First the good news, I KNOW WHAT THIS IS!!!!!!
(Please read the links as they are quite important for the explanation.)
American indians called these sounds; THUNDERBIRDS. They are precursors to earthquakes and volcanoes. And they have been around for millenia, even the
Ancient Egyptians wrote about them after they had a catastrophe.
Look at this map of Leylines;
It comes from this site;
The Fatima line, lines up perfectly with one of 'Under water's' post of east USA and sounds heard.
From Revelations; Ch 8v5 “So the angel took the censer (filled with smoke!!!!) and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it upon the earth.
Then there followed peals of thunder and loud rumblings and blasts and noises, and flashes of lightning and an earthquake.”
Wow this verse got it all!
I suspect that other sounds heard/felt and/or saw flashes, will be on these leylines on the Earth's energy grid.
Usually on leylines you find granite, gold and water. Reason being, these are conductors of Earth energy. (Gold is better than copper as a conductor
of heat and electricity-problem is we have been taking the gold out of the Earth!!)
Some of you mentioned it getting louder when you are in bed. That’s because the waves are not coming from the air, they are coming in horizontal
waves from the ground up through the air, explains the absence of Doppler effect.
And these sounds, when heard by mice they do the 'duck and cover’. Keep this in mind.
(I’m going to play these to my rabbits and my dog-I’ll report back later as my dog is really good as an EQ monitor.)
Was it Matrix that said if you can’t see the angels and elementals doing their work it means it’s working alright, if you can hear them, it is
not-big time. This is bad news, keep reading, I’ll tell you why later.
I was going to bring out a book on this, later this year, as I have been following clues left by the Templars, Rosslyn Chapel, the Bible and King
Arthur's Grail quests. These clues are well known by the Occult Shadow government as well and have been using them against us & the Earth for
Bummm, I think I have run out of time.
In an experiment written about in New Scientist (I will find the link later) they squeezed magma, it became molten and hot, nothing unusual there. But
when they opened the magma nugget, out popped a silicon crystal; from the middle.
This is what is in the very middle of our Earth and all the planets. It is also found as silicon quartz in granite, sand, concrete, house bricks and
The silicon quartz in us, is found in our Pineal gland that governs all our hormones. You can not live without a pineal gland, it’s that
In another experiment in New Scientist, a crystal was made to ring on one side of a vacuum jar. And this then made a crystal ring on the other
So this means planets can talk to each other across the vacuum of space. If you are in alignment with the other planet’s crystal, that planet (or
singularity) will have an affect.
But as anyone knows if you squeeze granite you get positively charged ions and piezoelectricity too.
This link explains the science really well. The Earth is a giant granite battery.
We use piezoelectricity on a daily basis (as many of you know) in mobile phones. So I’ve figured out every thought is being beamed down to this core
crystal. (AKA Askashic records, Greater Philosopher’s stone) from our Pineal gland (AKA Lesser Philosophers stone).
Now chemtrails are producing positive ions. They are saturating the Earth and us with Postively charged ions, as they increase they make humans sick,
tired and anxious. This is what it feels like just before a good thunderstorm clears the air.
Has anyone heard of Slyphs? King Solomon and Isaiah knew of them. God made them to take the positive ions and DOR and accelerate the particles to
gamma radiation, which we know as sprites, elves, etc and chuck ‘em out of the atmosphere. They are like shepherds of thunderstorms. They are
cleaning up the ‘bad vibes,’ if you want it in layman’s terms.
But the Occult governments have been making war against them by killing them with solvents, their skin falls to the ground as clear slime, from the
sky. So there are now less of them to clear the positive charge, and more of us not keeping the balance.
On Dutchsinse channel he has a video on HAARP and what it used for. Half of it is right, weather modification is semi right. HAARP increases Beta
brainwaves-the goal orientated ones=less compassion.
Couple that with mobile and TETRA phones which make your brainwaves Beta all the time, life starts to feel like you have had 100 cups of coffee and
your nerves are all jittery. Anyone seen it doesn’t take a lot to set someone off lately? The Occult Govt wants this, as it increases the work the
Earth and Slyphs have to do to get rid of DOR/bad vibes. The balance is tipping.
This is where it gets bad;
1) We are not doing what God asked us to do, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind”. In other words, only worship God.
