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A scientific theory comprises a collection of concepts, including abstractions of observable phenomena expressed as quantifiable properties, together with rules (called scientific laws) that express relationships between observations of such concepts. A scientific theory is constructed to conform to available empirical data about such observations, and is put forth as a principle or body of principles for explaining a class of phenomena
Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by Pimander
As has been posted in this thread or others like it numerous times now, here are some observed instances of speciation.
Observed Instances of Speciation
Some More Observed Speciation Events
Now, I have a question for you. Since you admit that speciation occurs in insects and in the lab, what is the mechanism that prevents it occurring in other organisms outside of the lab?
Punctuated equilibrium (also called punctuated equilibria) is a theory in evolutionary biology which proposes that most sexually reproducing species will experience little net evolutionary change for most of their geological history, remaining in an extended state called stasis. Punctuated equilibrium also proposes that stasis is broken up by rare and rapid events of branching speciation called cladogenesis. Cladogenesis is the process by which species split into two distinct species, rather than one species gradually transforming into another.[1] Punctuated equilibrium is commonly contrasted against the theory of phyletic gradualism, which states that evolution generally occurs uniformly and by the steady and gradual transformation of whole lineages (anagenesis). In this view, evolution is seen as generally smooth and continuous.
Originally posted by Astyanax
theories amount to fact, not faith.
Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by libertytoall
The micro-/macroevolution dichotomy is a false one that is propaganda created by Creationists. I have a question for you similar to the one I just asked Pimander. What prevents the small changes of "microevolution" from accruing into the large changes of "macroevolution?"
The bottom line, which in your overly long post you have ignored, is that I keep asking you how the Big Bang theory was derived from the idea that a supreme intelligence created the universe, you've yet to provide that. As for the Genesis thing, you were guilty of misrepresentation, that's why I'm bugging you about it. I have no problem with people treating it as myth, I have a problem with people misrepresenting what is written in the myth.
Now, you're calling me a liar...yet you're really just calling a straw man a liar. I never said that he wasn't a creationist, I'm saying that you have yet to show how the idea that a supreme being created the universe directly led to the idea of
You keep lying, directly.
You keep saying that I'm not taking Lamaitre as an example of a creationist...yet I'm not talking about creationists in this thread.
I have no problem conceding that creationists contributed anything to science, they're people capable of scientific thought. I'm asking where the contribution of creationism lies.
Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by madnessinmysoul
I have no problem conceding that creationists contributed anything to science, they're people capable of scientific thought. I'm asking where the contribution of creationism lies.
This is not what you stated in your O.P. I don't care if it is because the O.P. was poorly written, or because you are now changing the rules of the game. I read your O.P. and my first thought was of Lemaitre. You can pretend all you want that Lemaitre was not directly influenced by Genesis when forming his hypothesis, it is pretense and nothing more.
I keep seeing people espousing the creationist/intelligent design point of view and I'd simply like to ask: What the hell has it ever contributed to science?
What valuable, applicable knowledge has been gained from it?
What are the applications of this knowledge?
Where has it been applied?
Who applied it?
I keep seeing people espousing the creationist/intelligent design point of view and I'd simply like to ask:
But he came to his conclusion based on observation and mathematical/physical/astronomical analyses...and because he also had a relationship with Einstein. It's not as if being a Catholic made him draw conclusions from scientific evidence
No you can't play that game for obvious reasons.
Originally posted by libertytoall
I can play that game too. What prevents a god from existing that created all life which then evolved?
I don't want to put my faith in unproven data either way.. Evolution holds enough weight to have become a theory and it may turn out to be true but it certainly has yet to be proven on a large scale, meaning it's not a fact..edit on 24-3-2011 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)
Doesn't change the fact that it was LeMaitre who made the contribution, and that it wasn't based on creationism. He came up with the theory because of his involvement with science, and it's backed up by objective evidence following scientific method.
Show me proof that the theory is explained and backed up by using creationism.
As odd as it may sound, Lemaitre was upset when Pope Pius XII endorsed his theory. He felt that approval from the pope would make his science less acceptible to skeptics. Still, Lemaitre had recognized the religious implications of his theory all along. In an unpublished paper written in 1922, he wrote that he believed that the universe had begun in light "as Genesis suggested it." (His scientific theory was not published until nine years later.)
I took this dialogue from "In praise of science", by Sander Bais. It's a conversation between father George Lemaitre (the Big bang Guy) and some scientists, as remembered by the great Physicist Victor Weisskopf (After a talk where Lemaitre demonstrated that the earth was 4.5 billions of years):
"So, you believe the Bible?"
"Yes, every word is true"
"But, how can you tell us the earth is 4.5 billions of years, if the bible says it is about 6000 years old?"
That is no contradiction"
"How come?"
"God created the earth 6000 years ago, with all the radiactive substances, the fossils, and other indications of an older age. He did this to tempt humankind and to test it's belief in the bible."
"Why are you so interested in finding out the age of the earth if it is not the actual age?"
"Just to convice myself that God didn't make a single mistake."
