posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 10:21 AM
You turned your kid into a spoiled little brat... 6 BIKES!!!?
Is that really necessary?? Why do you keep buying him paddles?? Tell him if he's going to be like that he's going to be working to save up money to
buy a new one if he's going to destroy property...
Your obviously not hard enough on your kid, he needs to learn personal responsibility, and you need to stick a boot up his ass, i'm sorry, but you
spoiled your kid, now you have to teach him his behaviour is unacceptable.
He's learned which butttons to push on you, he knows what he can get away with and what he can't, and obviously there is no line for him to
It's time to draw one!!!
Ban his ass from riding bikes, from playing play station, get a closet, lock it everytime he does something bad, what he takes the most pleasures in,
take them away if he isn't going to abide by your rules.
You need to set rules, he isn't an adult, he doesn't know, you teach him what to do, if you don't he's going to run around like a crazy man and
find himself in jail...
Start now he'll just get worse when he's a teenager!!
And counselling doesn't work... They want your money, they try using the "well how about you try this" ... You need to stick a boot up his ass sir,
really take my advice, it worked for my dog, he's the best dog ever! He used to try and run ship, but he's learned who the dominant one is..
Same goes for your son... Your son is trying to establish control... NOT GOOD.