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My coverage of the No Carbon Tax Rally in Canberra (Media is Lying)

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posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:06 AM
I want to start by saying that I know the MSM and Government lies, but experiencing the event first hand and then watching what the news was reporting is a big eye opener.
The news and the Australian Government is calling protesters "Extremist", "Violent", "resembled the Tea Party demonstrations in the US," "had all the credibility of "a Dungeons and Dragons convention" and many more.

The truth is it was ordinary Australians from all walks of life who are sick of the Australian Labour Government lying to them, they want to voice their opinion and they want the Government to start listening.

The out come we are after is a vote on the Carbon Tax or even better a re-election, we want a choice!
That's all we are after is a choice.
The people at the rally are representing the majority (not minority) of the Australian People.

Nine MSN News Pole

The Gillard Government is claiming that a carbon tax is going to save the world, it will stop climate change, stop the seas from rising.. blah blah
All this tax is going to do is dramatically increase the cost of living for all Australians and send more and more of our jobs overseas, it will destroy the Australian economy.

All in all I thought it was a great day, I spoke to a lot people and made some new friends.
Noting violent happened it was a peaceful protest, we only used our mouths and not our fist.
There was approx 3000-4000 people at the protest.
The day was hosted by Angry Anderson and had numerous politicians speaking including Tony Abbott and a couple scientist.

Below are some Pics of the day.
I will also ad some video once its uploaded.

If anyone else was there or was at another rally and would like to add some info or pics please do

View of the crowd from Parliament house

Federal Police Officer Picking his nose :-D

edit on 23/3/2011 by wycky because: (no reason given)

edit on 23/3/2011 by wycky because: Fix Images

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by wycky

I don't what media outlets you are referring to but the ones I heard on Sydney radio and free to air TV made no mention of violence or called anybody an extremist at all. The TV showed Tony Abbot getting very supportive rounds of applause and the Sky writing of "No Tax" above. I just don't like the fact that Gillard was planning this before the election, lied about it to get preference from independents and then with no remorse announced the idea and was scornful on those who questioned her honesty! Go Tony!

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by phatpackage

ABC Radio and The Drum on ABC TV and channel 7 News did refer to us at "Right Wing Radicalist" and "Extremest"
Depends what Radio station you listen to as well

Labor backbencher Nick Champion declared those attending the anti-tax rally "extremists".

The rally had all the credibility of "a Dungeons and Dragons convention", Mr Champion said.

Also check this out:

Police became involved when protesters unfurled signs from the terrace above the front doors of Parliament.

The signs that were unfurled from Parliament House had nothing to do with the protesters, I saw the signs as the police were pulling them down. The sign were FOR THE CARBON TAX, not against the tax

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by wycky

You mentioned the media comparing the rallies to the Tea Party. I'm not a Tea Party person, but to my knowledge, there has not been any violence associated with their rallies. Mostly families, some people carrying some signs and a lot of them walking around, eating ice cream.
The people in your pics look peaceful enough to me. BTW that looks like a really pretty area. I like the mountain in the background. Nice job.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:59 AM
i followed this closely all day as i wanted to attend but couldnt due to someone coming to my home to measure some stuff.

i heard labor politians refering to the protesters as "radicals" and "extremists". greg combet also got up during question time and tried to tie the protesters to radical groups. i also heard another politician trying to link them to the tea party, which he claimed are extremist in the u.s.a and im sure he said that they are vocal in calling for strong action even though he didnt say it outright he kind of refered that they violent and he said 'and we saw what happened there", refering to gabriel gifford. anyone who knows anything about the tea party and the giffords shooting were left in no doubt what he was talking about and referring too.

this afternoon all the talk was about the sign that was held up behind tony abbott without his knowledge that said "gillard is bob browns bitch". bob brown released a statement this afternoon saying abbott should appologize and im sure they intend to make a BIG deal out of this.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:09 AM
I live in Canberra and work for the government in one of Departments. What I found kind of funny, though sad if you are against anything to do with global warming (oh, sorry global change) being human engineered, is that the opposition Tony Rabbit also believes it is the result of human contribution. Well, that isn't going to help the anti-carbon tax campaign a whole lot when the leader of the opposition agrees with the alleged cause underpinning global warming / change.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by surrealist

WE are against the tax how is a tax going to reduce emissions pal it won't that is what the media keep screwing up the message. We believe in climate change some say human others say natural also as most people know this is being introduced by the UN.

