourselves and we won't see who the true enemy is, which is THEM. I believe once we unite we can begin to produce our own products and totally shut them down. We can push foward technologies such as solar and wind, electric vehicles, produce our own crops that are not poisoned. I think most americans will join in, for most are tired of the ways things are being done, but there seems to be no options. We shall create an option, if we all work together, we have to set aside black, white, yellow and green and all come together to make this a better world for our children. They have pitted us one against another, while they are a enemy to us all. They run the drug companies and charge us outrageouus prices for solutions to the problems they have caused. We must come together NOW, before it's too late.

That should be a page on all it's own..........Let's use this for the beginning!

say page two?!

Table of contents: What should month one be about?

Last Day Prophet you are so on the money it's sick!! I love it!!!

Let's get this ball rolling!

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:35 AM
Instead of trying one high power station we could use several low power stations and broadcast a pre-recorded dialoge which could be a media file placed on the message board itself. These only get about 3 to 5 miles but that would get to a great many people in larger cities.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:36 AM
With regard to the newspaper & website idea, it's happening in a small community-based sense, see -

and here's their Web edition -

Remember thouigh, this is based on a sjall community's news, but you get the idea.

And ATSNN is surely something of a burgeoning leader in this field already, so our own newspaper is surely a further development - as I said in my Ops/Ed submission here

So your idea is a logical one IMO, TrueLies.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Rev_Godslapper
First, who is going to finance the initial investment? Those that do will want more power in the company than the others. And since it's their money, they're less likely to put the fate of the company in to other's hands.

Second, even if we go with a cheaper alternative like radio, advertisment will become an important issue. I can see a double standard here. The media are the bad guys, but don't mind a few words from our sponsers.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think turning ATS into a media elite will take away that cozy feeling. People will be left behind. It will no longer be a community. We will turn into the same thing that we preach against.

I smell corruption.

I really think this will be a bad move for ATS.

This from the most currupt, minsters. HA HA............ I think in any movemoment there are people left behind... Its not a perfect world.. Sorry its the truth. It doesnt mean that the fourm would quit, it might be the next step.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Rev_Godslapper
First, who is going to finance the initial investment? Those that do will want more power in the company than the others. And since it's their money, they're less likely to put the fate of the company in to other's hands.

Second, even if we go with a cheaper alternative like radio, advertisment will become an important issue. I can see a double standard here. The media are the bad guys, but don't mind a few words from our sponsers.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think turning ATS into a media elite will take away that cozy feeling. People will be left behind. It will no longer be a community. We will turn into the same thing that we preach against.

I smell corruption.

I really think this will be a bad move for ATS.

I say we all rotate, take turns writing and contributing like ATS, this will be a brother of ats except on paper instead of computer pages...

This is why we all need to put money in for stocks, we all get back and the more it grows the more we make.
We would have to make a pledge on paper no corruption no cheating no lies no nothing if that happens the person caught gets the boot...

This should be an honest magazine/newspaper whatever and all of us should contribute..
WE are one... Those of us who have a little bit of money can turn it into lot's of money.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:37 AM
THE MEDIA IS BAD, and now, a word from our sponsers
i know a way we can get money, without all the corrport hubub
FUND RASERS!!!!!and then, what ever money you make, do what ever you want, you can plege to the cause!

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:41 AM
I think the magazine is a good idea. As stated, they will linger around for other people to read, and is cost effective etc.. I wouldn't give up on radio, or television though, as it would be good to have as many avanues to get the information as possible. Here are a couple of ideas that would probably work in that arena. Public access television would be viable, and is where alternative shows have already found a home. So it would be a natural fit. Also college radio stations/television stations would work as well IMO. Another idea would be to produce a DVD/magazine for purchase. I think that would be your best bet. It would have the same effects as a magazine. It would linger for other people to view at their own pace, or share with friends, it would also be cost effective etc..

I don't know how many of you are familiar with this, but I myself have seen underground video productions being distributed. I have seen one on the truth about Waco, and another on the NWO myself. It's kind of the modern version of Pulp Fiction. Mostly underground, but fairly popular. The biggest question in my mind about this, is who's views would be touted as truth? Just about every topic on this board has people who disagree about the topic. So how would it be decided who is correct, and who isn't? Or would you propose covering all views on the topic, and let the viewer/reader decide which is truth?

Tom Sawyer

P.S. I have a pretty extensive background in video and audio production, and would be willing to help in this effort where I could.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by EvilLink
THE MEDIA IS BAD, and now, a word from our sponsers
i know a way we can get money, without all the corrport hubub
FUND RASERS!!!!!and then, what ever money you make, do what ever you want, you can plege to the cause!

Evil LInk that is excellent!!

Very good! I'll make printouts and mail them out, shall we go by districts??

Or states?? YOu know how we try to have an ATS get together? WE should do this only this time band for this cause!
We're a team, everybody is included, and yes whatever money we make, we do whatever..

I'm wondering if this should be a non profit organization??
What are some ways we can make this idea a logical one when it comes to this issue??
Again I love your idea!

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:43 AM
Fund raisers are an excelltent idea. I'm sure I can always advirtise in my neighborhood. The initial investment is a problem. I'd recommend each member gather some money and then we send it to a trustworthy person with the ATS administration or something. And who ever gathers the most money gets something cool on the website like a web address or something else that makes them stand out. Kind of like the way above tops secret award.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by TrueLies

Originally posted by EvilLink
THE MEDIA IS BAD, and now, a word from our sponsers
i know a way we can get money, without all the corrport hubub
FUND RASERS!!!!!and then, what ever money you make, do what ever you want, you can plege to the cause!

