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ATS members that heard the long weird hum this month - List and updates

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:51 PM
The purpose of this thread is to gather informations about the weird "hum" that was heard all around the world, and especially in the USA, by many ATS members this month.

Here's what's been already done and the various threads were were talking about it:

ATS user "Under Water" created a great map avalaible HERE

Here's the very first video taken on Florida:

Here are the three active thread on ATS:

Florida-March 2011! Wow! started by "discl0sr3"
Rubling noise being heard... started by "visiting ESB"
Map of the strange sound phenomenon... started by "Under Water".

So, here's a first list of ATS members that heard a similar sound. To create this list, I reviewed the ten fist pages of these three threads (I'll continue the work, but there are almost one hundred of pages...:wow
, and only picked up testimonies that gives:
1- The location
2- The time it happened
3- How long it lasted
4- A description of the sound

I also only noted the testimonies that:
1- Tooks place in March
2- Lasted at least 5 minutes.

The goal is not to subjectively dismissed experiences that could be interesting, but to gather informations about this specific event in March.

Feel free everyone to add your name to the list, as long as you try to respect the pattern, and for those who already are on this list, correct me if I've done any mistake.

I'll do only one update a day on this very post, approximately at the same hour.


edit on 22-3-2011 by elevenaugust because: mispelling

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:53 PM
User: trusername
1. the exact location: San Francisco CA near Sutro Tower on Twin Peaks
2. the time it happened: March 19th after midnight
3. how long it lasted: well over 1/2 hour
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? It was incredibly loud - really really loud hum - I can tell you it wasn't a plane or a tunnel drill - it was definitely coming from above. And on such a stormy night I couldn't see anything but rain clouds - there were no lights what ever it was. And it was from more than just wind in the tower - it was bigger than that - bigger and from more directions.


User: megaresistence
1. the exact location: Bridgewater, NJ (somerset county)
2. the time it happened: March 21 around 11:30am central
3. how long it lasted: it must of been going on for atleast 30-60 min
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? it sounded like a dump trucks tailgate slamming the back of the truck when they dump things and it also sounded like long thunder, its hard to explain the sound, it was not normal


User: bauldrick
1. the exact location: Lincs, NE
2. the time it happened: March 21 between 6 and 7pm
3. how long it lasted: could be heard for 10-15 mins
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? distinct low rumbling


User: bmorebirdflu
1. the exact location: between salisburry and oc Md. eastern shore
2. the time it happened: 815am 3-21-2011
3. how long it lasted: twice in a row
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? do increase or decrease in sound or volume. pattern stayed the same. almoast like contact or a bad drummer. just bass drum. bad headache and pressure in head too. first on started on a dime and endend suddenly 3 secounds later secound one strated and same thing started sudnley and ended on a dime. very loud. no planes in the sky at all.


User: gluon
1. the exact location: Essex county NJ
2. the time it happened: Monday March 21st starting at around 10:30am.
3. how long it lasted: remained audible and unchanged for approximately 20 minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? Heard a long rumbling engine like sound. The sound seemed to emanate from high in the sky. I was unable to identify it's source.


User: IncognitoGhostman
1. the exact location: Western NY, south of Rochester
2. the time it happened: about a week ago and it was midday
3. how long it lasted: It lasted for about 10-15 minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? I just chalked it off as a tractor or something


User: esteay812
1. the exact location: Knoxville Tennessee
2. the time it happened: early morning
3. how long it lasted: It has been going on for about 30mins. or more
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? sounded like a soundsystem from a car. Just a very low pass rumbling bass/thunder , (then) wawawa type of noise, similar to when a boomerang is thrown.


User: Variableconstant
1. the exact location: Hawai
2. the time it happened: I think it was a little after 4 a.m
3. how long it lasted: for at least half an hour
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? my dog barking like crazy. She was just standing in the living room, barking and barking, non-stop. I could hear a definite rumbling, low and deep, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. It sounded a bit like a very large jet, so I went outside to see if it was visible, but I could not see anything. I kept expecting it to get fainter as it moved away, but it was constant, just went on and on.


User: cassp83
1. the exact location -- Pittsburgh, PA
2. the time it happened -- Late evening 8-9pm Monday March 7th
3. how long it lasted -- 5min
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- the sound came out of nowhere & it sounded like a huge airplane was directly over-head. It was cloudy, but I couldn't see anything (lights, etc) overhead. It was a strange enough sound to make me look out my window to see what was making it. I've lived in the same general area for almost 30 years and this was the second time in only the past few months that I have heard this sound.


