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Another attempt to interpret The Genesis in the bible.

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by St Udio

NOT So....

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 04:53 PM
Further comment on….

Chapter 1 Verses 9 Quote;

9. And God said, Let the waters under the Heaven
be gathered together unto one place,
and let the dry Land appear; and it was so.

Chapter 1 Verses 10 Quote;

10. And God called the Dry Land Earth;
and the gathering of the waters called He Seas;
and God saw it was good.

Verse 9 is correct, but it omits the fact that the dry land was formed from the Waters (Containing the Programs).

And Verse 10 gives the impression that only the seas were from the waters under The Heaven.

Either a poor Translation or deliberate to cause confusion in the writings.

But as I have attempted to show the Waters i.e. The Face of the Deep which was separated to produce a 3D structure called “The Heaven”.

Shown in verse 7 & 8 quote;

7. And God made the Firmament, and divided the waters
which were under the Firmament from the waters
which were above the Firmament and it was so.


8. And God called the Firmament Heaven.
And the EVENING and the MORNING were the Second Day.

So what divided the two Faces of the Waters was the introduction of 3D to produce a Space between the Upper & Lower Faces.

This is “The Heaven” our experience including the Species and this little Universe is contained in….. or "The Gaming Room" of The True Mind the Universe is made Manifested in, in the Form of a "Holographic Interactive Program".

But this system is so perfectly produced we can experience a Universe which in fact exists in something having NO Dimension and is based on "The Technologies of the True Mind", you are a part of involving rules set up based on Concepts of The True Mind which are unchangeable and everlasting.

It is The "WORD" of God i.e the Contents of a Program which produces this beautiful Illusion we call reality.

More than one Partition of the Mind is writing programs but they all use the MAN Child to play these programs.

"The MAN Child" is like the Projector, DVD or CD Player of the True Mind.

What you see in front of You is produced by "The MAN Child" and is In The MAN Child stretched out over your Vision.

It is all about "The Technologies of The True Mind" which some have abused this knowledge in making a religion out of this Technology in order to try and Control others..

But soon the Truth of this matter is about to be exposed for what it is.
edit on 22-3-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: spelling

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:10 PM
We are basically playing a video game. What we see is the monitor and the program is on a DVD. There is much more to the program but only what is wanted is revealed to us (on the monitor). Everything from start to finish is already on the DVD!
So what/who is deciding what we "see"? What is their motive for this control? From what I have read of your work, this control can be overcome?
I'm am eagerly awaiting your explanation and final analysis. Also very interested in the device you have constructed and a "test" drive.
Post on brother, the end is nigh!

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:17 PM
Chapter 1 Verses 11 Quote;

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grasses, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the Earth: and it was so.

Hello…. All organisms have DNA which is a chemical based program controlling each structure.

Fact… DNA is a Chemical based “Program”.

Fact... It is DNA Control which takes of the Earth (referring to Verse 11) and transforms it into Grass, Trees etc.

Even the "Species" comes from the ground…. i.e. what we eat which originates from the ground is transformed into the “Species” through DNA Control.

Hence Dust to Dust Ashes to Ashes But "The True Mind" or LIFE is Eternal and Can’t Die.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by xizd1

Thank you for your Post....

We are basically playing a video game. What we see is the monitor and the program is on a DVD. There is much more to the program but only what is wanted is revealed to us (on the monitor). Everything from start to finish is already on the DVD!


So what/who is deciding what we "see"?

You chose the Species you were to experience this world through.

But the Common theme here is "The Birth of The MAN Child" or "The Metamorphoses of The Soul" (Part of The Creation Process regarding the Soul and Not The Earth.

The Soul is like the Program Player or DVD Player but instead of playing it using a mouse and key board we use the "Species" i.e. your Body to interact with.

What is their motive for this control?

"The Metamorphoses of The Soul"...
Where the MAN Child returns to the Centre of The Soul again...