2) The Earth is having trouble getting rid of her excess positive charge. The Pyramid of Giza does this constantly, as does Stonehenge. If Tesla had
had his way we would be using this Excess Earth energy as electricity, not using fossil fuels. We are supposed to using this free energy but yet again
the Occult Govt has hidden these ‘keys to knowledge’.
3) The Shumann resonance is linked to the EM field/shield.
We are increasing the bad thoughts-fear leads to anger leads to suffering. Debts, EQs, panic about catastrophes, etc.
(If you know about the Schumann resonance, you will know the story of how Princess Diana’s death increased the frequency of our magnetic shield, as
did 911. It was the whole world in grief and compassion.) If we can make it go up, we can make it go down by selfishness, and being nasty to one
another. This where the other Jesus law comes in “Love others as you love yourself”. Do something nice for someone today-it will help heal the
4) The EM field has cracks in it and a massive hole that a satellite flew though. This is letting microwaves & cosmic rays through to the Earth & us.
Mankind is being manipulated to make this happen. (See above.)
5) This next key is the hidden knowledge that every Government is scared of the populace getting. I have put this on other posts but maybe someone
will notice the science behind it. We have a Stellar mass black hole that our Sun goes around every 11 years, causing El Ninos and La Ninas. Read
‘Doomsday Just Ahead’.
6) If everyone can hear these sounds all round the world, then I believe the Earth is trying to get rid of these +ions as sound waves, like a pressure
valve. She has been overloaded by Mankind, chemtrails, and now the black hole. These sounds are her way of releasing the pressure as harmlessly to
humans as possible but if it (war, murder, spitefulness, selfishness, greed, etc) continues she won’t be able to keep being harmless to humans. If
this makes me look like I think the Earth is alive, I do and so does the Bible.
Here comes the bad news. Now I know why TPTB have tried to assassinate me & my family.
The black hole is waking up and sending out waves on nearly all of the electromagnetic spectrum. We haven’t reached the Gamma radiation frequency
yet but as it is mentioned in the Seven Trumpets, I believe it is to come. (Gamma radiation can be stopped by going under ground, so start finding
caves near you, or start digging, 6 feet should do it or find a basement.) Get water and food now.
Our compasses are now registering the magnetic onslaught from the black hole, coming through the cracks in the EM field.
Whenever we experience, what one member said was a Planet quake, you know now it was the black hole trumpeting. This is what I believe HAARP has been
No headless chickens here. Do not panic. Think peaceful thoughts.
I totally believe in thinking positively and see all this as a challenge; people do survive this according to the Bible. Many Japanese survived the
Atomic bombs!
I have solutions to this……..
I started to look at what our ancestors had left us to combat this problem. Their answers have been found in Templars’ and King Arthur stories,
cathedrals and scared stones.
The last two are even now, carriers of the +ions up to the sky for the Slyphs to deal with.
1) Go to the sacred stone rings and any churches with steeples and sing to God; six songs each time.
2) Stick two iron or metal pipes in the ground and attach a car battery to them for half a day, unattach and use the energy, with a resistor
(Electricians will need to post on how to do this safely.)
3) If you have heard the cries of Earth for help or Thunderbird sounds, then you have been especially blessed, and now you must help her by singing to
God everyday or do the pipes solutions. Those who have heard the sounds outside are very close to a leylines and your efforts will have a greater
4)Or if you know how to build a City buster organite, then build one, this does the same thing as the Slyphs.
If we all work together we can beat them, without raising a weapon and save Earth.
I repeat;
No headless chickens here. Do not panic. Think peaceful thoughts. Love everyone.
By the way the Book would have been fantastic but you know that sign the Illuminati do, the sign like a bull. It’s code for 1 333 1, which I thought
was 31 March 2013 backwards (ie 13-3-31 but I think it is for 31 March 2011. BUMMER
If we are still here after 31 March 2011 I will write the book, as this isn’t all I’ve found.
By the way I wouldn’t know if I’ve heard this sound, as I live under a flight path and near a railway and in a city,
BUT I can feel it in my damaged Achilles tendon buzzing for the last month on and off. And I can feel it more when I lay down to go to bed, I have had
bad trouble getting to sleep as the buzzing is annoying and it makes me feel anxious, I was starting to think I was calcium deficient.
My youngest child can hear it too, as a ringing in the right ear before going to sleep.
And I have smelt the smoke smell but just thought it was me.