posted on Apr, 15 2003 @ 12:04 PM
Bout Time, I agree with you on what the nation needs but I feel that pres. Bush has been at the forefront of bringing it about. Look at how many
times in the last decade that we were hit by terrorist. We did nothing and the only military operation we had was Mogadishu and that was dirty work
for the UN. From that we got a bloody nose and withdrew giving the green light to terrorists because it portayed us as pacifists. If you look at
American acheivement during the Clinton admin, I'd say as far as the world's concerned, we did nothing. Now, because we had a huge (albeit fake)
economy, he saw fit to grow the government by leaps and bounds all except our military which was downsized, the only facit he was willing to cut. And
what were we supposed to get for all the high taxes? Nationalized healthcare which would have put beurocrats in charge of healthcare which is a
little worse than insurance companies. Remember the little Blue card Hilary ran around with and we all, me included, heralded them to the highest
levels. Well, I have to say looking back that I don't know anyone who was doing well under his regime but maybe him. And you talk so much about a
controlled state. At least Bush is looking for terrorists and not using the ATF, FBI, and CIA to track down political enemies and trying to disarm
law abiding people. As long as he was hitting everyday Americans who armed themselves to protect their home, that was fine but when Bush begins
hitting rights of people using the cover of our constitution illegally to commit terror acts, well then thats a controlled state. And as far as
global relations are concerned, it doesn't really count as trade when you sell secrets to China for campaign contributions. remember Los Alamos and
the smuggled tapes, the ill set forest fire to evacuate the facility? And what of foreign relations. The rest of the world saw us a jokes until we
decided to take a stand and now, except for a few losers, we are getting the respect back. They may not like us but at least they take us seriously.