posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 01:01 PM
So as the latest barrage of disasters, wars, riots and general clusterfornication has spewed out of the internet and assorted media; I have to admit,
I was getting a little giddy. Don't get me wrong. I feel bad for the people losing their lives in the very real tragedies that are unfolding around
the world---IF I take the time to think about them. But when I take a quiet moment to honestly examine the weird flickering feeling in my gut that
causes me to keep clicking on links to the various S that is Hing TF, I have to be honest that it's a certain degree of excitement.
And I'm willing to bet that a lot of people here experience the exact same sensation.
Think about it. We make bug out and bug in plans. We research survival tactics. We make sure we are adequately armed. We research the myriad ways in
which the universe/fate/"TPTB"/circumstances/natural disasters could lead to the imposition of "Interesting Times." Why?
Because, as much as we say that we "worry" about a SHTF scenario, the notion represents an offer of escape. Here we are in our mundane lives
working our jobs, if we have them. We bust our butts and gigs that we can take or leave (admittedly, some have made careers doing what they love, but
for the most part our guidance counselors lied to us), but we are trapped in them. We have bills to pay and mouths to feed, but there is nothing
heroic or satisfying about the way in which we are forced to do these things. Because it's not just about feeding the family and providing the
shelter and keeping them safe. It's about paying the cell phone bill, paying the internet bill, buying some shiny gadget, purchasing trinkets for
the kids, keeping up appearances, fitting in.
We love watching conspiracies and speculating about apocalyptic disasters because we are locked into this hive of modern living where most jobs
produce no meaningful product. There is no sense of achievement. You put food on your family's table? Big effing deal, so did the schmuck three
cubicles down who's only half as proficient as you.
We imagine post-governmental collapse world as one where our work is rewarded in proportion to effort. Where those who work the best receive the best
results because there is a direct link between your skill and the end product.
How many people here WANT to kick all this modern garbage to curb? Bug out without a disaster and just try living off the land? Who wants to test
themselves and put themselves into a situation where they can feel a sense of fulfillment from a meaningful job well done? How much more delicious is
the rabbit your caught yourself, roasted and served alongside green beans that your grew in your own garden?
Hell, how great was your first apartment? The crappy little one that you shared with roommates or your significant other. The one that you barely
paid for when your career was just starting. Sure you hated the job that paid the bills, but there was still a wide horizon. If you were working in
your field, you could still imagine the corporate ladder was not covered in axel grease. If you were just making a buck while you worked on your real
passion, you could still envision a time when you would "make it" and become whatever it was you wanted to be.
Now, you may have a bigger and nicer house. You may be make two or three times what you used to make, but do you love what you do? Do you feel like
your day's work makes an iota of difference in the world? Do you want your kids to know what you do for a living? Statistically speaking, the
answer is "Probably Not." I'm not saying most people are ashamed of what they do. We just tolerate it.
And yet, something keeps up droning along.
We watch and wait for a disaster because it seems the only way to smash the hive and feel like we're doing something with meaning.
Of course, maybe I'm just projecting from a bit of a dark place. But look within. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm right. It doesn't especially
matter. It's just an observation.