posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:31 AM
Be prepared for 6 or 7 of the same members coming in here calling the 6 or 7 members who actually try explain what's being seen disinfo agents or
Also be prepared for dozens of youtube videos to be posted spreading misinformation and lies, if we're lucky we'll get some links posted to articles
and papers that have no link to "chemtrails" whatsoever, apart from in the mind of whoever posted it, such papers and articles will include cloud
seeding or aerosol testing aircrafts being used for "chemtrailing".
The irony will be totally lost on them that these aerosol testing aircraft are actually what is needed for the chemtrailers to prove their claims.
Also be prepared for this post, pointing out the same things over and over again sounding like a broken record.
And finally, OP, you saw a contrail shadow as a half dozen people have said, now stop for a moment here and think, do you really think there are half
a dozen people here trying to mislead you with links and facts or maybe, just MAYBE all these links and facts are true.