The Return of The Son of MAN. (For Some has already happened and for others yet to happen)

From what I have read of your work, this control can be overcome?

Sort of but only within the boundaries of the Program...

Bit like a first person video game.

I'm am eagerly awaiting your explanation and final analysis. Also very interested in the device you have constructed and a "test" drive.
Post on brother, the end is nigh!

It certainly is nigh even at the Doors....

Man what an awesome future the Species is about to share with "The True Mind" which you are a Partition of....

The suffering in this world is almost over and death, sickness, and other undesirable activities are about to end as The Truth is revealed...

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:46 PM

edit on 22-3-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Graphics didn't come out right...

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:26 PM
Chapter 1 Verses 12 Quote;

12. And the Earth brought forth grass,
and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit,
whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw it was good.

A Confirmation of Verse 11.

Verse 13. Quote;

13. And the EVENING and the MORNING were the third Day

Again the Day is referring to the Heaven and Not the Earth…

Being between EVENING & MORNING… and NOT between Morning & Evening, as on Earth.

Verse 14. Quote;

14. And God said, Let there be Lights
in the Firmament of The Heaven
to divide the Day from the night;
and let them be for signs, and for seasons,
and for Days and Years.

Note here is mentioned LIGHTS NOT Stars.

The Translation I feel is very poor here and perhaps the translator has not understood Creation correctly.

to divide the Day from the night;

Note; The LIGHT is called Day in "The Heaven"
And Darkness the NIGHT...

All the Colours are between the Thresholds of BLACK and WHITE which are in the Darkness.

Note this is Not about Stars, but instead about the Light coming through the Stars

As a result the Light we see contains the Colours in the “Darkness” that is between the Thresholds of Black and White.

And Dark & Light colours…

and let them be for signs, and for seasons,


and for Days and Years

Navigation in time and place. (to be used in this way soon)

Verse 15. Quote;

15. And let them be for Lights in the Firmament of the Heaven
to give Light upon the Earth: and it was so.

Self explanatory…

Not it is Not referring to the Stars but the LIGHT that comes though the Stars.

Verse 16. Quote;

16. And God made two great Lights;
the greater LIGHT to rule the DAY,
and the lesser LIGHT to rule the NIGHT:
He made the Stars also.

Again to the Light coming through the Images of both the Sun and Moon….

Did I just write “The LIGHT coming through the Image of the Moon” ? Indeed I did.
But do you really understand?

He made the Stars also

Well look at this then.....

The Stars Also….
As well as the LIGHTS….

I definitely think we should all look again, at these writings and Not assume...


I don't Think so....

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:22 PM
Chapter 1 Verses 17 Quote;

17. And God set them in the firmament of The Heaven to give LIGHT upon the Earth,

Confirmation of verse 15.

18. And to rule over the DAY and over the NIGHT,
and to divide the LIGHT from the DARKNESS:
and God saw that it was good

The Moon does Not dominate or rule over every NIGHT.
There are usually one or two days a month with no moon rise at all at Night.

The Sun however, rules the DAY every DAY except over the Poles of the Earth. i.e. is Not seen during the Mid Winter periods. That is if we reason through the Species. However it is a different story if we understand "The Heaven".

19. And the EVENING and The MORNING were the Fourth DAY.

Again this Day is to Do with "The Heaven" and Not the Earth. The Earth has its own Days.

So this also points to my understanding regarding the true understanding of LIGHT and DARKNESS regarding The Heaven.

This is where it will get a bit weird for most but remember what Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas Quote;

1. And He said,

“Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will NOT experience death.”

2. Jesus said, “Let him who seeks. Continue seeking. until he finds.

When he finds, he will become troubled.

When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished,
and he will rule over The All.”

And a description of The All is…. Found written in “The Gospel of Thomas” Quote;

77. Jesus said,

“It is I who Am The LIGHT which is above them all.