User : butcherguy
1. the exact location -- Reinholds, PA
2. the time it happened -- March 12, 2011 9am through 2pm on and off
3. how long it lasted -- lasting up to 20 minutes at a time
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- rumbling noise from sky


User : JoDogz
1. the exact location – Qld, Australia
2. the time it happened -- March 172, just after midnight
3. how long it lasted -- I heard it for probably going on an hour
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- I could swear I could hear my air compressor. It's in a garage about 20-30meters from the house, so when it's running, from the house all you can hear is a background hum. That's exactly what I heard last night. I even walked outside to check no-one had helped themselves to it, but it definitely wasn't running and the sound didn't increase in strength as I went outside either, just stayed as the background hum.


User : JonnhySeagull
1. the exact location – Ireland
2. the time it happened -- March 20th around 11:30pm
3. how long it lasted -- The whole thing lasted approx. 20mins maybe 30. I wasn't sure how long I was listening to it before getting outta bed. I know it finished at 11.55pm.
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- I was in bedroom last night and thought I heard a plane. Nothing new in that. The only thing is five minutes later I could still hear it. Got out of bed and stuck my head out the window. The sound was much louder when I stuck my head out the window. Couldn't see anything in the sky which is where the sound was coming from but it was very hard to pinpoint. Usually you would dismiss it as plane but it just kept going.


User : Outtahere
1. the exact location – San Diego CA
2. the time it happened – March 20th, night
3. how long it lasted -- That lasted about five seconds and then it started up again at full volume. It continued starting and stopping over and over, at full volume, for about ten minutes.
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- It sounded EXACTLY like the Floria recording. this was a sustained sound


User : plaguedone
1. the exact location -- Tucson, Az
2. the time it happened -- 3am Monday March 19th
3. how long it lasted -- about 25 minutes,
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- it was very mechanical sounds like an ultra sound, not something im used to hearing stood out


User : alicenwonderland
1. the exact location -- USA
2. the time it happened -- Thursday, March 17 About 9PM?
3. how long it lasted -- The sounds went on for at least 15 - 20 minutes before we got bored with it.
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? –
This night, however, my 13 year-old son was swinging a bat outside and called me out to listen to what he called "tones/notes" in the air (yes, my immediate thought was "Close Encounters" but he hasn't even seen the film).

Now, he is an advanced choral student and can recognize the difference between just "sound" and "tones/notes". I could NOT hear what he was hearing but did hear a distinct, mechanical-type roar, very similar to the sound in the Florida video for which I provided the link at the top of this post. The primary difference between what I heard and THAT video was that I felt the noise did have a somewhat "mechanical" sound to it.

On the other hand, my son was getting frustrated because I was hearing only this and NOT what he was hearing. In fact, while he is not prone to exaggeration or dramatics, he was getting quite agitated about that. He was also very adamant he was hearing long "notes" clearly ABOVE the roar and really, that the "roar" wasn't loud to him at all (while IT was clear and loud to me).

We do live near a military base and I hadn't yet heard about the other "mysterious noises" across the U.S. so I really came to assume this was the military was working on some sound technology at a high frequency. The reason I say that is the whole scenario with my son hearing tones I couldn't, reminded me of us playing around on one of the ring-tone sites that lets you sample-play the ringtones kids can hear but adults can't. We experimented with that for a good half-hour one night and I was amazed at the frequencies he could hear that I couldn't. Anyway, that was my thought with this because I knew he wasn't making up what he was hearing yet I just couldn't hear anything above besides that roar.

I did also experience RAPID (as in - "are my eyes playing tricks on me rapid") flashes of light while we stood outside listening. The sounds went on for at least 15 - 20 minutes before we got bored with it. (Again, we didn't know about the other reports at this time so we were just assuming it was "military" and it lost its novelty after a bit.)

The skies were pretty much clear and there were no visible aircraft.


