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The Bradely Manning Protest - Virginia SP LEO's beating up old people w/ Vid

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posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:37 PM
Just found this on youtube. I don't really have much to say about this. It really speaks volumes of what this country has become and nobody is paying attention. I'll let the video speak for itself. Please help me understand the aggression they have towards these people that are sitting in a field outside of a military base.

edit on 21-3-2011 by Bonified Ween because: SP

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Bonified Ween

Holy! What the...! Why are there men with machine guns there? Why were they practically crushing those people? It doesn't even seen like there are that many protesters (like I said, "seem"). but there are numerous armed policemen and even, I don't know, military??? Who the heck were those guys at the end with their faces covered, no patches, badges and holding machine guns?

Like McGovern said while being hoisted away by hypocrite Hilary Clinton's thugs for silently expressing himself as she stressed the improtance of governments allowing their citizens to express themselves freely, "THIS IS AMERICA?" when a bunch of old people protest?

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:51 PM
Please remember, this is a Democracy. Just shut your mouth.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:53 PM
For not the first time today I find myself making the same statement with a heavy heart.

"And still we do nothing"

Haven't the greatest generation done enough for this country and its people, why do we not follow their lead. Fear of machine guns from faceless men for most I suppose. Unfortunately one day those faceless men will come knocking anyway.

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Bonified Ween

That video wasn't screaming volumes... geezzz.... IT WAS ROARING!!!! Thank-you for finding and posting. WoW.. I actually cried near the end when the guy was talking about OUR CONSTITUTION. When I think of OUR Constitution I think of Fathers just like that. They defended this Country not for GREED, NOT FOR CORPORATIONS to get rich off the sweat of our backs in such a evil nasty way... They fought for OUR FREEDOMS.

I ride Harley. 1200sport/custom...I'm sure I don't have to tell people why that bike is so all about our constitution. I use to go to Sturgis... The last time I was there I saw 6-7 Military style cops that had 1 biker dressed in leathers, bike equipped to the ass to camp out. (ALERT TO ALL BIKERS..if you don't have a disability you get those bikes off those BLAHBLAH trailers, leave the bus at home so I can see fine men passing my camp ground and start acting like bikers again!!!**) They circled the guy and made him strip everything. Himself and the bike. They guy was pulled over for SPEEDING. I waited til they left and asked him. My point... they're showing us Americans a show of force and letting us know that America's not free anymore. You will comply or else! I will never EVER go to Sturgis for that reason alone. All the years that I was there... all those people... there were less fights, MORE RESPECT GOING ON...we don't need that...we don't deserve that. We should be able to get drunk and lay naked on the line. **providing that all G-rating's are tucked into bed... we're respectful like well, most of us... haha**

Anyways.. it's nice to finally see that America is waking up. I wish they had done back in 2000. Hell, after Kennedy was shot! *sigh*

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Bonified Ween
Please remember, this is a Democracy. Just shut your mouth.

Were not a democracy, were a republic.

and this is sick. a bunch of elderly peaceful protesters get crushed? Right to protest, anyone? no?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by DrCarter
For not the first time today I find myself making the same statement with a heavy heart.

"And still we do nothing"

Haven't the greatest generation done enough for this country and its people, why do we not follow their lead. Fear of machine guns from faceless men for most I suppose. Unfortunately one day those faceless men will come knocking anyway.

I have a hard time considering a Generation that defeated the Nazi's but handed America over to the feminist's, marxist's and other fascist's(neoconservatives mainly) as the "Greatest Generation".

P.S a good many of the "old folks" are just elder boomers. A generation only worthy of a bridge to live under.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by chancemusky

Originally posted by Bonified Ween
Please remember, this is a Democracy. Just shut your mouth.

Were not a democracy, were a republic.

and this is sick. a bunch of elderly peaceful protesters get crushed? Right to protest, anyone? no?

I doesn't show the full video. Maybe they intentionally or accidentally stepped on military property? The good thing this illustrates is that the police came to their senses towards the end it seemed. Either way this is Virginia. A state where the various local and state police think Virginia's Freedom of information law's don't apply to them even after a Judge say's it does(Most Virginia police officers are literally nothing but thugs with badges and gun's).

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:28 AM
1 these people were out in front of a Marine base. Anytime there is a potential breech of security at a military base you can bet there are going to be LEO with guns outside.

2 This is not police brutality. This is what happens we you block the entrance to a military base and refuse to unblock it. These people were being pushed out. The crowd refused to move and people got caught between the police line and the people who refuse to move.

I'd be inclined to call this police brutality if they had beaten people, which they did not do.

Sensationalist BS

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

Ok - so you bring your grandmother in the street with picket sign and I'll keep shoving her to the ground with a big plastic shield. Then what do you call that?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by korathin

My bad, odds are I am a bit older than you, so my grandparents, who might I add are miraculously still alive are members of the "Greatest Generation" I call them that because that is what they are called, my mother is a "Baby Boomer" and a pain in the A* I might add.

All that aside you are right on what they did after the war but lets face it we have done nothing to correct that mistake. Not only have we not corrected it we have made it worse and then done nothing at all to correct it.

As for the guy I forget who saying that is what police do when protesters block the road; that simply is not so. In my military days; I was an SSG in the Army and an MP about six years ago. When protesters showed up and didn't stay on the sides of the road we didn't roll out in riot gear and "push them back" we simply instructed them to get back to the sides of the road and detained those who didn't. Their information was taken and they where released after the demonstration ended. Yes we had them back the too but over Iraq and not a soldier being dehumanized as Manning is. I can't imagine where in your mind the actions taken by these police officers is justified, but it is not.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Bonified Ween
reply to post by projectvxn

Ok - so you bring your grandmother in the street with picket sign and I'll keep shoving her to the ground with a big plastic shield. Then what do you call that?