I was there when Abbe Georges Lemaître first proposed this [Big Bang] theory. ... There is no rational reason to doubt that the universe has existed indefinitely, for an infinite time. .... It is only myth that attempts to say how the universe came to be, either four thousand or twenty billion years ago. [Expressing his belief that the Big Bang is a myth devised to explain creation. He said he heard Lemaître (who was, at the time both a member of the Catholic hierarchy and an accomplished scientist) say in private that this theory was a way to reconcile science with St. Thomas Aquinas' theological dictum of creatio ex nihilo—creation out of nothing.]
As far as I see, such a theory [of the primeval atom] remains entirely outside any metaphysical or religious question. It leaves the materialist free to deny any transcendental Being. He may keep, for the bottom of space-time, the same attitude of mind he has been able to adopt for events occurring in non-singular places in space-time. For the believer, it removes any attempt to familiarity with God, as were Laplace's chiquenaude or Jeans' finger. It is consonant with the wording of Isaiah speaking of the 'Hidden God' hidden even in the beginning of the universe ... Science has not to surrender in face of the Universe and when Pascal tries to infer the existence of God from the supposed infinitude of Nature, we may think that he is looking in the wrong direction.
Science is the opposite of religion. Right? No! Wrong! Religion is always trying to infiltrate into religion. Sometimes it succeeds. For instance, in the Big Bang theory.
To some nonbelievers, like me, the Big Bang theory seems just a disguised version of the Bible creation, when Jehovah said "Fiat Lux", and the universe was created. So far as I am concerned, in spite of the beautiful mathematical formulas of the scholars, I can't accept that this indescribably immense universe has been originated from a single atom (or from a fireball the size of a baseball), all of a sudden, out of nothing. I would rather believe in Santa Claus.
"Father Lemaitre's intellectual background was unique. His education was a synthesis of the classics, philosophy, and theology, along with engineering, mathematics, and physics. Perhaps this powerful combination is what allowed his mind to formulate a concept as abstract and significant as The Primeval Atom Hypothesis..."
It appears that Pius XII's underlying assumption was that the supernatural act of divine creation began with the early stages described by the Primeval Atom Hypothesis:
"...contemporary science with one sweep back across the centuries, has succeeded in bearing witness to the august instant of the primordial Fiat Lux, which along with the matter there burst from nothing a sea of light and radiation...Thus, with that concreteness which is characteristic of physical proofs, modern science has confirmed the contingency of the universe and also the well founded deduction to the epoch when the when the world came forth from the hands of the Creator"
Statements such as these contradicted contradicted Lemaitre's own strict distinction for the tools of investigating matters of science and theology. "He realized quite fully the tentative and hypothetical character of scientific theories and for this reason alone, if for no others, opposed the use of such theories to support philosophical, theological, or faith statements. As a result, Professor Lemaitre wanted his scientific theories to be judged exclusively on their physical merit, keeping metaphysical implications completely separate.
Despite his unquestionable scientific credibility, Lemaitre's priesthood often led skeptics to question his theories, believing the Big Bang was "presented in the spirit of concordism with the religious concept of creation, and even received its inspiration from that religious concept."...Father Lemaitre had an excellent response to such critics:
"Should a priest reject relativity because it contains no authoritative exposition on the doctrine of the Trinity? Once you realize that the Bible does not purport to be a textbook of science, the old controversy between religion and science vanishes...The doctrine of the Trinity is much more abstruse than anything in relativity or quantum mechanics; but, being necessary for salvation, it would have been revealed to St Paul or to a matter of fact neither St Paul nor Moses had the slightest idea of relativity."
Throughout all of this, Lemaitre knew that the very nature of his research led man to consider the theological implications. Speaking to Catholic scientists, Lemaitre said:
"The Christian researcher has to master and apply with sagacity the technique appropriate to his problem. His investigative means are the same as those of his non-believer colleague...In a sense, the researcher makes an abstraction of his faith in his researches. He does this not because his faith could involve him in difficulties, but because it has nothing directly in common with his scientific activity. After all, a Christian does not act differently from any non believer as far as walking or running or swimming is concerned."
"He (the Christian researcher) knows that not one thing in all creation has been done without God, but he knows also that God nowhere takes the place of his creatures. Omnipresent divine activity is everywhere essentially hidden. It never had to be a question of reducing reducing the Supreme Being to the ranks of a scientific hypothesis"
I am quite careful to keep (my posts) as brief as possible... as not facilitate your pedantry and annoying proclivity towards breaking down each and every sentence, quoting it, then ranting on for two, three, sometimes endless paragraphs so that a few paragraphs can easily wind up facilitating a post from you that stretches on for what can feel like forever. Ha!
According to your logic, the laws of gravity are also to be credited to creationism given that Newton was a Christian...right?
Again, they justified their findings through empirical evidence, not religion. Show me where he backed up his theory with religion! Fact is, he didn't...he didn't do it, because he knows that's not how scientific method works. In short, he looked at the evidence, and then came up with a conclusion. No part of creationism is used to validate the theory, it is therefore irrelevant for that theory.
Here is the fact of the matter, prior to Lemaitre's hypothesis, it was a steady state universe that was being advocated. Let me explain what that means, since it is doubtful at this point that you understand, the presumption was that there was never any creation of the universe, it just always existed. It took a Creationist to come along and by using the tools of science, demonstrate that it was more likely that the universe was indeed created, and will likely end.