The UN is setting the cirriculum for kids in our schools through UNESCO how is that fair no one can learn anything for them selves because of it as you will never hear anything against it and you can't say it is wrong either as you are graded on what they believe.

Gen Y has got it bad it is getting worse time and time again i'll have to find the article but there is an island that has started individual carbon taxing this is getting beyond a joke so you get taxed twice is this the world you want to live in. This just seems more and more of a way to start basically a way to get you to act more like slaves as you won't recieve any money as it will be going to everything you need to live and no leisure items at all.

The time for action is now before they close the door cause if they get what they want there will be no turning back with out a huge revolt against all governments to free the way we are suppose to be.

I'm looking at starting a new political party aswell called the Australian peoples party and would like anyone to help with this need ideas and paths that this country should travel on. I put it on face book i'm for anyones input as there is a dire need for a change to get corporation driven governments out and get the people what they want and lead them in a direction they want their country to go.

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:41 AM
The carbon tax is the brainchild of .....

The Rothchilds...

I shall find a link to prove it is under consulting with a divison of the Rothchild empire.

stay tooned

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by guessing

And from what i remember about it they are behind the UN as well correct me if i'm wrong

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by phatpackage
reply to post by wycky

I don't what media outlets you are referring to but the ones I heard on Sydney radio and free to air TV made no mention of violence or called anybody an extremist at all. The TV showed Tony Abbot getting very supportive rounds of applause and the Sky writing of "No Tax" above. I just don't like the fact that Gillard was planning this before the election, lied about it to get preference from independents and then with no remorse announced the idea and was scornful on those who questioned her honesty! Go Tony!

Yes on the ABC a politician was shown calling the people anti-siemetic and holocust deniers ??? How is that relevant to the subject ? That is some very sick mudslinging .Worm's must be eating this guys brain .

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:17 PM
The Rothschild family are a consulting firm to the world governments.

Take a think about this for just a few moments. All becomes very clear.

Here is the link I promised.

edit on 23-3-2011 by guessing because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by bellagirl

Yeah all the stuff about the sign is ridiculous Abbott had nothing to do with it.
The guy who held the sign up called 2gb this morning. He said he got alot of compliments about the sign which is why he held the sign up behind Abbott because he saw the opportunity to show the sign off.
Now Bob Brown wants Abbott to apologise to Gillard.

Here is the sign below

Its true, everyone says it.... not just in those words

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:00 PM
Now you know how tea partiers feel

Frikken sucks don't it bro?

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by guessing
The Rothschild family are a consulting firm to the world governments.

Take a think about this for just a few moments. All becomes very clear.

Here is the link I promised.

edit on 23-3-2011 by guessing because: (no reason given)

Sweet !
Thanks for the info I have heard about, but its even better to have a source ill read it tonight after work

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by TKDRL
Now you know how tea partiers feel

Frikken sucks don't it bro?

LOL i do now.
The only things I have read a few things about the Tea Party on ATS and nothing sounded that bad.
But reading some of the MSM news now and i can see how you guys have been painted in a bad light.

People are trying to stand up for themselves and what is right, but he media is making them look bad so no one else follows!

Sucks indeed.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:23 AM
its only gonna get

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by wycky

I listened to ABC radio..

Our loyal Irish PM, Ms Gillard refused to address the protesters,
but she did ask some school kids what the thought about global warming..

What a scam...
Refuses to talk to adults who have legitimate concerns but is happy to speak to our brainwashed kids..

I say send her back to Ireland...

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by wycky

If everyone in the world paid carbon tax it wouldn't help, what would have helped is if governments around the world took notice in the first place.

I think all governments should apologise to their people and admit they should have took action years ago. Then I might be more accommodating.

Makes you sick don't it.. sorry little rant

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 06:20 AM
got to applaud abbott though for his support against this new tax rought, there are better ways (including his) to dealing with climate change than just holding the people responsible, the slogans on the placards are what the people think and want heard, not something that abbott cooked up or expected of him as being associated with the extreme. the goverment is pushing this through with or without australias acceptance of this issue, and should be firmly denied by all who oppose.

edit on 24-3-2011 by redgy because: link taken down

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by redgy
the goverment is pushing this through with or without australias acceptance of this issue, and should be firmly denied by all who oppose.

edit on 24-3-2011 by redgy because: link taken down

Thats the biggest issue, Gillard lied and thats the only reason she got in to parliament.

and now she is forcing it through parliament even though majority of the people dont want a CO2 Tax

The Prime Ministers job is to represent the people of this country and she is obviously not doing that, and people who don't do their job should be fired!

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