Oh stop.

The title says they were being beaten. Were they? NO!

The crowed REFUSED to move, so yea someone's gonna get a little compressed.
My grandmother, god rest her soul, wouldn't be stupid enough to protest for a traitor
on suicide watch(Which is why he is stripped searched and given a smock), and then get
between the crowd and the police and line, and then whine about the injustice as if
the big bad police set out that day to hurt grandma.

Get real.
edit on 22-3-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn

The title says they were being beaten. Were they? NO!

My grandmother, god rest her soul, wouldn't be stupid enough to protest for a traitor
on suicide watch(Which is why he is stripped searched and given a smock)

I agree they where not beaten up, stepped on a bit, but not beaten up which was the heading of the post.

Are you military, particularly corrections of enforcement? We do not strip search and give suicide watches smocks to wear. Suicide watches are not allowed boot laces or belts, usually they are instructed to wear PTs with no shoe laces. They are under twenty four hour observation. The tactics described are standard for breaking the will of suspects during the interrogation process, to dehumanize them. My guess is to break Manning and gain any Intel possible on his connections to Wikileaks and Anon. As we all know Anon is doing its best to be a thorn in the side of some very important people who would authorize any methods necessary.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn

Originally posted by Bonified Ween
reply to post by projectvxn

Ok - so you bring your grandmother in the street with picket sign and I'll keep shoving her to the ground with a big plastic shield. Then what do you call that?

Oh stop.

The title says they were being beaten. Were they? NO!

The crowed REFUSED to move, so yea someone's gonna get a little compressed.
My grandmother, god rest her soul, wouldn't be stupid enough to protest for a traitor
on suicide watch(Which is why he is stripped searched and given a smock), and then get
between the crowd and the police and line, and then whine about the injustice as if
the big bad police set out that day to hurt grandma.

Are you one of those silly Military boot lickers that sucks up to men in uniforms, no matter what they do, because you've been conditionally subscribed with the belief that they are the be all and end all of all this is America?

So what you're saying is... You would much rather cover up the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians murdered by your twisted, xenophobic, oil-grabbing, backward government and instead remain patriotic to a flag that nobody respects. Because revealing to the world that your murdering military are not quite the square-jawed hero's you used to read about in comic books back in the day would just upset the hooting masses and maybe reveal what it is your hero's really do.

edit on 22-3-2011 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by DrCarter

He is a high value prisoner. He IS a traitor with intel on an international organization bent on causing damage to the US military and US government. While he is on suicide watch, he is also a high risk hence the strip search, and yes they do provide him with a suicide proof smock. This has been well documented.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Wow, that makes me wanna have a conversation with you...Right off the bat you go after me personally.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

We do not issue suicide proof smocks guy. It is an interrogation technique. Don't believe me if you choose, it is your right to do so. Just know I have been there I know what our procedures are.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by DrCarter
reply to post by projectvxn

We do not issue suicide proof smocks guy. It is an interrogation technique. Don't believe me if you choose, it is your right to do so. Just know I have been there I know what our procedures are.

I'm not questioning your experience, but this

is what is being issued to Manning, whose primary function is to prevent suicide.
edit on 22-3-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:54 PM
They knew they were going to be arrested by the place they chose to protest. I did not see beating, but I saw what is expected to happen when you put yourself in such a situation.

The bigger issue is the power of the military, and the state. What type of society are we? Do we allow people to freely assemble, and peacefully show their grievances? Or are we a society that creates boundaries and institutions that prevent this.

A military base is still a part of a state that derives the right to exist from the collective individuals in a society. This should mean that citizens should be able to exercise free expression on all public property. I know that military installations can be dangerous, but once you start infringing on individual liberty anywhere you start on a slippery slope.

Today, I cannot peaceful assemble in any major city without permission. I cannot have my voice heard without the force of the state pit against me. What does that say about our society?
This is what happens if you are brave enough to exercise your first amendment rights in the US.

Read this thread about what happens in Canada when people show their grievance against the state.

It has been clear to me that we live in a mixed system. We have Republican institutions, but they are subservient to oligarchical ones. In those rare circumstances where popular discontent forms to express grievances the power of the state is fully used to prevent that expression. The fact that the state often breaks the law, and commits far greater criminal activities than the dissidents is telling. It shows that rights only exist when you support dominant belief systems. If you are a minority, or a politically radical group rights to not apply to you. Why? Because an oligarchy has no use for Republican values unless they are construed to benefit the oligarchy.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:54 PM
Thanks for the link, though I knew what you where talking about. I am in no way angry with you for your opinion, only offering you the benefit of actual experience not what I have been shown by media. I understand the information you have been given, but it is a simple matter of saying one thing and doing another. "Here he is this is what we are doing smile for the camera. Is it off? Good lets get to it." It is that simple, I have a high regard for the military. I come from a military family and served most of my adult life. As sad is it is to say my friend the military lies, and lies well. As for the international organization trying to take on our military and banks. Originally they spread information that was a threat to national security, however our government has hidden everything it has done so there was no other way to get transparency from them. Request information like they leaked using the freedom of information act all you want to, it isn't going to happen. Are they right, history will be the judge. The true attacks did not take place until long after Manning was apprehended, and have little to do with his incarceration. If he has information I could understand the desire for information but that isn't the point. The point is his conditions have nothing to do with suicide watch and everything to do with information gathering.

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