User : personalChoice
1. the exact location – Central Ohio
2. the time it happened -- 1250ish am March 22th
3. how long it lasted -- for about five minutes till it got low enough that I figured it was going away.
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- To me it sounded like a shuttle taking off and I honestly chalked it up to a military jet on it's way to landing 12 miles away at Rickenbacker...But I had never heard anything fly over that sounded like that before. It was almost identical to the video, except it sounded a little louder in the op video...The best I can relate it to though was a deep constant roar of a shuttle blasting off. I was listening to headphones, and the bass of the sound, a rumble was loud enough that I stopped my music and stopped walking and sat there listening to it


User : kilroy68
1. the exact location – Windsor, Ontario Canada
2. the time it happened – March 21st around 9pm or so
3. how long it lasted -- It went on for a good twenty minutes then I went in, quite puzzled.
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- There was a thunder storm in progress, but this sound was different. After a thunder peel, I heard this low pitched rumbling sound which reminded me of a really loud car sub woofer, but there was no car around me at the time doing that. The sound just kept going on and the ground was rumbling( we live on a minor fault line) The storm continued but I could identify two layers of sound, the thunder which did not rumble the ground and the low hrtz rumbling.

edit on 22-3-2011 by elevenaugust because: format

edit on 22-3-2011 by elevenaugust because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:56 PM
I have heard this sound also, I hear it when i prepare for astral travel it has lasted up to 40 minutes. Now i know difference between rythems and pulsating feeling during meditation and this was way different it made me feel very uneasy.

Thought this info might be needed. I live in England

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:10 PM
User: Lostsock
1. the exact location: Greeneville Tennessee
2. the time it happened: 1:30 am to 2 am 03-22-2012
3. how long it lasted: about 30mins.
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? It was a vibrating rumble in the distance, almost like rushing wind with out the wind or fast rushing water underground except it was coming from the sky. One minute the sound was there and then it stopped suddenly.

note, I didnt hear it but my husband did, I will be up with him the next several nights to see it the sound is still out there.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:24 PM
1- The location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
2- The time it happened: around 8am, 21 March 2011
3- How long it lasted: about 50 min
4- A description of the sound: it sounded like a jet engine at full power but stationary. deep sound, and no deviations of the sound. It was fairly loud, the sound come from the east over the mountains. Called up a friend on the west side of town and he said he heard the same thing.

edit on 22-3-2011 by morf991 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:27 PM
hi to let you know exact location grimsby n.e. lincolnshire no tremors or ground rumbling just an eery low hardly audible low growl of a sound has also been heard through out today fades in and out keep checking sky's but no planes visible do not live near train tracks either also my garden has numerous birds at any given time sort of a haven for them usually 10-20 at any given time today the odd 1 or 2 not normal have lived here for 4 years now so have noticed lack of wildlife dogs whining a lot more than usual and going to front door a lot ? note one of my dogs has been deaf from birth yet still acting out of the norm keeps getting up to look for what I do not know he is old so normally sleeps most of the day but has been active quite a bit today partner still saying far off plane I don't think so myself I'm concerned as in the river humber large caves used for natural gas storage plus oil refineries local 9 mile away hope this helps and will update when it is audible. ah large caves near by will look into had forgot about them until writing this

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:38 PM
About a month ago In Northwestern New Jersey..I heard this same sound twice in two days..big difference is it was lower in volume but it lasted about an hour both was cloudy out both days and I thought it was just low flying airplane's..I live right along the Newark and Laguardia airport roots..though I am more then 50 miles from both airports..they fly right down the valley here east towards NYC..but there were no planes at the time..I have been paying attention since 9/11, 2 of the planes actually flew over my area on their way back to NYC and the crashes..anyway..

I was outside smoking and I noticed what sounded like the engines of a large passenger plane but it didn't stop for more then an hour.It was constant but farther away sounding then the latest video out of Florida..I mentioned it to my family but they are not what we like to call "awake" pure Americana slaves.I am a advent of sky watching,I pay close attention to every thing around me constantly.It then occurred again the next day..same sound just as long in wasn't loud enough to be frightening and if someone wasn't paying attention they'd probably not notice..but it was there.After listening very closely I noticed it didn't sound like a plane at was more a conglomerate of a plane,thunder,train,wind. so..North Jersey month of February duration over an hour, constant low rumbling, noticeably enough to make a mental note about it.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by elevenaugust

I heard a rythmic low tone whooshing spinning hum.
When I went to bed it lasted for hours untill 3am, it kept waking me up when it got realy loud.
It sounded above my house. and right before right it stoped something hit my bedroom door realy hard and scared the living shiza outa me. and the day after we smelt sulfur out our bedroom window, only that window.
I know what sulfur smells like because I used to collect ores and rocks.

Im located in Ontario California.

I know sounds crazy but I shiza you not, it happend.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by elevenaugust

Hi elevenaugust... there is another thread on this subject that popped up earlier in the month started by Cluckerspud that will have some posts in it with locations and such. May prove helpful for you......

