I'm not sure about the prediction date based on my own perceptions. What I am aware that I have been perceiving certain things in the last few days.
Perceptions in my case - have no date or time, even though I receive them on certain dates and document them in this way.
I am so grateful that this post was opened - again not so much for the date for me, as what I have been perceiving and then the research, websurfing I
have been doing in relation to these perceptions:
This is a long post, there has been a surge of energies moving through me which started a few hours ago after a relaxing game of cards. As soon as I
got online I felt an "amping" in energies - globally. Not sure if it is mass fear I am perceiving or precognition...
I'm not sure about the prediction date based on my own perceptions. What I am aware that I have been perceiving certain things in the last few days.
Perceptions in my case - have no date or time, even though I receive them on certain dates and document them in this way.
I am so grateful that this post was opened - again not so much for the date for me, as what I have been perceiving and then the research, websurfing I
have been doing in relation to these perceptions:
This is a long post, there has been a surge of energies moving through me which started a few hours ago after a relaxing game of cards. As soon as I
got online I felt an "amping" in energies - globally. Not sure if it is mass fear I am perceiving or precognition...
Edgar Cayce - Earth Changes
Edgar Cayce predicted that dramatic physical changes would affect the Earth in the years 1958-1998 and would begin with the eruption of Mt. Etna.
The Great Lakes would empty into the Gulf of Mexico linked with a time when ancient repositories would be discovered as people reached the appropriate
level of consciousness. The three repositories mentioned are Egypt, the Bimini area, and the Yucatan.
Activities by Mt. Vesuvius or Mt. Pelee, or in the southern coast of California and the areas between Great Salt Lake and the southern portions of
Nevada, we may expect, within the three months following same, inundation by earthquakes, more in the Southern than the Northern Hemisphere. Portions
of the New York, or New York City itself, will disappear as well as the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia.
Land will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific. [Rise of Atlantis.] And what is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even
many battle fields of the present will be oceans, seas,the bays, the lands over which 'The New World Order' will carry on their trade as one with
The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf. It would be well if the waterway were prepared, but not for that purpose for which it is at present
being considered. Then the area where I am now located (Virginia Beach) will be among the safety lands, as will be portions of what is now Ohio,
Indiana and Illinois, and much of the southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of Canada, while the western land -- much of that is to be
disturbed as, of course much in other lands.
The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.
The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye.
When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's almost opposite
same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Etna area, then we many know it has begun.
There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and there will be the
shifting then of the poles - where there has been those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will
Strifes will arise through the period. Watch for them near the Davis Strait [between Greenland and Canada] in the attempts there for the keeping of
the life line to land open.
Watch for them in Libya and in Egypt, in Ankara and in Syria, through the straits about those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the
Persian Gulf.
Edgar Cayce Reading: Time of Reading 4:10 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.
1. EC: [See 5748-6, Par. B1.] Much has been written respecting that represented in the Great Pyramid, and the record that may be read by those who
would seek to know more concerning the relationships that have existed, that may exist, that do exist, between those of the Creative Forces that are
manifest in the material world. As indicated, there were periods when a much closer relationship existed, or rather should it be said, there was a
much better understanding OF the relationship that EXISTS between the creature and the Creator.
2. In those conditions that are signified in the way through the pyramid, as of periods through which the world has passed and is passing, as related
to the religious or the spiritual experiences of man - the period of the present is represented by the low passage or depression showing a downward
tendency, as indicated by the variations in the character of stone used. This might be termed in the present as the Cruciatarian Age [?]*, or that in
which preparations are being made for the beginning of a new sub-race, or a change, which - as indicated from the astronomical or numerical conditions
- dates from the latter portion or middle portion of the present fall [1932]. In October there will be a period in which the benevolent influences of
Jupiter and Uranus will be stronger, which - from an astrological viewpoint - will bring a greater interest in occult or mystic influences.
* [From Webster's Standard Dictionary of obsolete words: cruciat: a crusade; also, a papal bull sanctioning a crusade or privileging participants in
it; cruciatory torturing; tormenting.]
3. At the correct time accurate imaginary lines can be drawn from the opening of the great Pyramid to the second star in the Great Dipper, called
Polaris or the North Star. This indicates it is the system toward which the soul takes it flight after having completed its sojourn through this solar
system. In October there will be seen the first variation in the position of the polar star in relation to the lines from the Great Pyramid. The
dipper is gradually changing, and when this change becomes noticeable - as might be calculated from the Pyramid - there will be the beginning of the
change in the races. There will come a greater influx of souls from the Atlantean, Lemurian, La, Ur or Da civilizations. These conditions are
indicated in this turn in the journey through the pyramid.
19. (Q) How soon will the changes in the earth's activity begin to be apparent?
(A) When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea (that's South Pacific, to be sure), and those as apparent in the sinking
or rising of that that's almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Aetna area, then we may know it has begun. [See 5752-3 in re
creation, etc.]
As you can see.... These events are currently happening in the South Pacific. Soon...... the Mediterranean and Aetna area will rise, then you will
know...... it has begun.
