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how deep can you go? Investigation vs common sense / Pentagon Jerry Henson interview

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
The inner wall thing was my mistake. I only said "likely" because reheat childishly refused to give a source and I won't believe a thing he says without one.

Childish, huh? I posted the freaking link at least twice previously to your insistence that there were several walls on that floor. For someone who has made the number of mistakes that you have in the threads you've started, I don't think it's wise to call someone else childish.

One would think that a person who started a thread entitled Absolute Proof that no airplane hit the Pentagon would have all of the facts in order, particularly since the aircraft hit on the first floor. Nah, you're smarter than everyone else, so you need to have a source shoved down you gullet before you finally admit you're wrong. You might actually try reading the sources provided, you might learn something.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by vault13er
Oh look another no-plane Pentagon thread started by somebody who has started no-plane Pentagon threads which are still active even.

Some truthers have this theory that the real fringe ideas/hoaxes (like this) are disinformation deliberately placed to discredit anything meaningful we have to say.

Or you could look at it as the only explanation that fits the puzzle, and that the rest of the alleged truth movement are simply trying to suppress what is likely the truth. All information should be able to stand on it's own merit. Why hide any of it?

Why would any theory be relegated to the hoax bin when they have solid proof to back them up? How can anyone proclaim what lead isn't worth following until it is followed?

Is that why so much effort is spent by the "truth movement" to squelch the information that leads to the inescapable conclusion that no planes is the only explanation that fits all the clues? Because its true?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Thermo Klein

I believe my information posted earlier about the number of walls the debris went through may be incorrect.

And indeed , as has already been pointed out , you were incorrect .

Go back to the pics you posted on page two and take a good look . See the punch-out hole there in the C-ring ? Okay , now count the window levels from the top of the building , to ground level . There are four levels of windows . There were no windows on the ground floor at that location .

Now , count the levels of windows you see on the D-ring and E-ring . There are only three levels of windows on those rings . Below those three levels of windows , in between the rings , you are looking at the roof of the second floor , not the ground .

Hope that I explained that good enough .

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Reheat

Originally posted by Thermo Klein
The inner wall thing was my mistake. I only said "likely" because reheat childishly refused to give a source and I won't believe a thing he says without one.

Childish, huh? I posted the freaking link at least twice previously to your insistence that there were several walls on that floor. For someone who has made the number of mistakes that you have in the threads you've started, I don't think it's wise to call someone else childish.

I've refrained from a lot of comment on this thread because I wanted to see it play out for awhile. In his posting and 'analysis' of it he has demonstrated his own lack of understanding of the Pentagon on 9/11. He extends his lack of understanding into a conspiracy theory. Henson was in the NCC, a virtual vault within that section of Pentagon. If he had researched any of the rescue efforts, he would know exactly who rescued Henson.Dave Thomas, Doug Tarantino, and Dr. P.K. Carlton, along with the mighty oak-tree of a man, Navy SEAL Craig Powell.

So do some more research Thermo, and I would suggest that folks not "believe a thing [Thermo] says" until you do.

[FYI - you'll learn there was more than one hole punched in A&E drive if you dig deep enough]
edit on 29-3-2011 by 911files because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-3-2011 by 911files because: (no reason given)

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