North NJ Loud Rumblings (3/10/11)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by MyMindIsMyOwn

Thanks! I will add them ASAP to the list.

Meanwhile, and since I can't edit anymore my first post, here's the 2nd part of the list, result of my reading through 4 threads and +/- 50 pages, and the addition of the accounts here (thanks to the OP, BTW!):

User : sevensheeps
1. the exact location – Maastricht, Holland
2. the time it happened – March 21st night
3. how long it lasted – it lasted for ten minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- Not that loud


User : bellesgm
1. the exact location – very near Jackson, MS
2. the time it happened – March 20th
3. how long it lasted – off and on throughout the day and evening hours. The sound would go on for maybe 10 minutes and then stop, only to begin again later in the day.
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- sounded like a constant droning, or low rumbling


1. the exact location – southern California
2. the time it happened – On the early morning of 3/21/2011 around 3amPT
3. how long it lasted – it would slowly fade thgen be back in a minute or two.It did this from about 2:30amPT to about 5:00amPT
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- I was awakened by this loud rumbling sound about three times, It sounded like a 747 flying right over my house in the dark


User : SodiumVapor
1. the exact location – south east Michigan
2. the time it happened – last week at 4:00 AM ish
3. how long it lasted – lasted approx. 45 min
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- low rumbling sound


User : toxicyyc
1. the exact location – around 6km from the main runway at Calgary airport, Canada
2. the time it happened – Around 4 or 5 weeks ago
3. how long it lasted – a good 10-15 minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- I was at home around lunchtime, and heard what I initially thought was a very loud jet passing. I live around 6km from the main runway at Calgary airport, so hearing aircraft is not unusual, and the various sounds are very familiar to me - from typical modern aircraft, old noisy Fedex 727's, and the odd fighter jet. At night, if the atmospheric conditions are right, I can often hear jet engines spooling up and down at the airport; there is an Air Canada maintenance hanger there, so again, not unusual at all.
To continue, as I prepared my lunch I became aware that the sound was continuing for much longer (and louder) than normal, and my pictures hanging on the wall were actually vibrating quite loudly -- something that has NEVER happened before, in my 3 years of living at this address, and a total of 5 in the area. At the time, I thought this was odd, but assumed it was a heavy jet circling the airport, perhaps in a holding pattern (despite the fact aircraft rarely need to hold here -- Calgary is not a massively busy airport and planes usually flight straight in on a long final approach).
As I sat down to eat my lunch, the sound was still there .. louder .. quieter .. louder .. and so on. Each time it was loud, the pictures would vibrate more and more. After about 10 minutes, the sound became so overwhelming, I got up and went outside on to my deck to investigate further.
This is when I realized it was not the normal sound of jets that I was hearing. Whereas normally, I can hear the sounds coming from the direction of the airport, this time - the sound was ALL around me, and louder than anything I had heard before. I could not detect which direction it was coming from; as it was everywhere. And, from the deck, it did not sound like a jet at all. It's very hard to describe, but very similar to the Florida video, only more intense. I stood there in awe for a good 10-15 minutes.
Anyway, after being spooked a little by this, it was time for me to head back to work. I returned to the house, grabbed my keys, and went out the other door to my car. The sound had now vanished completely. Almost as if the sky had gone from complete chaos to tranquility in an instant.


User : MRuss
1. the exact location – Cape Cod, Massachusetts area
2. the time it happened – Tuesday, March 22 Noon
3. how long it lasted – 5/10 minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- Sounds like there is a big jet flying west of my house. The sound seems a combination of a tornado and a jet. It's like a jet sound, but there is more "whoooosh" to it, like something being sucked in. It sounds as if it is traveling across or over---making progress--as a jet does when it flies over your house.


User : karen61057
1. the exact location – Langly AFB. Hampton Va
2. the time it happened – A week or two ago
3. how long it lasted – 30 minutes +
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- low rumbling


User : SSPI07
1. the exact location – Central Ohio area (SE Franklin / NW Fairfield County area)
2. the time it happened – March 20th night
3. how long it lasted – it lasted for about 10 minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- exact same sound (as the florida video) I didn't pay too much attention at first as I live about 8 miles from an airport and hear low-flying planes all the time. After a few minutes passed I thought it was odd and looked out the window. I didn't see any aircraft that could be causing the noise. Even though it didn't sound like a train, I also looked toward the railroad tracks about a half mile north of my house but there were no trains. After this I got a really ominous something wasn't right. A few minutes later the noise just stopped. No fading off like I hear all day with airplanes, it just abruptly stopped. I didn't see a flash or anything like in the video, but I was inside so there might have been one that I didn't see.


