posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 06:14 PM
We are a couple ...a couple of what you are all asking?
My husband and I have been lurking here for, well, several years now. We decided today to register and I'm hoping we won't regret it.
By way of introduction I will say that we are basically quiet, peace loving, truth-seeking, fairly enlightened, down to earth kind of people. It will
likely take us longer than most to rack up the 20 required posts as we are not the kind to post comments off the cuff. We will sit around for a while
and discuss it, think about it, discuss it some more and then decide if what we have to add is relevant.
As I said we have been lurking for a very long time and know that there are a lot of very good, intelligent and enlightened people here. We usually
enjoy reading the topics in general and anytime there are "big" issues happening in the world we always say, "let's see what they're saying on
So, Hello from both of us to all of you!