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Dream Predicts Disaster August 22nd

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posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 08:50 PM
the enemy you and i face is fear. FEAR....not terrorism.

we have always faced the spectre of death, loss, and suffering....did we live in a paradise before that september 11th?

something bad IS going to happen, and thousands or possibly tens or hundreds of thousands of americans will die in the not distant future because of terrorism [in addition to preventable diseases and accidents]. yes, it is almost certain....

but but BUT, we have a high degree of choice here and now- between responding to all of it with terror OR with poise.... all i'm saying is it's better to make this choice in advance, than to engage in self-depreciating resignation to some awful attack, and take for granted we won't be able to cope.

posted on Aug, 8 2004 @ 09:49 PM
You ARE right. But fear has been drilled into us now for 3 years- If nothing else, subliminaly we are being conditioned to FEAR.

I dont sit around waiting for an "attack" and I dont think the rest of the posters here do either, but that's all this government has to say anymore.
So what do we do? Not watch TV? Not go on the Internet?

Not everyone has the ability to cope all the time.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 03:41 AM
I do not want to be an alarmist but I feel compelled to post this message, on Sunday August 22 here in Chicago we will be having our annual Air and Water Show at least a million people attend yearly. I hope nothing happens.

click on the link. dffhdfhg.0&contentOID=536899495&contenTypeName=COC_EDITORIAL&topChannelName=Dept&entityName=Special+Events&deptMainCategoryOID=-536884616&blockName=Sp ecial+Events/Content&context=dept

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:53 PM
Ugh Serg - good point. And with many military planes being busy with the show iand everyone looking up and over the water it might be just a little easier to get away with something on the ground behind them - say at the sears tower or even right under them? Scarry.

And have you been watching the news? Two bombs found in the last two weeks. One on the southside on the street the other in Downers Grove (was it in a park or yard of a public building?). Anyway, they were nothing major but this is the first time in my life I've heard of bombs being found laying around the Chicago area and I've lived here for 38 years. Were these just practice to see if they could drop and run?

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 08:47 PM

A dutch abductee in my alien abduction support group told me yesterday that he has for some time the feeling something big is going to happen. This abductee has some psychic abilities; for example he saw images of the 9-11 WTC attack in his dreams 12 days before it happened. He is very nervous the past days and he just knows something is going to 'collapse'. He saw images in his dreams of a burned city; Washington with the liberty statue. He thinks this attack- that will happen between now and sept. 11 - will be a turning point, and the start of a new beginning, he has this strong feeling there will be a change of power in short time.

Curiously enough 3 other dutch abductees in my group independently reported having this strange feeling about somethings 'darks' that's going to happen: one abductee dreamt about chaos and people in panic, another abductee about people on the run, trying to hide for something 'above'.

Well i personally don't know what to think of it, but i thought it might be interesting, while Washington has been mentioned before by others who also dreamt about a attack.

Kind Regards,

Toine Trust

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Malikk
About a year ago I heard something about Flordia being the front line for an attack (if it ever comes down to that),... but the sign that it's about to happen is that there will be an accident with a ship of ours (the US that is) and it will be said to be terrorist, but then later uncovered to be caused by the US as a ploy to stir things up a bit.

Hmm Intresting

If that was so (The US did it) Then it would probly cause a Civil War (or a Peoples war of some sort)

That would also tie into the John Titlor Story (the start)

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 10:21 PM
Are you really part of an abductee group? I didnt know the number of abductees were large enough to warrant such help.
Very interesting.
Have you ever shared here your experience? If so, is there a thread i can look up? If not, would you post it?

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 08:22 PM
I just read the bit about the August disaster dream. I too have had a dream taking place in August about a great calamity. "I" was walking through my house and went into the laundry room. Some of my friends and aquantances were there. Suddenly, many of them dissapeared, leving only their cltohes behind. Only Sarah, someone I didn't recognize, and "myself" were left and I said, "We missed the rapture!" To which Sarah replied, "I don't believe in that stuff." This dream scared me at first since I am a Christian and I couldn't think of a reason of why I would be left behind. Luckily, careful review of the dream revealed that it was not me at all, but one of my friends.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Are you really part of an abductee group? I didnt know the number of abductees were large enough to warrant such help.
Very interesting.
Have you ever shared here your experience? If so, is there a thread i can look up? If not, would you post it?

I host an on-line alien abduction support group for dutch and belgian abductees; i'm not an abductee myself. There are a lot of abductees in Holland and Belgium; i get new sign-ups almost every week,
sign-up form: (dutch),


posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 12:21 PM
Ok. Here in England, where I live, there has been really strange storms where I've been working. Thick black clouds would keep blowing over and it would thunder and rain on and off. I don't really know why I feel this has anything to do with this subject, but I feel it does. I've had this feeling that something is going to happen this month for a few weeks, and I'm not psychic.

The thing that strikes me the most, is I only recently joined this forum because I felt the need to read something about what might be happening this month, and so far LOTS of things MIGHT be happening. Very weird.

Also, this week I've been thinking of joining a christian group somewhere because it seems a good idea and yet I'm not the religious type at all

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 12:51 PM
Oh and it's thundering where I am, right now. The clouds look quite something outside my bedroom window. Thick black clouds and patches of sunlight streaking through over the distance. Looks like the sunlight is trying to break through the darkness -- feels like it symbolises something, but then again, I might be going too deep into this stuff now.