User : Mrclark56
1. the exact location – Mauritius
2. the time it happened – sunday 20 march at 18 00 oclock local time ( 14 00 GMT )
3. how long it lasted – for 5min at least
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- i was on the beach with my GF and dog when i heard this rumbling sound for a few minutes... it did sound like a aircraft noise from high altitude.. i looked up and saw no aircraft whatsoever.. skies were clear.


User : mudrumalum
1. the exact location – Huntington WV
2. the time it happened – 3/17/11 about 7:15-7:30pm
3. how long it lasted – It stayed a steady pattern for about 10-15 minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- I heard what at first I thought was a hellacious water leak. I asked my friend if he could hear it and he said he could hear it too, he said he thought it was thunder. It got louder but then it didnt stop. I pulled my head up and then felt a small vibration, I was laying on my stomach, my body in full contact with the ground. It wasn't super loud and if we weren't outside I don't know that we would have heard it.


User : bvillebob
1. the exact location – near Albany, Oregon, about 30 miles north of Eugene
2. the time it happened – week 14 to 19 March 2011 about 9AM
3. how long it lasted – about 15 minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- very loud rumbling, followed by a huge flash of light that lit up the entire sky, then the noise rapidly faded away. People in the area thought there had been a huge explosion somewhere nearby but nothing had occurred.


User : daisyjays78
1. the exact location – Tallahassee Florida
2. the time it happened – 3-09-2011.. Around 6:30 on
3. how long it lasted – it lasted for well over 20 minutes or so
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- . It was Soooo Loud, and it was shaking the house and the ground. There was a Flash of light that came from the same direction of the noise, then the noise just faded away.
(the original videotapper)


User : litterbaux
1. the exact location – Wisconsin
2. the time it happened – Thursday March 10th between 6:30 and 6:45pm CST
3. how long it lasted – it lasted 5 to 10 minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- . rumbling sound. My girlfriend was giving her 2 year old daughter a bath and she could hear the noise as well, even over the splashing and other noises that 2 year olds make. I would say it lasted 5 to 10 minutes and at first I thought it was some kind of jet.


User : Gallahan
1. the exact location – Clearwater, Florida
2. the time it happened – 4 am march 20th
3. how long it lasted – The noise lasted for about 2-4 minutes or so each time. and probably appeared around 5 or so times in a time period of about an hour.
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- This extremely lound noise first came across the sky and it definetely had the distinction of "moving" through the sky similiar to a fighter. The loud rumbling did not fade away as would a jet fighter moving through the sky, but rather at its peak loud point simply STOPPED. I mean like someone turning off a TV stop.


User : Musicman14
1. the exact location – Springfield, PA
2. the time it happened – 21st March around 3:00 AM
3. how long it lasted – lasted about 5-10 mins
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? -- similar sound


User : Cowgirlstraitup7
1. the exact location – Kansas City area
2. the time it happened – two weeks ago
3. how long it lasted – after listening to this for a good 15 minutes
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? sounded like thunder far off into the distance. I turned the tv back on to check the weather and there was nothing but clear skies. So I laid back down thinking it was the train tracks. Those are about 5 miles away but the way my particular suburb lays it can echo forever. But this time it sounded completely different.


User : robotoverlord
1. the exact location – South of Pittsburgh in South Western Pennsylvania
2. the time it happened – approximately 3 to 4 weeks ago
3. how long it lasted – the sound went on for at least 15 minutes from when we first noticed it 4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? It seemed to be coming from the south east. I saw a few flashes of what I thought was heat lightning. My assumption at the time was that there must be so much heat lightning (cloud to cloud) that it was causing a constant rumble of thunder. However, you usually don't hear thunder from heat lightning, which is what made the sound so out of place.
I also thought it might be a plane, but planes usually only make a sound for a minute or two and change directions. I was also worried that it might be a tornado, but there was no wind


User : Notorious222
1. the exact location – North Olmsted, Ohio
2. the time it happened – a month ago from about 12AM to 2:30AM
3. how long it lasted – It lasted for over 2 hours
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? Sounded like a tornado. I opened my skylight and no wind whatsoever. It was only heard for a 1 mile and a half distance.