Evil LInk that is excellent!!

Very good! I'll make printouts and mail them out, shall we go by districts??

Or states?? YOu know how we try to have an ATS get together? WE should do this only this time band for this cause!
We're a team, everybody is included, and yes whatever money we make, we do whatever..

I'm wondering if this should be a non profit organization??
What are some ways we can make this idea a logical one when it comes to this issue??
Again I love your idea!

Thank You!
i think the it should not cost much, but bring in a little bit of money we can use to make more, infact, i think we should start a new thread soon just to see how many ppl we can get to do this.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:46 AM
Here's an Idea we can start with, we can create a TEE-SHIRT with our organization name on it and our agenda. It would provide finances for our project and at the same time help spread the word. What do you think ?

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by TomSawyer
I think the magazine is a good idea. As stated, they will linger around for other people to read, and is cost effective etc.. I wouldn't give up on radio, or television though, as it would be good to have as many avanues to get the information as possible.

P.S. I have a pretty extensive background in video and audio production, and would be willing to help in this effort where I could.

It should be a non partisan magazine.. Everybody is divided already by both parties... This is governments fault, we need to start opening people's eyes to government corruption, corporate america, the companies that are in bed with em, ect...

And there shouldn't just be certain people assigned to certain things, we'll have to rotate, this way government and both parties can't just aim their anger and censorship at one person, they'd have to go through all of us, and this will make huge waves because people will start seeing it's not just one person, it's MANY PEOPLE...

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:48 AM
i have another idea, i don't know about you guys, but i love to work with clay, and makeing a low cost claysculptur and selling it for more money is what i do a lot, to get money for more clay, so, that could be a fundrasir, i allso sugest sculpy clay, it cost 2$ for one color, but it's a big hunck, or, buy a sample for 5$ and get 6or 7 colors. maybe the sculpers should have ats on the bottom for the heck of it

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by cyberdude78
Fund raisers are an excelltent idea. I'm sure I can always advirtise in my neighborhood. The initial investment is a problem. I'd recommend each member gather some money and then we send it to a trustworthy person with the ATS administration or something. And who ever gathers the most money gets something cool on the website like a web address or something else that makes them stand out. Kind of like the way above tops secret award.

Actually it shouldn't be kept by one person... There should be an association where all people are responsible... Remember there is no I... WE all have to make sure we're a team...
It should go into an account, and maintained by more then one person, where mnay people get to keep tabs to make sure nobody is #ing with it..
And i'm still going with the stock thing idea as well
... you get out what you put in...
We can all benefit and this can grow into something huge...

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
Here's an Idea we can start with, we can create a TEE-SHIRT with our organization name on it and our agenda. It would provide finances for our project and at the same time help spread the word. What do you think ?

Yes! Gear is always a good way to get the message out! I even propose bumber stickers! If we can all create our own little designs and what not and use our cars or whatever to advertise that would also work..

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:54 AM
i think a teeshirt with deny ignorace would intreg ppl, and make them ask you, what dose that mean?
that would give you a chance to sell the idea of the newsletter and website to them!

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 11:57 AM
I think you work for a corporation that is trying to stifle our creativity...

Ok Ats members, ANYBODY who wants to get involved, say I...
Anybody that can put money into say: $

We have a lakeowner's association arond here and each neighbourhood pays money to maintain it, and they all own the property..

Same would go for this idea..

We would have an association put money in, we get money out...
This isn't like a career decision we're all doing this for the good of our COUNTRY.
Money shouldn't be what drives us..

It's the CAUSE...

If we all put in at least something, whatever we put in, we get out out...

If one person puts 1/3 in they get one third out, if one person puts 1/2 in they get half out...

Does this make sense?? Really , this is a cause, and run by a passion ...We can't let money drive us..
To be fair, it should be whatever we put in we get out.. It's fair..

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 12:01 PM
i like the consept, i do the same thing, though my friends don't understand it too much.
i'm going to go home tonight and make a banner that says deny ignorance and hang it on my wall.

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by EvilLink
i like the consept, i do the same thing, though my friends don't understand it too much.
i'm going to go home tonight and make a banner that says deny ignorance and hang it on my wall.

How about we create that on paper and mail it out!
Drop it off in people's mail boxes that will grab their attention and peak their curiosity... Intrigue is what draws people in... Not to mention it's for their own good lol... Deny ignorance, deny corporate American, deny partisanship, deny deny deny....

Funrasing in localalities will have an impact and get the ball rolling......

Even if we all put in say 20 bucks one month, 10 bucks another whatever, the more people we have the less we'll have to contribute..
The more people the merrier, a subscription to the magazine should only be like 14-19/yr....

I subscribe to the national review and they only charge me 19.25/mnth

I tink we should start a new thread soon...

This is what I can do: Contribute and $.......... no problem..
I can mail things, I can attend funraiser's with fellow ATS members, I'll help out any way possible! The message is moer important to me then money...

posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 12:11 PM
i'm thinking up something right now, if i get it down on paper i'll post it.

oW!!! i think i just had an idea!!!

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