It is I who Am The All

It is Not The Carpenter Jesus but rather The "Spirit" of The LIGHT talking through The Carpenter.

From Me did The All come forth, and unto Me did The All extend.

Split a piece of wood, and I am there.

Lift up the stone, and you Will Find Me there.”

And a little which follows this Quote;

78. Jesus said, “Why have you come out into the desert?

To see a reed shaken by the wind?

And to see a man clothed in fine garments like your kings and your great men?

Upon them are the fine garments, and they are unable to discern The Truth.”

Here is a Drawing showing your world but in “Program Mode” on the Stage of the "Animation Program" which produces the Earth, Species etc.

Don’t confuse this with the experience you are having in the Gaming Room containing the Earth and Universe. What I have Drawn below is how it is set up in the Program and is Not Actually as you experience it in the "Gaming Room" i.e. on the Earth…

edit on 24-3-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: sintax errors

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:35 PM
Note; It will take a couple of days, to prepare the next posts, which deals with the corruption in the writings concerning...

a. MAN

b. A'Dam

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:31 PM
Chapter 1 Verses 20 Quote;

20. And God said let the Waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath Life , and fowl that may fly above the Earth in the open firmament of Heaven.

Here is another verse pointing to the Waters under the Heaven…

let the Waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath Life , and fowl that may fly above the Earth

Fowl did not come out of the seas i.e. from sea water yet this verse tells us the fowl came from the Waters…

But what Waters ???

From the Waters of The Heaven which is the granular texture containing the Programs that produce our experience. We are able to see this texture and study its workings. The texture behaves very much like the contents of a holographic storage system.

If we take the meaning taught by religious teachers or even that of the sceptics it makes No sense at all, if interpret the Fowl that fly above the Earth as coming from sea water.

But it does make sense if we understand the waters mentioned refers to the Waters under the Heaven which is the program media which produces this experience.

And regarding….

the open firmament of Heaven

What the hell is “The open Firmament of Heaven ???

“The Heaven” is the space between the waters which the “firmament” produced and the Firmament is explained in this drawing where we are looking from one of the faces….

So if the “Firmament” was in-between the Waters or “Faces” and caused a space to appear then The open Firmament has to be an opening in a space and thus has to be a Hole. It doesn’t make any difference whether we consider this in 2D or 3D it is still a hole…

This picture of a fowl which would fly in the open Firmament of Heaven shows on the left the hole for he Fowl (Open Firmament) and on the right the Contents of the Hole in this case the Fowl.

Where The Blue represents the "Firmament" or Space between the Waters.
The Black represents the HOLE the Bird is In.

If there wasn’t first a hole (The Same Shape as The Bird) for the bird, it could not be able to be there as something else would be there instead…..

The Program which manifests ALL is about HOLES and the "Contents" of the HOLES.

You could say it is the organization of "HOLES" which is Holey and is "Holyness" about HOLES ?

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:44 PM
Chapter 1 Verses 21 Quote;

This just verifies verse 20.

Verse 22. Quote;

22. And God Blessed them,
saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas,
and fowl multiply in the Earth.

This is where corruption starts coming into the writings, whether intentionally or not.

We have already discovered the "waters" in the Creation of "The Heaven" earlier on, when the Earth had yet to be Created i.e. when the Earth had No Form (Lacking Dimension) and Void…

Verse23. Quote;

23. And the Evening and Morning were the 5th day

Again showing the Days of “The Heaven” not the Earth a Day on Earth is between Morning & Evening but here in the text the Day is between Evening & Morning

But this is Referring to The Heaven and NOT the Earth.

Verse 24. Quote;

24. And God said, let the Earth
bring forth the living creature
after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing,
and beast of the Earth after his kind:
and it was so.

Now hang on a second, it looks like that corruption is creeping in again…

In verse 20. Quote;

20. And God said let the Waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath Life , and fowl that may fly above the Earth in the open firmament of Heaven.

