I think it's reality attempting to reunite and to be rejoined, after being sliced and diced up by Western thought tracing all the way back in the days
of Plato and Socrates and their debate with the Sophists.
The will to meaning is being imposed on the world from a transcendant omegapoint of awareness.
Back in the days of old, when we were one with nature, it would occur through the forces of nature. THESE DAYS, it's the return of a symbol
encountered in a video game or on youtube.
It's the world, as it really is, trying to break through and remind us that we're cocreative participants where the lines between subject and object,
form and spirit, logic and emotion, circumstnace and meaning, are blurred.
Carl Jung said that when the mind is divided perforce the world and it's circumstance itself will be divided and split in two. The inverse corrolary
of that is probably also operative, where when the world is united or uniting, it's circumstances will be rejoined and repeated, until the theme of
life's meaning is resounded throughout all the spheres and eternity, whereby man is the very measure of the world of form and formlessness according
to his perception of Quality.
An intentionality of fate in the unfolding of the life of the individual? Materialist-realists may scoff all they like, but some among us now have in
our possession a sufficient amount of data, to realize and understand and appreciate, that a materalist monist Newtonian Cartesian duality, just
doesn't pass muster, not any more.
The arrow of time must therefore be reversed, from
past -> persent -.> future
future -> present -> past
The question then placed to the self has become no longer "who am I"? but what process of creative action am I participating in, and what is the very
leading edge of the very tip of my arrow of process, if not Quality as Excellence..?
As far as I'm concerned, the entire ediface of Western Thought and Civilization is about to collapse if it has not already, and we only have the
faintest idea of what was lost, when what was lost was the supremecy of the Good, of Quality, relative to which a mere truth or a fact is but a minor
edit on 22-3-2011 by NewAgeMan because: edit