posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 04:51 AM
While reading BadAstronomy board, you often come across posts by Jerry Jensen, a scientist at ATK Propulsion.
His theory basicly says cosmological redshift is not due to expansion, but due to the CREIL effect
Arxiv: Propagation of electromagnetic waves in space plasma). The supernovae used for
validating distance measures are wrong (
Arxiv: Supernovae Light Curves: An Argument for a New Distance
Modulus). CMBR is caused by CREIL and scattering of light by matter. He proposes a steady-state universe.
Arxiv: Evidence for instrinsic redshifts in spiral galaxies can be added this list.
Jerry Jensen (
BadAstronomy thread 14433):
There is a plausible, workable, and most importantly testable cosmology outside the failing constraints of the modified Einstein-deSitter Big
Bang theory. This cosmology is conceivable without the jerky dark energy or the undetectable dark matter proposed to align the current prevailing
cosmology with observations. It also eliminates the Copernican rings of quasars, active galaxies, and passive evolution that paint the current epic as
unique. It explains MOND behavior and Tully-Fisher phenomenon. The supportive framework for this theory, with far fewer exceptions than the current
revision of the Big Bang, falls within known locally observable physical laws.
MOND is an alternative explanation to dark matter for the speed of rotation in spiral galaxies that does not follow the distribution of visible
More information.
The Tully-Fisher relationships link rotation speed in spiral galaxies to distance.
However, not all evidence for the big bang is explained by this theory (
list of
evidence). Olber's paradox is still a problem. He also requires a violation of therrmodynamics for the steady-state model to work.
Still, it is interesting to see that evidence for the big bang can also be interpreted in a different way. He also listed some problems with the big
bang. All in all, I recommend you read the first post of
this thread.
[edit on 3-9-2004 by amantine]