posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 03:51 PM
Okay, so I am WAAAAAAY late to this party. But I have a Wondermill Jr grinder that we put through the paces on an almost constant basis. We try to
avoid getting white flour (but do get a bit from time to time). We grind Whole Red Winter Wheat, and Oats, and occasionally rice.
From a baker's stand point, what changes have you noticed using different flours.
From what I have noticed thus far.... the oats require more liquid then white flour, and whole wheat requires more kneeding time. I haven't tried
rice flour in bread as of yet. Have you OP (Jude) noticed how different [grains/flours/dough mediums] react that are different than the white crap
flour (I use that term loosely)?
Would you mind putting a list here on how they are different; PLEASE AND THANK YOU. I already went through and copied all the bread recipes here,
that total 15 pages printed.