Note again; the "Fowl" is said to come from the "Waters" and NOT the Earth as the other beasts etc. came from in verse 24.

So this clearly shows us the writings have been Corrupted….

Remember that verse in “The Gospel of Thomas”…. Quote again;

39. Jesus said,

The Pharisees and the Scribes
have taken The Keys of Knowledge
and Hidden Them

They themselves have NOT entered,
nor have they allowed to enter
those who wish to.

Verse 25.

This is just a conformation of verse 24…

Now the next few verses have been corrupted also, but I will show you the truth hidden in the corruption.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

One of your best threads. Thanks for this. I have learned something new.

It is funny that I have seen the word heavens in some bibles but in actuality it's singular. I wonder why they did that.

I look forward to more of your threads and posts.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

Thank you for your comments I just hope others will read the whole thread and that it may stimulate new thoughts about The Genesis....

Eventually I will show how the processing system works...

It is simply The Technologies of "The True Mind".... Not the Species as the species is only the end product of this Technology..

There are two ends to the True Mind. One end is partitioned into like tentacles while the other end is Collective.
So each of our Minds are a "Partition" of the ALL.

There is nothing at all which exists which doesn’t have two ends….

edit on 25-3-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

If you have never heard, I mean listened to a hundred times, Genesis "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway"... There's a tune titled "Carpet Crawlers".... listen to it man... and then... Start over again.

You might find the album sleeve story somewhere online, describing the album story... See... theirs crawlers on the floor and Rael, walks past them..... Don't be a crawler man! Begin again.... re-think this through...

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:00 PM
Hi OP,

If you wont mind if we go back a little bit because there is something I still dont understand:

You state above that it was the "Spririt" who talked through Jesus the carpenter, now I do not know the bible as well as you but I do recall reading somewhere something to the effect of "...nobody will reach the kingdom of my father except through me..."

Why do we need to go through Jesus to become one with God? Surely we can "speak" directly to God? Or is this more a case of Jesus being our "Group Soul" or something similar?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Falcifer

Thank you for your Post...

You state above that it was the "Spririt" who talked through Jesus the carpenter, now I do not know the bible as well as you but I do recall reading somewhere something to the effect of "...nobody will reach the kingdom of my father except through me..."

The passage you refer to is…

No One cometh unto the Father except by Me and no One cometh unto Me lest he be drawn by the Father…

"Spirit" being “The True Mind” of LIFE.

Check out an ancient writing called “The Thunder Perfect Mind” you can find it on the net…

There are four sub registers to each program module…

The Upper Left is the "Program" Register often referred to as The Son of God or the "Word" i.e. the Program Language containing huge "Strings" of Glyphs or Letters hence the "Word of God".

The Upper Left Register is The "Control" Register often referred to as the Father.

If we look from the "Partition map", the Son is on the right hand of The Father.

The Lower Left is the "Data" Register (access to the Libraries of the Mind in The Soul.

The Lower right is the "Scratch Pad" Register where we Create…

This relates Not to the Carpenter but "The Son of MAN" or "The MAN Child"....
Drawn here.

It is like the "Mediator" between the 2 ends of The True Mind.
The above is an enlargement of the little Matrix in the Centre of the Souls Processing system “Partition Map” seen below.
Note The MAN Child or Son of MAN (not The Son of A’Dam) in the Centre.

It’s a bit like in the case of matter and anti matter coming together…

So "The MAN Child" keeps the two ends apart, to prevent the 2 opposite ends destroying each other.

This is why "The Son of MAN" (Not Son of A'Dam) or The MAN Child is called "The Saviour".