Hugh Lynn Cayce (Edgar's son)wrote in the 90's that he determined that the exact opposite of Etna would be a litle known(BACK THEN!)island called
Vanuatu. He said the interpretation was an earthquake at the same time in both places. Amazing that Survivor picked Vanuatu as a entire series and the
ring of fire became a household name. Vanuatu has been very active in the last 10 years but in 2002, in March, a sizable quake was mirrored in Etna
and Vanuatu qualifiing the begining as Cayce said of the true earth changes. But a large one like 8.0 in Japan will show up as the big one in
California 3 months later. So when Japan gets hit big in the next 2-3 years hold on California. The ring of fire will ignite for quite a while in the
transition times.
Note: Vanatu
MAP 4.9 2011/03/21 07:19:47 -19.069 168.700 45.4 VANUATU
MAP 4.9 2011/03/19 05:23:14 -19.389 168.357 63.5 VANUATU
MAP 5.3 2011/03/19 12:11:17 -19.475 167.955 42.9 VANUATU REGION
MAP 4.9 2011/03/19 05:23:14 -19.389 168.357 63.5 VANUATU
5.8 2011/03/17 08:03:04
-17.283 167.899 27.8 VANUATU
MAP 6.3
2011/03/17 02:48:00
-17.339 167.743 15.2 VANUATU
7. As to the material changes that are to be as an omen, as a sign to those that this is shortly to come to pass - as has been given of old, the sun
will be darkened and the earth shall be broken up in divers places - and THEN shall be PROCLAIMED - through the spiritual interception in the hearts
and minds and souls of those that have sought His way - that HIS star has appeared, and will point [pause] the way for those that enter into the holy
of holies in themselves. For, God the Father, God the Teacher, God the director, in the minds and hearts of men, must ever be IN those that come to
know Him as first and foremost in the seeking of those souls; for He is first the GOD to the individual and as He is exemplified, as He is manifested
in the heart and in the acts of the body, of the individual, He becomes manifested before men. And those that seek in the latter portion of the year
of our Lord (as ye have counted in and among men) '36, He [He, Christ Spirit?] will appear. [See 3976-1, Par R2 (12/20/34 EC note in re '36), and
3976-10, Par. 4-A, 5-A on 2/8/32 in re '36 changes.]
8. As to the changes physical again: The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.
The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. There will be the upheavals
in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanos in the Torrid areas, and there will be shifting then of the poles - so
that where there has been those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow. And these will begin in
those periods in '58 to '98, when these will be proclaimed as the periods when His light will be seen again in the clouds. As to times, as to
seasons, as to places, ALONE is it given to those who have named the name - and who bear the mark of those of His calling and His election in their
bodies. To them it shall be given.
9. As to those things that deal with the mental of the earth, these shall call upon the mountains to cover many. As ye have seen those in lowly places
raised to those of power in the political, in the machinery of nations' activities, so shall ye see those in high places reduced and calling on the
waters of darkness to cover them. And those that in the inmost recesses of theirselves awaken to the spiritual truths that are to be given, and those
places that have acted in the capacity of teachers among men, the rottenness of those that have ministered in places will be brought to light, and
turmoils and strifes shall enter. And, as there is the wavering of those that would enter as emissaries, as teachers, from the throne of life, the
throne of light, the throne of immortality, and wage war in the air with those of darkness, then know ye the Armageddon is at hand. For with the great
numbers of the gathering of the hosts of those that have hindered and would make for man and his weaknesses stumblingblocks, they shall wage war with
the spirits of light that come into the earth for this awakening; that have been and are being called by those of the sons of men into the service of
the living God. For He, as ye have been told, is not the God of the dead, not the God of those that have forsaken Him, but those that love His coming,
that love His associations among men - the God of the LIVING, the God of Life! For, He IS Life.
What would you like to discuss Lotus? I am/have been a life long member of the A.R.E. (Handle – Foxx and anonymous coward).
BarCarroller – Australia
Earthquake Watch Follow Up / Update March 19-21
Australian Radar Anomalies
3-19-2011 Odd Looking Radar Anomalies In California, Ring With Beams? HAARP?
Timeline 4/11-2/12 Encoded in '2012' Movie
believersunderground – If you have been following George Washington (BUG)
YouTube channel – you might understand what I believe to be the irony, and melancholic background of the video he chose to put up today.
Tesla's Earthquake Machine Written in 2006
FEMA Prepares for HAARP Earthquake on New Madrid Fault Line BP Hosea 4:1-3 Prophecy
Sirwmhenry Written January 2011
My particular sensitivites make it challenging to communicate - and it may make my posts seem as though I am not aware of others or not very social -
I have in the last year been living more reclusively and I find it difficult interacting socially. I am really grateful for the interactions I can
have through this forum since my recent membership. Ironically, tommorrow will be the first time "working" since...(?) as an extra on HBO's Treme.
They were casting for eccentric, French Quarter types - lol, lol...
your PlanetarySister