posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 12:55 PM
Actually, the entire world survives on oil. Our world would collapse without it. "Everything" is made from oil or uses oil to make it. All
plastics need oil. All cars need oil but not to just make it run but to "make" it. Did you know that a tire has 7 gallons of oil in it? Just
"one" tire. So everytime a person buys a tire, they are contributing to the oil market. Consider food. How much oil is used to get a piece of
broccoli to you? You have the oil to till the land, to get the employees to the land in the first place, the oil to package the broccoli, to get it to
the stores... the list goes on and on. We use so much oil to produce our food that every person consumes 10 calories of hydrocarbon energy per food
that they eat.
If we stopped using oil, we wouldn't have any food.
Consider electricity. Electricity is "NOT" a source. It is dervied from another source (oil) to produce it. So we would lose electricity as
Our government is well aware of a possible shortage. So here is an idea for you:
Our government needs the oil to keep control. They "need the oil to make money. They want to drill in the Arctic but they cannot because the ice
caps do not permit them too. For example, if you put an oil rig in one location, the ice will "move" the rig to another location. So, in order to
drill, you must melt the ice caps.
Does "An Inconvenient Truth" ring a bell right now? The government cannot just go in and melt ice caps. People worldwide would revolt. So they
"make" it happen by other means. They tell us that "global warming" is causing the ice caps to melt. Really? Because most scientists worldwide
do not believe in global warming. Gore was recently sued by over 30,000 scientists for the lies that he told in his film.
So what did they do to make it happen? They cause an oil spill in the gulf (BP) to alter weather patterns via the gulf stream. Benjamin Franklin
always said that if you destroy the gulf stream, you destroy the world. This, in turn, raises the earths temperature and causes extreme weather.
States are drained financially because they are forced to deal with emergencies. "Everybody" is too busy dealing with tsunamis and tornadoes to see
whats really going on...
Recently, world leaders met in Greenland to discuss drilling in the Arctic where the melting of the ice caps has already occurred. Really????
I dont know about you but this is all starting to make sense to me now...
My concern is this... once they start drilling they cannot stop so they will always need to keep the earth warm. So what other planned catastrophes
do they have in store for us?
Are "you" ready?