User: Lostsock
1. the exact location: Greeneville Tennessee
2. the time it happened: 1:30 am to 2 am 03-22-2012
3. how long it lasted: about 30mins.
4. do your best to describe the sound, was it long and constant with no fade in/ fade out? was it pulsating or rhythmic? did the ground shake or vibrate the whole time? It was a vibrating rumble in the distance, almost like rushing wind with out the wind or fast rushing water underground except it was coming from the sky. One minute the sound was there and then it stopped suddenly.
note, I didnt hear it but my husband did, I will be up with him the next several nights to see it the sound is still out there.


User: morf991
1- The location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
2- The time it happened: around 8am, 21 March 2011
3- How long it lasted: about 50 min
4- A description of the sound: it sounded like a jet engine at full power but stationary. deep sound, and no deviations of the sound. It was fairly loud, the sound come from the east over the mountains. Called up a friend on the west side of town and he said he heard the same thing.


User: Nebulous1973
1- The location: Northwestern New Jersey, right along the Newark and Laguardia airport roots
2- The time it happened: about a month ago, twice in two days
3- How long it lasted: over an hour
4- Description of the sound: constant low rumbling, same sound (as the video)..big difference is it was lower in volume. It was constant but farther away sounding then the latest video out of Florida. It wasn't loud enough to be frightening and if someone wasn't paying attention they'd probably not notice..but it was there.After listening very closely I noticed it didn't sound like a plane at was more a conglomerate of a plane,thunder,train,wind.

1- As for now, it makes a total of 38
2- There are some particularities that aren't listed in the above descriptions, such as dogs barkings before or during the event.
3- In some cases, the noise is strong enough to awake the witnesses.
4- These are only somewhat 10% of the total testimonies, the remaining 90% aren't listed because of:
- lack of informations
- old event
- short noise duration

To be continued....

edit on 23-3-2011 by elevenaugust because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by VenomVile.6

Hi VenomVile 6,

When it happened?

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 03:25 PM
User: Nemain73
1- The location: southern 'burbs of Brisbane in sunny Queensland, Oz
2- The time it happened: 23-3-2011 from 6:40AM to 7:15AM
3- How long it lasted: almost half an hour
4- Description of the sound: a low pitch, deep, osilating rumbling noise


User: seism
1- The location: Weldon Springs Missouri
2- The time it happened: last Saturday morning around 1 am (20-3-2011)
3- How long it lasted: nearly 2 hours
4- Description of the sound: much like an engine test of a jet that droned on and on. It reminded me of conventional jet testing but a main difference was that when they were low throttled and "shut off" a couple of times, it didnt sound like normal jet engine stoppage as that usually slows and whines down to nothing instead of just stopping.


User: StealthyKat
1- The location: north central Louisiana
2- The time it happened: 2:22 pm central time (23-3-2011)
3- How long it lasted: This noise had been going on for the past 45 minutes or so
4- Description of the sound: I was kind of skeptical thinking it was construction or something so I drove around and saw nothing going on. People in the neighborhood were standing out in their yards looking up. It was most definitely coming from the sky I didn't have any way to record it, but it sounded like rommmmm rommmmmm rommmmmm with a rumble underneath, and an occasional banging sound. It was clear and sunny when I went outside and heard it's cloudy and windy. This went on for 45 min to an hour...and just stopped abruptly...then still and quiet....came back at a lower pitch for maybe 5 minutes, then stopped abruptly again.


User: raymisty2
1- The location: Phenix City, Alabama which is right outside Fort Benning Military base
2- The time it happened: few nights ago (before 22-3-2011)
3- How long it lasted: about 10 minutes
4- Description of the sound: I heard the rumbling sound a few nights ago. I don't know how long it went on because I was really into something but I finally noticed the house was shaking and my dogs were going nuts. I'm used to hearing low flying military planes go over. I'm right under their flight path and they skim the trees it seems. So I know the planes. This was not a plane. It was not cloudy, nor stormy. It was just a normal night. I went outside to look for something it was so loud and scary. After about 10 minutes it stopped, not suddenly but just a gradual fade.

more to come....

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:13 AM
Has there been any new info on this? I heard it again yesterday, but this time it only lasted about 10 minutes at most.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 12:10 PM
I am in Cookeville Tn. I hear this sound of rumbling everynight but it sounds like it is coming from underground. The vibrations are intense and the hum is also the same.

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