"The MAN Child" takes your communication of The Mind and then turns away from you to present it to The Father (Other End of your Mind)…
The Same also happens in reverse…

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 08:22 PM
Good post my friend, Always thorough

S & F

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:04 AM
Chapter 1 Verses 26 Quote;

Verse 26. Quote;

26, And God said, let Us make MAN
in our Image, after Our likeness;

God is NOT a Primate so He is NOT referring to A’Dam…

From “The Gospel of Thomas” Quote;

85. Jesus said, “Adam came into being
from a great power and a great wealth,
but he did not become worthy of you.
For had he been worthy,
he would not have experienced death.”

And God does NOT experience Death.

So MAN is NOT A’Dam but is in the Image of God…

Here is the base "Partition Map" of the "Operating System" of MAN The Soul.

Two bodies in fact exist….

a. A’Dam The Body of the “Primate” or “Flesh”.
b. MAN The Body of The “Soul”.

The LIFE of God said through The Carpenter, found in "The Gospel of Thomas" Quote part of verse 3 Quote;

When you come to know yourselves,
then you will become known,
and you will realise that it is you
who are the sons of The Living Father.

If you will not know yourselves,
you dwell in poverty
and it is you
who are that poverty.”


49. Jesus said, “Blessed are the Solitary and Elect,
for you will find The Kingdom.
For you are from it, and to it you will return.”

Jesus said, “If they say to you,
“Where did you come from?”

say to them, “We came from The LIGHT,
the place where The Light
came into being on Its own accord
and established Itself
and became manifest
through their Image.”

If they say to you, “Is it you?”

say, “We are its children,
and we are the elect of The Living Father.”

If they ask you, “What is the sign
of your Father in you?”

say to them, “It is Movement and Repose.”

So the above verses says we came from the LIGHT, Not A'Dam... So this can only refer to the True Mind and also the Body called The Soul.

A'Dam came from the Ground... Dust to Dust Ashes to Ashes etc.

The reason I say these things is because I was shown this from the other end of The True Mind through “The MAN Child”.

So I am Not so much Interpreting the writings but rather shedding Light on them, from what I have been shown through “The MAN Child” or “The Son of MAN” and not by the Species…

Also we never call The SON of MAN the Son of A’Dam…. I wonder why?
Perhaps because there is a difference…

With regard to Quote;

And God said let Us make MAN in our Image.

The word Us; in this text Refers to what God is…

See "The Gospel According to JOHN" Ch. 1 verse 1 to 13.

a. The “WORD” i.e. Communication (a “String” of Letters in a Processing System)
b. The LIGHT of Men (MAN) which is The LIFE of God (Not A’Dam as his Life is the Breath or air)

Verse 26 Continued… Quote;

And let them have domination
over the fish of the Sea
and over the fowl of the air
and over the cattle,
and over all the Earth,
and over every creeping thing
that creepeth upon the Earth.

This refers to MAN and NOT A’Dam as Jesus the LIFE of God said through Jesus the Carpenter,
According to “The Gospel of Thomas” Quote;

85. Jesus said, “Adam came into being
from a great power and a great wealth,
but he did not become worthy of you.
For had he been worthy,
he would not have experienced death.”

So where it says; Quote;

but he did not become worthy of you.
For had he been worthy,
he would not have experienced death.”

The word used “YOU”, has to refer to the entity dwelling in the body of The Soul and does Not refer to A’Dam as A’Dam was not worthy as the contact with the Soul was removed… i.e. cast out of Eden.

It is this Myth which the Species or Descendants of A’Dam (The Flesh) that they are MAN which lead to the abuse of other animals and the Environment…

Even though it is said that “The Flesh Wars against the Soul”…

I suppose this is why the Species does Not know or recognise the Soul as the Species is in denial of the Soul in its true form…

Next we take a look at the Corruption which has crept into these writings by the Scribes…

According to “The Gospel of Thomas” Quote;

39. Jesus said,

“The Pharisees and the Scribes
have taken The Keys of Knowledge
and Hidden Them.

edit on 1-4-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: spelling....

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by Serafine

Thanks for the post...

I did start again and that's why I am telling this story to you...

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Did you listen to the MUSIC ! ??? lol

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