posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 10:15 AM
Yes it is coming back and the sad thing is that I can not get a recent statistic, for some reason everything that have to do with goverment related
sites stops at the year 2002. I guess the administration careless about our nations proplems.
Incidence (annual) of Whooping Cough: 7,405 cases annually (1998); under-diagnosis of cases in adults means the real prevalence may be much higher;
7,288 annual cases notified in USA 1999 (MMWR 1999)
Incidence Rate: approx 1 in 36,731 or 0.00% or 7,405 people in USA [about data]
Prevalance of Whooping Cough: In the United States, 5000-7000 cases are reported each year. Incidence of pertussis has increased steadily since the
1980s. The highest incidence since 1967 (2.9/100,000) was reported in 1996, when 7796 cases of pertussis were reported.1