[edit on 18-8-2004 by Thao]

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 10:57 PM
Well, I think this is the last one. For August that is.

The 8th? came and went. Nothing happened.
The 15th came and went. Nothing happened.
The 19th came and went. Nothing happened.

Now the 22nd is coming up. If I were to guess, I'd say it'll follow the same pattern as the above dates. But hey, you never know

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 11:40 PM

I've been getting strong "trigger" feelings that something big is about to happen. I had a dream several days ago about a large tidal wave striking the coast (not sure where I was, but it was a large coastal city somewhere). Watching that wave grow and pretty much swallow the city and everyone in it was surprisingly not a fearful experience. I turned to my wife and said, "This is it."
That's all I remember about that.

Since then a UFO was seen over the city I live in (Minneapolis) (for an entire day).

If feels like something important is about to happen and soon!

When or what remains to be seen.



posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by jammerman
If feels like something important is about to happen and soon!

When or what remains to be seen.

That's the thing.
When or what. I'm almost sure something big will happen this year (don't know what, but big).
I seriously doubt though that someone will predict the correct date. Possible, but how probable? Unless of course you predict something to happen everyday for the rest of the year.

Not discounting any of these dreams. Just the dates...

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 01:33 AM
This is just pure conjecture, but reading this post triggered a dream I had years ago. I will not go into the details because this forum isn't about our dreams, but a date for disaster was given. The dream was on the 21st of July and the date for the disaster (major, global type) was given as exactly 6 weeks later. I was never clear if this meant 42 days or 6 calendar weeks. For years, it bothered me, then, I shoved it to the back of my consciousness. 42 days would be Sept. 1. Six weeks would be Aug. 25. Oh well, it's all nonsense from my dreaming past, but I thought it might fit in.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 01:52 AM
I don't mean to be rude, but I have no faith in these "premonitions" or "predictions." Not one of them has come true. I too, have a sick feeling in my stomach, but it has to do with uncertainty in the world and hoping I keep my job to support my wife and three girls.

I'm not criticizing anyone, I just don't put much belief in these predictions. Perhaps if anyone on this board came back and said, "you know what, I was wrong and I stink, I'm sorry" I would be a little more sympathetic. Every amateur psychic comes on here with "predictions" stating they have been correct in the past and then when their current scenario is wrong we don't hear from them again.

Sorry to rant, it's just been a tough week. I'm not attacking anyone personally, I just needed to vent.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 02:11 AM
While I don't generally remember my dreams or take notice of them, I had a strong dream about Washington recently.

In the DC Metro, the edges of the platforms have lights inlaid. When a train is approaching the lights start flashing.

In the dream, I was in Washington DC in the mall on Penn Ave between the White House and the Capitol. On all the street curbs were inlaid lights similiar to the DC Metro lights, except these lights were all flashing red. It was night and there was no one in the city. I woke up with an incredible feeling of dread and horror so strong that I forbade my girlfriend from going into the city.

I haven't lived in DC for four years.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by dcgolf
I don't mean to be rude, but I have no faith in these "premonitions" or "predictions." Not one of them has come true. I too, have a sick feeling in my stomach, but it has to do with uncertainty in the world and hoping I keep my job to support my wife and three girls.

I'm not criticizing anyone, I just don't put much belief in these predictions. Perhaps if anyone on this board came back and said, "you know what, I was wrong and I stink, I'm sorry" I would be a little more sympathetic. Every amateur psychic comes on here with "predictions" stating they have been correct in the past and then when their current scenario is wrong we don't hear from them again.

Sorry to rant, it's just been a tough week. I'm not attacking anyone personally, I just needed to vent.

I hear ya man. I've had poor success when I shared my predictions with others before, but some of the synchronicities I've experienced lately are uncanny. For example, a few weeks ago I had to get up for my daughters baptism, NO snooze button allowed. So I set my alarm on the lampstand and the alarm in my head... 7:30am sharp!
I woke up at 7:29am and thought to myself, "Hmmm :?) you're early." Then I decided that I was 10 seconds early and started counting down with my lips. 10... 9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..........
At the moment I said 7:30. The clock fipped from 7:29 to 7:30 am.
I've never had synchronicity like that in tha past that I verbalized while it was happening.

The other strange thing that happened to me was out in Utah near Salt Lake City, I was on vacation with my wife and daughter staying with my brother and his family.
My wife, daughter and I went for many walks while we were there.
One night while we were walking, a street lamp in their neighborhood would dim (almost out but not) while we were within a certain range of it. I tested it by bringing us away and toward the light several times and there seemed to be a very sensitive boundary to where our energy would react to the gases being energized in the street lamp. I predicted around 60 feet or so based on what I've read about the Merkaba human energy field, and this seemed to be the case.
That happened with two other street lamps that night, although not with the same sensitivity with respect to the boundary.

Anyway, the reason I'm sharing this is because these types of things are happening more and more to me personally and people I know as well as world events. The magnetic field of the planet is shifting and I'm starting to feel it and witness it firsthand.



[edit on 21-8-2004 by jammerman]

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 03:30 PM
its 6:30am on the 22nd here
nothing yet

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 03:53 PM
haha, here's it's still 21-8 and the time is 22.55. So who knows?

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